
Jedi in MCU

After killing Count Dooku, Anakin Skywalker flies back to Coruscant to see Padme, yet instead flies into a strange orange portal leading to an unknown world. How will the chosen one, alongside his Astro-mech, fair in the dangerous Marvel Universe? Don't Own Any Marvel or Star Wars characters. Hope you enjoy

Javier_Dejesus · Movies
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What is Star Wars?

[ Coulson POV ]

When the director sent me on this mission, I was prepared to see a fallen satellite or piece of meteor, maybe even an alien, as I have some experience in that area.

What I didn't expect in the slightest was to see Anakin fuckin Skywalker, a supposed fictional character who looks exactly like his comic book counterpart, maybe a little more handsome.

At first, I thought I was being played a trick until I looked around and saw the same look on Natasha's face as mine, and I knew this was the real deal, especially when he introduced himself and the famous R2-D2.

I wanted to run up and get an autograph, but as an Agent of Shield, I knew now was not the time.

We take Anakin into the SUV and drive to the quinjet to fly back to Washington and hopefully confirm whether this is real.

If it is, hopefully, everything goes okay when he finds out about Star Wars.

I will only want to turn him into Vader if he is close.

As I'm in my thoughts, I hear him ask

" So, Where am I"

[ Anakin POV ]

As we get out of the Jet, as they call it, I can't help but think about what I have heard about this planet called Earth.

At first glance, I could tell that they were very weird technologically.

They have some of the finest architecture I have seen in my travels as a Jedi yet their cruisers still travel on the ground.

They have no droids yet have an "Iron Man"; with such advancements, they still have conflicts with each other.

As I get out of my thoughts, I see we have arrived at a military compound. This Coulson leads me to a room and tells me they'll get to me shortly.

Not very hospitable if you ask me.

I don't wait very long as Agents Coulson and Romanov come in along with a new person wearing an eyepatch projected on a screen.


" Master Windu what happened to your eye"

I can feel his annoyance even without the force and realize that even though they look alike this isn't him.

" Mr. Skywalker this is Nick Fury and he is the Director of Shield. He is not Jedi master Mace Windu even though they look alike." Says Agent Romanov with a little chuckle at the end.

As Nick Fury is about to talk I ask a question that gets everyone in the room silent.

" How do you know Master Windu's full name I haven't spoken of it".

As I asked this question I could see them looking at each other not knowing what to say.

" Mr. Skywalker, not only do we know about The Jedi Mace Windu but we also know all about you, your past, and your future," says who I now know is nick fury

" How is that possible, as far as I can tell I haven't felt anyone force sensitive in this area and I know that no Jedi has ever visited this planet"

" Yes you are correct in that assumption, we have no force users as you might say but we do have a person who exists on this planet named George Lucas. I don't know how he has done it or if it was a coincidence but he has plotted not only your past but your future in a Movie Series known as Star Wars"

" What, can I meet him? Can I see this Star Wars? Also, do you know where I am in the galaxy?"

"We are trying to get in touch with him now and as for the star wars series I could get it to you if you would answer some questions of mine"

" As for your last question, I'm afraid that you are not in the same galaxy in which you reside, maybe not even in the same Universe. "

I try to calm down my bubbling emotions and agree to answer some questions.

" So tell me how does a supposed fictional being end up on Earth?"

As I go to answer him I suddenly start to hear an alarm sounding through the screen.

Fury's then starts speaking to someone in his ear piece and starts running out and the screen shuts off.

Coulson seeing this quickly gets on his phone and tries to find out what happened and Natasha quickly leaves the room.

Seeing this I can't help but think trouble is coming again.

" So Star Wars huh"

[ Nick Fury POV ]

Dammit, Aliens always causing trouble.

" Talk to me Doctor, is there anything we know for certain"

"The Tesseract is misbehaving"

" Is that supposed to be funny"

" Not only is the Tesseract active but it is also behaving"

" I assume you pulled the plug"

" The tesseract is an energy source even if I turn off the power it turn sit back on"

" Where's agent Barton"

" Up on his nest as usual"

" Barton Report"

" I gave you this detail so you can keep an eye on things. I got a fracking fictional space wizard who just touched down I don't need anything else going wrong today."

" I understand that sir but I see better from a distance"

" Did you see anything that might set this thing off"

" No ones come or gone, Selvigs clean so if anything did set it off it wasn't on this end"

" This End?"

" Yeah the cube is a doorway to the other end of space right. Doors open from both sides"

As he says that the Tesseract gives off a huge pulse of energy comes off the cube.

It continues to pulse until a portal is shot out of the cube and disappears bringing a person in it's place.

" Sir please put down the spear"

After I say that the alien shoots out a ray luckily Barton was able to push me out of the way.

The now hostile alien proceeds to kill both shield guards and scientists using throwing knives and his weird glowing spear.

Bullets are just bouncing off of him.

As I am about to get up I see him put the spear to Barton's chest and take him over.

While he begins to take over more agents I move to grab the Tesseract and retreat with it.

As I get up to leave I hear Loki say

" I still need that"

" This doesn't have to get any messier"

" Of course it does, I have come to far for anything else"

" I am Loki of Asgard and I am burdened with glorious purpose"

" Loki, brother of Thor" Selvig replies

" We have no quarrel with your people" I try to reason

" An ant has no quarrel with a boot"

" Are you planning to step on us"

" I come of glad tidings, of a world made free"

" Free from what"

" Freedom, Freedom is life's great lie. Once you accept that in your heart "

as he said that he begins to take over the doctor and finishes

" you will know peace"

" You say peace but I kinda think you mean the other thing"

" Director fury is stalling, this place is bound to blow" says Barton

" He's right the portal is closing in on itself, we have two minutes before it goes critical" Selvig affirms

" Well Then" Loki replies shortly before Barton shoots me and grabs the Tesseract

As they make their escape and I try to leave the facility I can't help but think of Carol and how I could use her help right now.

In my thought I hear a voice across the radio

" Looks like we missed a lot of the fun right R2"

As I make my way outside I see a space ship heading towards Loki and can't help but think that maybe my luck hasn't run out.