
Jack-of-all-trade, The Skill Borrower

Warning I lost most of my work for this, just the writing would have sucked but I also lost my huge amount of planning and its too much work to try and rebuild what I was writing, so I’ve stopped writing this and started a new novel. It’s very different from this one though, but if you’d still like to support me it’s called “For I will be the war Empress.” I am a student though so posting stories won’t really be on a fixed day but I’ll try my best. Anyways, thank you for reading this. The world is at its peak of technology, Many things that seemed unachievable were now at arms length. Yet even now, Money is still what really controls the world and the people. Those who have too much time began to spend time in a virtual reality game that is so vast and open, that there are still many places that haven't been open. This game was called The Lands of Oasis. L.O for short. Like many others, this man has a hard time with money, earning minimum wage from a local convenience store, which he hates, but he needs to pay rent after all, but he's not self absorbent, he was also working to pay off his dead father's debt, and mother's hospital fees. He was once a top player in RPG games but now, he has no choice to live by working until he spotted a great deal with the game he has always wanted to try, A boarding house for gamers, specifically for L.O players. The male managed to get a deal with only having to pay 30% the amount that was meant to be paid for half a year, room and gaming equipment and food included, he rushed to take the chance. Earning money however he could within the game, Even getting a legendary and one of a kind class. Without realizing it, his job slowly became something he truly loved, now slowly aiming for the title of number one player. Yet what if there was something else that was brought with his luck, while in a random party, a member suddenly acts weird before logging off. The next day, they were found killed. At first, the boy wasn’t going to mind it, but the moment he witnessed his own companion, he himself felt he had to find out what happened, both inside, and outside the game.

Lo_ngl · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
67 Chs

01 14 - The Sun Points to a New Tomorrow

"Now let's see where the world takes me now." Once back in the city, I looked around seeing that most people have gone to sleep, now it was mostly the international players. There were still a lots but seemed to be less than earlier.

I walked through the crowd and back to the middle, waiting for the sun to come up from behind the city walls. I sat down at a nearby bench knowing I had to have a view where I would see the whole statue. Beasts and small animals were waking up, and living in a huge city, it felt nice to hear the birds rather than the roars of cars and trains. Though I did jump when one of the beasts in the forest howled loud enough for me to even hear.

Other than that, the sunrise was beautiful. I stood up as the ray of sunshine began to seep through from behind the walls. I watched the sun come up, blinding my eyes for a moment before looking away and just watching where the sun hits the statue.

The rays from the sun was making the statue shine and same with the surfaces all around, I kept close eyes to the marking, and once the sun shined onto the mark directly, at first nothing happened, I walked around the statue then realized there was light coming out of the finger of the statue.

Following where the light pointed, it hit a spot on the compass looking ground, which was towards the North East on the compass. I found a way to take a picture in game and quickly took a picture because after one minute of showing which way to go, the light disappeared and the sun was now at full view above the walls.

"Well, I guess I know where to head to next."

Opening my inventory to make sure I had some healing potions and such, I went to buy some more food, now only having around 30 gold coins, I clenched the coins in my hand before putting them away again, letting out a small sigh.

"God this game, I can't help but spend money, luckily I already took out the amount that I was going to use to pay most of the hospital fees."

I headed out to the closest gate going North East, bad thing was, I had to go through the forest before I could reach the Sparth Plains. Was I going to die? Highly likely, but now leveling up to 22, I probably had a higher chance of surviving. I took a deep breath before walking out of the Northern gate and immediately being attacked by a small dragon like animal, It was green like the forest trees, but seeing how small it was, it was probably still a baby.

I basically had to rip it off my face as I let out a small pained sound as I stared at the animal in my hands. It had it's front arms as it's wings and it had a long sturdy tail. Semi long ears that looked as if they were horns. At first I thought it was a dragon, but seeing it closely it was clearly a Wyvern.

"I knew the forest hates me but what the hell? Already?!"

I grumbled as nearby people looked at me strangely, I didn't like the attention so I just hurried off into the forest. So far so good.

I threw the tiny Wyvern into a bush before continuing my walk, Beasts would come out of nowhere to hit me before running off again. At first it felt scary but now I was just getting annoyed. I was tempted to kill them, but then I thought if I did wouldn't that just make them hate me more?

This was so painfully annoying. Then this thing! It keeps following me! It was like a chihuahua with how tiny it was but acted like it was the strongest thing in the world. Every time I threw it into a bush, at some point it'll always come back.

"Don't you have a mom or something? It'll kill me if you keep following me."

It just stared at me while sitting in my hands before it turned around and started nibbling on my hand. I felt my eyebrow twitch a bit before I just took a deep breath and decided to let it do whatever, but I was still getting annoyed by the other animals and beast coming out of nowhere.

"What if I just.."

I pulled out my sword, then slashed a nearby tree at least 3 times before it fell down creating a huge ruckus. All the nearby beasts stopped then ran off. Even the Wyvern in my hand stopped biting me and just stayed clinging to my right hand.

"I guess that can scare them enough even if they hate me so much."

The time was around 8am now, I was feeling a bit hungry so searched for a spot to just have my character log out on. I walked and looked around for a moment then saw a nearby stream. I walked over there, still trying to shake the animal off my hand.

"Other than trying to kill me, the company was nice but can you go?"

I sat down on a fallen log by the stream. It's not like in game food can actually help me feel full.

"I'm leaving, go back to your mom."

I placed my hand on my lap while the animal sat there starring at me suddenly licking my finger. God it was kind of cute, but it's bothersome.

I had to peel it off my right hand and placed it on the log. I stood up and just stared at it before logging out.

everywhere around me went white, then the light slowly lowered and my view was the inside of the Silver Mind. I walked out of the gaming machine and walked downstairs, suddenly seeing Lisa there awake already with coffee as we just stared at each other in the most awkward way either.

"Uh- good morning Lisa."

I waved at her then walked over to the fridge to get some left over food from last night, whatever that may be.

"Well, you're awake early."

She spoke as I made a ehh sound before shaking my head and putting the food into the microwave.

"Well, I haven't slept actually, but what about you? Why are you awake?"

I asked waiting for the food to finish heating up.

"Well, I have work, in a bit. I'm gone every morning to work? Do you not realize that?"

She asked as I stared at her, still processing what she said.

"oh- that makes sense-"

I spoke sleepily before grabbing the food and a spoon before heading back towards the stairs.

"we'll have a good day, I'm going to play more then sleep."

I waved and she waved back before I slowly made my way back to my room. Sitting on my bed, it was tempting to just lay down as now the tiredness was getting to me, but I wanted to get out of the forest first before taking a rest.

I ate quickly, sitting there for a rest, then going back downstairs with all my past dishes and cups that I left in my room and placed them in the dish washer. I drank some water then waved goodbye to Lisa who was leaving for work, before going back to my room to start playing again. I stretched a bit then got back into the game.

After a bit of waiting, The water rushing and the sound of the breeze came to my ears, then I looked down to the log I was sitting at earlier and saw the wyvern still there, laying down and sleeping. I stared at it slightly confused before poking it's side, it woke up, it's golden eyes looked at me before biting the finger I used to poke it. I quickly pulled back with a small scream.

"Ow you little gremlin!"

I shouted, but at the same time, it was really cute how it stayed there and waited for me. It flew upwards for a little bit before starting to fall, I quickly moved my hand to catch it as it landed on my hand, taking his spot back onto my right hand and just hugging my thumb with with his wing arms and his small baby body fitting so well on my hand.

"Do you not have a mother?"

It looked at me before biting me again, this time hard enough to make me bleed. I shouted in pain then proceeded to try and shake it off my hand, but it only gripped harder.

"you're like a brat!"

I grumbled before giving in. I sat down on log, pulling out a snack I bought back in town and some beef jerkey. The moment I pulled out the beef jerkey, the little thing looked so hungry I couldn't say no to it and ended up giving it all of the beef jerkey which it ate without a problem.

"...You know what, since I'm so nice I'll let you come along."

I looked at it as it ate the jerkey on my lap. Tilting my head as now I wanted to figure out what to name it since I didn't want to keep calling it, well, it. I picked it up in attempt to find out what gender it was but, I couldn't really see any defining features.

"hn, why are names so hard?.."

I thought for a moment, well it's green, it flew to my face, like a... like a leaf!

"Leaf, that's your name now."

Suddenly a bright light shined on it's face then on the bite mark he left on my thumb. some of my blood then some of his saliva went up into the air in front of me, both of us watching it being so mesmerized.


It then began to mix together before it became a green pearl with a black cherry blossom print on it. It dropped onto my hand and I looked down at Leaf, a marking with the same black cherry blossom went on the middle of his face before slowly disappearing.

"what- what the hell was that?"

The two of us just stared at each other before I stared at the pearl. I then tried to put it away into my inventory but it wouldn't let me.

"There has to be a way to analyse it right?"

I guess saying the word analyse made the system trigger.


Class isn't able to use the skill analyse.

Please find a merchant or player with the analysis skill.


I stared at it before letting out a sigh, I didn't want to lose it since clearly it's connected to leaf.

"I need to find a string or something.."

When I said that, Leaf looked up at me as if it knew what I said, then suddenly ran up to one of the nearby trees. I watched the animal fight with another animal that looked like a squirrel before running back over holding something that looked light white string.

"oh, well, I guess that works. Thanks."

I patted the thing's head and it made a small noise, it was like a small pet and I can't believe I'm admitting this, but I was beginning to fall in love with it. I began to wrap the string around the pearl to make sure it wouldn't fall, then I wrapped it around my left wrist, now having a bracelet.

"Okay, that should do it, let's hope I did a good enough job."

Well now there's another thing to do, find out what just happened but for now, it's time to head out of this forest. I stood up and the wyvern quickly positioning itself in my right hand. I guess by using it's tail it didn't have a problem staying in my hand without me having to have my hand out for it to stand on. I looked down at it before walking.

"off to Sparth fields we go leaf."

I smiled and continued on my way through the forest, having to use my sword to block the sudden attacks of random beasts that would come out of nowhere. Getting closer to the next destination.

To be continued...