

Patih Abisatya arrived at the Duhyapura Royal camp and reported to Prabu Durapati that Prabu Basupati had refused his application. Prabu Durapati scolded Patih Abisatya for speaking wrongly and offended Prabu Basupati. However, everything is already done. Prabu Durapati went to the Wirata palace to clear the misunderstanding.

However, Wirata, led by Patih Wakiswara and Raden Basumurti, was already on alert and immediately attacked Prabu Durapati's group. There was a battle between them. Prabu Durapati faced off against Raden Basumurti and captured him. Seeing his eldest son fall into enemy hands, Prabu Basupati also plunged into battle to help.

After fighting for a long time, King Basupati finally succeeded in arresting King Durapati. It was then that a crying girl appeared asking that King Durapati not be hurt. It turned out that the daughter was the daughter of Prabu Durapati from his previous wife, named Dewi Dalupi.

King Basupati was touched to see the child and he let go of his opponent. Prabu Durapati himself apologized and explained that Patih Abisatya had made a speech error when delivering a letter of application from him. He also said that he was the son of the late King Basukirata the previous king of Duhyapura, who was a friend of Prabu Basurata (Prabu Basupati's father).

Prabu Basupati remembered the story of his father who had visited Hindustan Land to help King Dasarata king Ayodya while holding a ceremony to take the Mushroom Dipa to get a son. On that occasion, Prabu Basurata also became acquainted with the kings of Hindustan Land, including Prabu Basukirata from the Duhyapura Kingdom.

Now, there are no more misunderstandings between the two parties. Prabu Basupati also received a proposal from Prabu Durapati who wanted to marry Dewi Kaniraras. Dewi Kaniraras herself is willing, but she wants her second marriage to take place after her sister (Raden Kaniyasa) is found.

Hearing this request, Prabu Basupati immediately sent Arya Darmaruci to go look for Raden Kaniyasa's whereabouts.