
Jaune Arc SI in the Multiverse (RWBY)

A person transmigrates into Jaune Arc and starts a new journey with Waifu Catalog. First Arc- RWBY World. If you like my work then please support me at- https://www.patreon.com/ankit1

Fortunate_Soul · Anime & Comics
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171 Chs


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"Drink this." He said as he handed the glass of chocolate milkshake to Sakura.

Except it couldn't be called a milkshake when it was mostly made up of his blood.

"What is this?" She asked as she sat in the only chair he had in his apartment. He might need to change that in the future. Get a bigger apartment or a whole new house.

Or he could just shack in with Kirashi. She and Ruby must get lonely in their large house.

"Something that'll make you stronger." He replied. His gaze drifted down and he stared at the somewhat fleshy globes that had formed into Sakura's chest and the rough hourglass figure that shouldn't be present in someone so young.

The Body Talent worked wonders for her. He wondered why it didn't do the same for Neo. He loved her but the girl was tiny and flat as a board. Okay, maybe not as flat as a board but her breasts were still nothing to write home about. Not that he loved her any less for that.

His hand moved forward and he caressed her breast through the fabric of her cloth, getting a shudder from her as she tried to finish the milkshake without spilling any of the liquid.

She didn't need to be so worried about spilling it.

Miltia and Melanie had reached 7th tier over 7-8 months ago, making his Dragon Blood useless for all of his wives except Jessie who was just a 2nd tier when he first bought her from the company.

But once Jessie had reached the 7th tier as well, he had no one else who could use his blood, which meant that he started saving it for any future waifus he might gather.

By now, he has over a thousand liters of Dragon Blood stored in the Cold Storage room.

About 450 liters of that blood could turn any 1st tier person to the 7th tier.

It'll take Sakura a while to drink so much of his blood but eventually, she'll get there.

She'll still not be their equal due to her lack of training and experience but thanks to the Talents he'd given all his companions, she'll learn and grow at a rapid pace.

She finished the milkshake and let out a sigh of content.

"That was good. Really good." She said.

Before she could say anything else, he pulled her by the waist and kissed her lips.

She tasted like chocolate with a heavy hint of his own blood.

She melted in his arms and let out a squeak and a moan when his hands reached behind her and grabbed her ass.

They separated and he looked into her lust-addled eyes.

"You are mine now. Do you understand that?"

She nodded, a heavy blush on her face as she looked away from him "Kirashi Sensei told me."

"Did she?" He asked as he took the moment to caress her body and enjoy the feel of his unmentioned conquest.

Sakura nodded.

"And what did she tell you?" He asked, taking a whiff of her scent. She smelled of sweat, arousal, a cheap perfume, some kind of shampoo, and grass.

"She told me that I belong to you from now on. That you're the head of my family and that I live to serve you from now on." She said, the smell of arousal increasing the more they talked. But…

What the hell Raven… sorry… Kirashi? Why the hell would she tell such things to a young teenager.

On second thought, he didn't know why he would ever expect good things from Kirashi when it came to matters like these.

People interaction was never her strong suit.

"I see." He said and turned her around so that he was sitting on the chair while the girl stood there, awkwardly trying to look at anything else in the room except for him.

Sakura was being… shy?

He grabbed her by the hips and took a sniff of her crotch.

She was getting really horny from just being alone with him in his room.

Maybe he should take care of that.

"Turn around." He ordered.

Sakura hesitated for the briefest of moments before she did as he asked of her and turned around.

"Lay down on the bed with your butt sticking toward me." He said.

Sakura turned her head to look at him, her face bright red as she blushed up a storm.

He raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. Waiting.

She did as was asked of her and laid on the bed, her butt raised in the air as if an offering for him.

"On your hands and knees girl." He said, enjoying the show and hoping that he had prepared a drink for himself as well.

Sakura nodded and went on her knees, present her fleshy rump to him.

He could smell her panties growing damp from here.

"Remove your pants."

She started to get up to do it but he stopped her from moving with his Telekinesis.

"Don't get up." He said "Do it while you're still on your knees."

She shuddered at his words, feeling even more aroused by now.

She thought that he was going to take her virginity.

She was ready for it.

Or that's what she thought.

But he was not going to fuck a 13-year-old girl no matter how tempting that might be.

That didn't mean that they couldn't have some fun until she grew up.

"Now." He said, his voice soft yet full of authority and she quickly lowered her pants before throwing them off to the side.

He sighed. He had hoped that she would make a show of it. He should have known better to expect such things from an inexperienced girl.

Well, he could now at least enjoy the sight of her large ass.

Hidden behind large pink underwear.

Yet another disappointment as he was expecting the lacy underwear that all his wives now wore.

He'll have to tell Neo to take her shopping after this. Tell Sakura which type of clothes he liked.

"Pull down your underwear now. Slowly." He said, noticing the growing wet patch on her underwear.

Sakura hesitated but she slowly took hold of her underwear with one of her hands and slowly pulled it down.

It wasn't sexy. It wasn't sensual. But it'll have to do for now.

He rose from his chair and could hear her breath getting heavier from the nervousness and anticipation.

He stood behind her, his base instincts telling him to unzip his trouser and start rutting with her at once.

He controlled that instinct and pulled the chair toward the bed and sat down once again, Sakura's pussy mere inches from him. Presented in such an enticing manner.

He took hold of her butt cheeks and spread them apart, wanting to get a better looked at her treasured holes.

Sakura clenched up, closing in her pussy lips and her pale rosebud.

Hmm… he needed something to loosen her up.

He thought about kissing her body and doing some more foreplay but if he took too long then he'll become horny and holding himself back from taking her virginity will be much harder.

So he simply leaned in lips her lower lips.

Sakura clenched and jerked away. Or she tried at least but the grip he had on her hips kept her in place.

The aroma of her arousal and the taste of her juices served to loosen some of his inhibitions and he started licking and sucking her pussy, getting restrained moans from the girl.

He put a moist thumb on her clit and gently started to rub it, getting another shudder from the girl as she clenched up once again.

He didn't let that stop him as he continued to lap and suck at her sensitive places, the perk 'Sticky Fingers' telling him what to do and how to do it.

It wasn't long before Sakura's back arched, her fists clenched, her legs shuddered and she squirted out her pussy juices, staining his jacket.

Once that was done, the girl lost her strength and fell on the bed, looking utterly spent.

Of course, he still had a hard-on that needed to be taken care of. So even if he wanted to, he couldn't let the half-naked girl sleep on his bed.

He allowed her to recover from the bliss of the post-orgasm before he pulled her hand until she was standing in front of him, a look of satisfaction on her face.

"On your knees."

She went on her knees and only when she was face to face with the bulge on his pant did she realize what he wanted her to do.

"Go on. You know what to do." He said as he read her mind, a bit surprised himself that she knew about blowjobs. Maybe people in this medieval world weren't as uninformed as he had first thought.

Or maybe it was a ninja thing?

He had no idea what the teachers taught the girls in the classes where the boys and girls were given separate lessons.

With shaky hands, she pulled down his trousers and blinked at the cock that sprang out and almost slapped her on the face.

She blinked again before she licked her lips and grabbed his cock with her fingers. As if it was something dirty. In her mind, it probably was.

He allowed her to play with his cock for a while until she got comfortable with it and started jerking him off.

That's not what he wanted.

"Lick it." He said.

She looked at him in disbelief and he raised an eyebrow.

She opened her mouth to speak but then thought better of it and closed it.

She nodded at him and looked at his cock with determination before she moved forward and gave it a tentative lick.

His cock twitched and jumped in her hand at the pleasurable sensation.

She gave a nervous smile and licked it a few times.

It was cute to watch but it was making him even horny and this was not what he wanted.

"Take it in your mouth." He commanded.

"O… okay." She nodded and leaned down to take the tip of his dick in her mouth.

"Be careful with the teeth." He said.

She gave a nod and slid her warm tongue around his cock and bobbed her head up and down.

She wasn't good at it but he was too high-strung to care at this point.

He bunched up her hair into a ponytail and grabbed it before he pushed her head down until his cock hit the back of her mouth and went down her throat.

It was tight. And warm.

Why hadn't he done this before?

She didn't gag. The perk 'Sexual Calibration' having removed any such thing from all his partners.

So even if she wasn't good at it didn't mean that he couldn't enjoy the blowjob.

He continued to push until her nose was buried up to his pubes.

Then he pulled his cock out and gave a thrust, going deep in her tight throat. His speed picked up and soon enough, he was jackhammering into her throat.

The sensation became too much and with one final thrust, he came inside his throat, his cock spewing cum after cum down her tight hole to her stomach.

He kept her there until his cock finally stopped jerking in her throat. Then he let go and allowed her to step back from him.

He took her chin and made her look up at him. "Do you know what it means to belong to me now?"

She gave a hesitant nod.

He scoffed and pulled her for a kiss.

They separated and he bopped her on the nose. "You don't Sakura. But you will. Though I should probably take you to meet the rest of my family soon enough."

She nodded, not saying anything.

He wondered if he went a bit too hard on her. Or if this whole thing was a mistake.

It probably was.

He'll have to make it up to her somehow.

"Hey, Sakura. How about a date?"