

Nine months later, Dewi Dlajah gave birth along with the setting sun. But strangely, the child was born in the form of a glowing clot of blood. Angel Ajajil took the blood and then took him to the Country of Kusniya Malebari.

Meanwhile, on the same day, Dewi Mulat gave birth first along with the rising sun. What was born were two children. One child is a normal baby, while the other is a beam of light.

Angel Ajajil came in unseen and then caught the beam of light and put it together with the sparkling blood that he brought from the Goddess Dlajah. By the will of God, the union created a baby boy, but his body could not be touched and always emitted light like a moonlight.

The Prophet Adam came and gave the names of his two grandchildren. The normal baby tangible was given the name Sayidina Anwas, while the bright baby tangible was given the name Sayidina Anwar. The prophet Adam predicted that Sayidina Anwas would later send down the prophets, while Sayidina Anwar would later refuse to follow his religion and choose his own way of life, but many of his descendants also became kings and great figures in the world. This made Sayidina Sis wavering and surrendered fully to God's destiny.