
Jasper Snow- The Lost Titan

“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.”

AtlasDemigod24 · Book&Literature
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12 Chs

Chapter 6

A tall mans steps echoed soundly on the tiled surface. A blade screeching and dragging against the floor with an awful sound. The blade, a five foot long broadsword. The hilt completely black with only a crimson red jewel as the centerpiece. The blade itself, pure horrific beauty. The blade was pure glowing silver. Pulsating with power and energy that shook the ground beneath them. Edging the silver metal was a glowing crimson outline. As if the blade was edged and cooled in blood.

While the blade horrific, the man who bore the blade was even more terrifying. Tall, around seven feet. Powerful and well muscled. Dark midnight black colored hair. Along with visible scars adorning his flesh. His outfit horrifying crimson red tee shirt and dark black jeans allowing his powerful arms to be shown. A skull was depicted on the front of his shirt.

The most terrifying, the mans eyes. Crimson red, glowing with power and destruction. Power to destroy and wither anything before his eyes. As if nothing in his path could stop or deter him. The mortals around him screamed and ran at the sight of him. Brushing the mortals off, he continued forward. Walking easily through the lather large museum. Hopefully encountering the members of the quest along the way.

Catching sight of five odd people. He grinned horribly. Lust for blood and death clear in his eyes. Ready to kill any of those who crossed his path. Easier for him as these five had just fought a powerful monster. Making it easier for the deity to dispatch the fools with ease.

Chuckling, he thought to himself no one could fight against the Titans and live. The Titanomachy would reign once again and any would be foolish to fight against them.

Charging forward swiftly, he noticed one of the hunters of Artemis catch his eye. Her dark onyx black eyes widened. She signaled to the other four and aimed her silver bow at him. Another, younger around thirteen aimed a bow at him as well. He rolled his eyes as he picked his blade up effortlessly off the ground.

One of the girls, the daughter of Zeus he had been told about readied her spear as the other two. A son of Poseidon and a Satyr. Seemed terrified of seeing him. Before reaching the wary and exhausted five. He stopped an slammed his foot into the ground. An explosion of power and energy releasing from his body. As a shock wave of power slammed into the five. Flinging them backwards into the wall.

The ground itself had been ripped up from the destruction and force of his attack. The five quest members stood shakily. No completely harmful or serious threatening injuries. The Titan had to say he was impressed. The Huntress, lieutenant of Artemis herself as he was informed spoke clearly. Easily for him to hear.

"This is Perses, Titan of Destruction." At hearing recognition, he grinned in satisfaction. As well as his ego cranking a notch as three of the five quest members paled completely. Utterly scared and obviously thinking they were outmatched.

"Surrender questers." His voice boomed with power and energy. Forcing the five to their knees. "Or you shall die." He snarled. His body ready to kill those who chose to fight. His cousin Atlas ordered him to bring those who surrendered. Presumably to be executed as a sacrifice to Kronos in front of the goddess of the hunt. Atlas also wanted the lieutenant of the hunt. Perses assumed so he could kill his traitorous daughter himself. But Perses was allow to do with the other four how he wished. Unless they surrendered.

When none of them lowered their weapons despite being forcefully placed on their knees. Perses gave a booming laugh. "You are ignorant and mentally strong mortals, I will give you that." He snarled as he let the five rise. One thing the Titan of Destruction was not, a coward. He would let the five surrender peacefully. Or he would fight the five in a fair duel. Well not really fair as he was a Titan. But still, as fair as could be.

The daughter of Atlas rose. A look of fury and anger on her face. Perses raised and eyebrow, unimpressed with her small patience. Especially before her death. Or kidnapping. Whatever. The Titan charged forward. As a dozen arrows were sent his way before he could get ten feet closer. Raising his blade, all dozen arrows clanked uselessly off his blade.

Jumping forward with impeccable speed. The Titan backhanded the son of Poseidon out of the way easily. Sending the useless child powerfully into the railing. Which shattered from the force and speed in which the child hit it. His bronze blade flying and slamming against the ground. Its owner dead, Perses presumed. As if he somehow could have survived the fall. Or the glass piercing his back. Or his broken back as he most certainly would have broken huge pieces as his strength outmatched everyone's.

The son of Poseidon was dead. Eh, who cared. If he died that quickly he was useless anyways.

Turning to the other four. He smacked the useless Satyr out of the way. Not really caring to deal with him yet. Before he could react the daughter of Zeus drove her spear through his left arm. Not his sword hand and let huge volts of electricity course through his body.

The Titan snarled in pain and rage before slamming his fist straight into the daughter of Zeus' face. Shattering her nose as she flung backwards ten feet. Completely unconscious from the blow he had dealt. Perses was impressed with the speed and power in which the daughter of Zeus showed. The electricity should only have been like a small bee sting to him. But it had actually hurt and the spear was driven almost completely through his arm. Causing a rive of golden ichor to drip to the museums cold floor.

Perses growled as he pulled the spear from his arm with his sword hand. Having dropped the blade in the process and ignoring the other two huntresses. Whom seemed to be thinking of running and leaving the other three to die at the Titans hands. Well two, as he was sure the son of Poseidon was already dead. He growled as he snapped the spear in half effortlessly.

The crimson light in his eyes now completely murderous. The two huntresses seemed to be fleeing. As they were now a hundred feet from him. Edging slowly away, but keeping their bow on him and their eyes on him. Abandoning the Satyr and the daughter of Zeus. Cowards he roared inwardly. Abandoning your own comrades. How dare they? Sure he was sent to kill them, except the huntress. But even he had honor.

The two huntresses had just reached the stairs when the Titan slammed his fist into the ground. The ground rumbled and cracked in half as the staircase split from this level. Sending down crashing as the two huntresses fell with the rubble. Cowards he sneered. As they vanished, hopefully slamming into the floor underneath.

Perses eyes stared at the unconscious forms of the Satyr and the daughter of Zeus. Growling, the Titan of Destruction decided to leave the two be until he had dispatched the cowardly hunters. When the Titan of Destruction reached the fallen staircase. He grinned in satisfaction as he saw the two hunter of Artemis alone, completely unconscious from the fall. Blood leaking from their bodies. Not in life threatening ways. The immortal could tell that they had not died or would not die from their injuries. Until he finished them off.

Before the Titan could jump down on the lower level. A powerful weight and force slammed into his body. Throwing him backwards onto his back. Groaning he stood, wondering what mortal could toss him like a doll with such strength and power. Shakily he stood. Impressed with the power of who had thrown him.

When he stood and gazed at his attacker. His crimson eyes narrowed. A male version of the hunter of Artemis stood before him. Same, pitch black raven dark hair. The same dark onyx black eyes. Only his filled with immense and utter less power. Glowing with a dark and sickening energy that gave him the chills. As his eyes shined with anger rage and a hunger to defeat the Titan of Destruction.

The lone male had no weapons on him. Perses had his long broadsword. Also, he was a Titan and this man a mortal. No way he could lose a fight to this puny man. But with impossible speed the lone man charged forward and before Perses could even help himself. A fist slammed into his law with unbelievable power and strength. Perses was thrown backwards onto his back once again. Standing groggily. He could not believe the mortal had managed to be that fast and hurt him so easily. He massaged his jaw. Feeling cracks and fractures in the bone.

His eyes widened. No mortal should be able to hurt a Titan like that. The man laughed humorlessly. Rage making his body shake as he watched the male clench his fists in a horrifying manner and the Titan was ashamed to admit he was scared and utterly terrified of the mortal that stood before him. Perses blade had been flung the opposite direction of him with the punch. Making him unable to reach the blade without going through the male.

"No one harms my family." He snarled. His voice exploding with pure rage and power that forced the Titan to his knees. Making him forcefully remain at the males will. The Titan of Destruction could not believe he was outclassed in power by this male.

The power in which this man possessed was completely and utterly scary. Family. That meant the huntress was his sister. Atlas had told him of his son. Perseus. Also, the power and speed in which he held. The prowess he had in battle and Perses was even more terrified of the man.

The Titan knew that he would not win this battle. Actually, he seemed to already have lost.

The son of Atlas took powerful steps towards him. Shaking the earth to the core with each slam against the floor. Perses was frozen as the son of Atlas slammed his fist into his gut. Perses doubled over in pain. Big mistake as Perseus brought his knee up with a shattering force. Once again Perses was thrown onto his back as he heard a loud and painful snap as he screamed. Ichor pouring from his broken nose.

The power and strength behind each blow when enrage easily outclassed even his father. Perhaps that's why Atlas seemed nervous that no one had caught wind of him in millenia. The son of Atlas towered over him.

Falling to a knee, he slammed fist after fist. Quickly and powerfully into the Titans face. Shattering his cheeks bones, skull, jaw more than once and completely shattering his nose. The Titans mouth dribbled golden ichor as a river of gold liquid spewed from his nose.

"Remember this day Titan. Take it as a lesson. No one harms my little sister. No one or they die. Enjoy Tartarus scum." He snarled in a sickening and pleased tone at the pleasure he would take from sending this Titan into the depths of Hell. From no where. Perseus pulled a long pitch black scythe into his right hand. Before an identical scythe appeared in his left. Holding the handles, an evil and sickening smile on his face. he drove the scythes points into the middle of Perses body.

Ichor spewed as with unimaginable strength he pulled outwards. After a few seconds. He snarled with anger and exploded even more forcefully outwards. Pleased at the sickening scream from the Titan as he ripped the Titan purely in half. Golden ichor splashing Perseus' face. As the Titan of Destruction's body exploded into golden dust and the only thing left except golden ichor and dust was the Titan's blade.

The encased Perseus walked forward. Gold liquid dripping from his face in a terrifying manner. He lifted the blade slowly from the ground. Feeling a sensation of power course through his veins as well as Pleasure and comfort in holding the blade. He held the blade towards the areas in which Perses had destroyed. With a crimson red color the destruction caused mended itself. Then he raised the blade in the air letting his weapons vanish to where he stored them.

Perseus walked over to the Satyr first and the daughter of Zeus. Shocked by her beauty. Even with a crushed face. Touching her nose, he let a dark power flow through him and encase the daughter of Zeus before letting the power encase the Satyr with a soft groan from the two as their injuries vanished and they sighed and fell into a more restful sleep.

However, the daughter of Zeus' eyes snapped open as Perseus turned his back to her. Checking to see on the son of Poseidon. She raised her hand and a weak bolt of lightning coursed from her hand catching Perseus in the back. The son of Atlas froze. Not angry as he knew the daughter of Zeus thought he was the enemy.

Turning around, not even hurt or injured from her shock. Realization dawned on her face. Perseus knelt down and looked in her beautiful electric blue eyes evenly with his dark onyx black eyes. "You're the man from Maine, you're her brother." She said weakly and dimly.

The son of Atlas chuckled. Before whispering, "Sorry." Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as Perseus touched her forehead. Forcing her to fall into a peaceful and restful sleep. Quickly he stood and turned around. He needed to check on the son of Poseidon and make sure the fool was still alive. Perseus ran to where the railing had been shattered and saw the son of Poseidon eagle spread on the ground. Either painfully unconscious or dead.

Honestly, the son of Atlas thought he was dead. No way should he have even survived the blow from Atlas and the railing, let alone the fall.

With a hunters grace and agility he jumped over the edge. Rolling before his legs hit the ground and he came up standing. He touched the son of Poseidon's pulse and to his utter astonishment felt a small and weak pulse. though his injuries were severe. Perseus had no clue if he could actually heal him. But he reached down and pressed his hand against the child's forehead.

A minute later Perseus fell to his knees exhausted and completely encased in a layer of sweat. His breathing was heavy. It took a huge portion of his power to heal and save the son of Poseidon. The child should feel lucky. He should be dead right now. Tiredly, Perseus picked up his now healed body and led him up to the daughter of Zeus and the Satyr on the completely fixed stairs.

Dropping him softly on the ground. Now, he had to deal with his sister and the other huntress Bianca.

Sliding down the railing of the stair case like a child. He grinned amused as he walked over to the two unconscious huntresses. Placing a hand on their foreheads. No significant injuries so they basically used none of his power. Thankfully as the son of Poseidon needed most of it.

Lifting the two females forms and carrying them over his shoulders up the stairs. He set them down near Thalia and away from the Satyr and son of Poseidon.

Saving the quest members brought a smile to his face as he watched them rest peacefully. Shocking.

A smile from him nowadays was rare.

Should he stay until they awake. Nah. He thought to himself. Saving not only them the trouble but him of his sister attacking him or whatever. He hardly cared, just happy they were all alive.

Then he vanished. Just as the daughter of Zeus' eyes snapped open once again.