
Jasper Snow- The Lost Titan

“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.”

AtlasDemigod24 · Book&Literature
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12 Chs

Chapter 7

"Hello Hercules." Perseus spoke, his voice deep and dark. In his hands Anaklusmos glinted dangerously, waiting to attack. "Did you think this was so easy?" He taunted the strongest demigod to ever live, his obsidian eyes flashing in anger. "To come here and just pluck an apple from this tree." His face was twisted into a cruel sneer and he took a step towards the son of Zeus whom took a step back. It seemed as if Hercules was afraid of him, despite the gloating of all of his achievements.

"Fight me son of Zeus. We shall see who is truly the best fighter, which of us will fall." Percy growled as lightning flickered in the son of Zeus' hands. An arc of lightning shot down from the sky and slammed into Hercules club, before he thrusted the weapon at the son of Atlas. The powerful bolt of lightning did not impress Perseus. Instead he just merely raised his blade and let Anaklusmos absorb the charge. "I apologize Hercules. You will be unable to use your powers in this fight."

Hercules seemed confused, his eyebrows raising. But quicker than Percy expected he launched the club out of his hands and the heavy branch sailed towards the son of Atlas. Again, Perseus was not impressed. He was merely surprised by the sheer stupidity of the demigod before him. He knocked the club away from him, watching as it sailed towards Ladon and landed at his feet. Watching as the dragon curled around the tree asleep.

"Moron." Perseus insulted him.

Hercules growled in rage and charged him, shaking his head he rolled out of the way. He was not a great fighter as he claimed, not as great as a warrior as was said. he was nothing more than an untrained boy. One with lightning powers and an ego that he got from his father, Zeus lord of the skies.

The son of Atlas ducked under a meaty punch and effortlessly grabbed his forearm and threw him over his body and slammed him into the earth roughly. He laughed as Hercules groaned, "You are a fool son of Zeus." Hercules tried to rise but Percy planted his boot into the princes back and kicked him back onto his belly.

The garden of the Hesperides glowed as the moon began to rise, a silver hue washed over his body and he stared at Hercules who rose. He could feel the eyes of the Olympians on him, somehow they had gained access to viewing the garden and the fight between both Hercules and himself.

"The gods are interested in our fight." His voice resounded in Hercules ear. "How disappointed they must be." Again he laughed in the son of Zeus' face, glad the Olympians were watching there chosen one get his arse completely whooped.

Hercules was on his feet again and he turned to the son of Atlas, but instead of a laughing man. The warrior had the point of Anaklusmos to his throat before he could even react. Gulping nervously he tried to keep the man from cutting his throat and slicing his jugular. But when he tried to back up, Percy just took a step forward and kept the sword point in his throat.

"If the Olympians were not watching, I would slit your throat and be done with you. Hercules, you are truly not worthy to even live let alone step foot into my garden." He growled angrily. His eyes fluttered slightly and he hesitated. "But it is my job, maybe I should just kill you. After all, your father cannot meddle in mortal affairs and he is unable to reach the garden." One of his pulsing ebony eyes closed briefly, contemplating the decision.

"It is very tempting to spill your blood and my father would demand it. I am not sure..." He paused a grin lighting his features. "You know what, I might as well."

Hercules turned to a girl who looked very much like the man before her. "Help me..." He pleaded with her as the man contemplated whether or not just to kill him. A bow materialized in her hands and the girl, also known as Zoe Nightshade. She loved her brother very much, she did. She truly did. But she needed to and wanted to leave.

This garden was not for her and this man, this hero would be able to save her from it, take her away and give her a life. One that she desired so badly, plus her brother was just about to kill this man. Knowing him he would and there was no reason for it.

Zoe notched an arrow and took aim at her brothers sword arm. Just as he was about to move slightly and end the son of Zeus' miserable life she let her arrow fly. A perfect shot as the arrow pierced Percy's bicep. With a roar of pain, Anaklusmos dropped from his hands and clattered to the ground uselessly. Percy howled and his eyes turned towards Zoe in a murderous rage, his ebony eyes glowing in anger, pain and he was definitely hurt by her actions.

Hercules shoved him away from him and onto his back and took off. The son of Atlas was up in a few moments and went to take off after the son of Zeus but another arrow pierced his thigh and he tumbled to the ground in pain. Percy growled and glared angrily at Zoe who called after the son of Zeus.

"Take me with you."

"Do not worry my lady, I shall return for you."

Zoe smiled at his response and watched him leave. But now, she needed to make sure she was still here when he did return. Should her father find out about her actions she would be banished and the hero would not be able to find her. She needed to twist the blame onto something else or someone else, she needed to do this for her sake. She had to blame Percy she convince herself.

This was his fault anyways, he should not have toyed with the hero. Should have beat him and let him leave and now she has to do something.

Nearly less than an hour later both Zoe and Perseus were standing in front of their father Atlas as he carried the sky. He groaned but other than that he just stared at the two. "Father..." Perseus began but Atlas growled angrily at him. Effectively silencing him.

"Zoe tell me the story." Atlas asked his daughter.

"What!?" Percy exclaimed with an angry fire in his eyes.

"Silence Perseus!"Atlas snarled angrily, his temper flaring as his son shut his mouth.

"The son of Zeus..." Zoe spat hatefully and Percy was wondering where his sister was going with and why all of a sudden she went from helping him to hating him. "Approached the tree and just as his duties suggested Perseus stepped up and stopped him from continuing. But after the two had shared an exchange Perseus did not take his job seriously and Hercules knocked him away and approached the tree. Instead of stopping him he laughed and I forced the demigod to flee with my bow. When Perseus turned towards me in anger, I fired two arrows, effectively stopping him."

Perseus' jaw dropped in a stunned fashion. He had no response, did his sister just blame him. What was her endgame and why was she doing this to him? He snarled in his head but he was unable to speak. Atlas was glaring at him hatefully.

"You helped a hero, you let him past free?" Atlas roared and Perseus involuntarily took a step backwards. "How dare you?" Atlas roared shaking the ground around the three while Zoe smiled at him with a smug look upon her face.

Perseus shook his head but that only served to make his father angrier with him. "Do not lie!" He bellowed.

"Leave." Atlas growled.

"What?" Percy asked astonished.

"Leave now and never return, should you do Ladon will kill you and your sisters will strike you down." Atlas roared.

Perseus fell to his knees, tears enveloping his eyes.

"No." He croaked. "Listen to me please father." He begged of him.