

One day, Sayidina Kabil came to meet Sayidina Habil at her home to ask that Siti Aklimah be divorced and handed over to her. Sayidina Habil actually really loved her eldest brother, but he also did not dare to violate his father's decision. Feeling offended, Sayidina Kabil challenged Sayidina Habil to make a sacrifice. Whoever receives the offerings is the one who has the right to marry Siti Aklimah. Sayidina Habil was willing to take on the challenge with the hope that her brother could get God's guidance so that he was aware.

So, the two brothers then prepare their respective offerings. Because Sayidina Kabil was a farmer, the sacrifices she served were tangible crops, such as fruits and crops. However, because it is miserly, what is chosen is bad fruits and crops, while the good are set aside for sale and use alone. Meanwhile Sayidina Habil was a breeder, so she sacrificed her pets. Because he is generous and full of faith, what he chooses as offerings are the best animals too.

Almighty God then sent fire from heaven to burn offerings offered by Sayidina Habil, as a sign that his sacrifice had been received. Sayidina Kabil was very upset and envious. Because his jealousy and jealousy had peaked, he took a stone and hit Sayidina Habil's head until it broke.

Seeing his sister die, Sayidina Kabil became confused and sad. He did not know what else to do. Suddenly he saw two crows fighting. The victorious crow then buries the dead crow in the ground. Feeling getting a clue, Sayidina Kabil buried the body of Sayidina Habil like that crow.

Sayidina Kabil then met Siti Aklimah to marry her. Siti Aklimah refused because she was afraid of violating the father's orders. Sayidina Kabil did not care, and she hit Siti Aklimah until she passed out, then took her to flee the country of Kusniya Malebari as far as possible.