
izigans: unending war of the Galaxy

Vicky_styles · Sci-fi
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5 Chs

chapter two

The year 2085 held immense significance. It marked the thirty-fifth anniversary of the Tranamite defeat, a milestone that resonated deeply with humanity. Earth had undergone a remarkable transformation, having fully recuperated from the ravages of war. Statues commemorating the five valiant Izigans, credited with infiltrating and dismantling the Tranamite ships from within, stood as poignant reminders of that fateful victory. This day was etched into the collective memory of Earth's inhabitants.

Within this tapestry, Dave stood as one of the Izigans' descendants. However, his perspective differed significantly. Dave's life as an Izigan weighed heavily on him, seeming to be a path marred by remorse. At Grayham's School in Washington D.C., precisely at 2:15 PM, Dave's final level classes had just concluded. Uniquely preferring solitude, he typically lingered behind while his peers departed. This day, though, curiosity prompted some boys to wait alongside him. Occupying the back rows, they observed Dave, seated closer to the front.

As time wore on, it became evident that the boys weren't leaving anytime soon. With resolve, Dave headed for the door situated at the class's forefront. Swiftly exiting, he hurried home to elude the bullies who tormented him. In a school where he was the solitary Izigan amidst a rising tide of resentment towards their kind, Dave's existence was an anomaly. His prominent tattoo revealed his heritage – born of an Izigan mother, uncertain about his father, who vanished from his life at a tender age. His mother provided scant information, indicating his father's permanent absence.

Dave grappled with recurring nightmares, though their contents remained elusive upon waking. Their ominous nature was undeniable, and each night's terror lingered in his subconscious. At school, Dave faced recurring encounters with the same bullies. Lacking any means of defense, escape became his only recourse.

In the midst of a world that had ostensibly embraced harmony and restoration, Dave's journey was marked by isolation, fear, and a profound sense of being an outsider.

Dave resorted to wearing long-sleeved clothes to deflect undue attention as he made his way to school. At sixteen, an age when his Izigan powers should have manifested, Dave remained an anomaly. Wrestling with his identity as an Izigan, he felt trapped in a reality he never asked for.

One day, overwhelmed by the bullies' torment, Dave resolved to confront them. Strangely unafraid, he arose from yet another night plagued by his recurring nightmare. Casting his gaze on his father's necklace, a treasured memento from a distant memory, he wore it with purpose. Following his morning routine, Dave approached his mother, who was busy preparing breakfast. Donning his best attire, he sat down to eat the generous breakfast she had prepared.

"Good morning, Mom," Dave greeted, his urgency evident. "I need to head to school quickly, so I won't be able to eat too much."

His mother responded with a firm resolve. "Hold on, not so fast. You're going to eat while I watch. Today's classes will likely be long, so eat properly. Sit."

Presenting him with a substantial meal of chicken, waffles, and milk, she continued, "I made this for you. It's important to start your day right, especially considering the length of your classes."

Dave, surprised by the abundance before him, expressed his concern. "Mom, isn't this a bit too much for breakfast? I'll likely doze off in class, and it seems extravagant. This could probably last me until lunch. I hardly have five minutes to get to school."

Unyielding, his mother retorted, "I didn't cook for dogs. You'll finish that meal right here, in front of me. You're not leaving until you're done."

After fifteen minutes, Dave found himself on his way to school, sixteen minutes late. The specter of embarrassment loomed, but Dave was accustomed to this by now. He had a tried-and-tested excuse involving his mom's role in his tardiness. Arriving at school, Dave steeled himself for the inevitable.

As he entered the classroom, Miss Edith was in the midst of teaching, her attention momentarily diverted. "Before I forget, let me introduce you all to our new transfer student from india, Lola," she announced. All eyes turned toward the back of the class, where Lola sat. She exuded a striking beauty that left the boys in awe. To their surprise, she had been there the whole time, an enigmatic presence.

Notably, Dave's seat remained vacant, an inviting opportunity for the bullies to seize upon. Eying the chance to sit closer to Lola, Derek, one of the bullies, moved to occupy Dave's seat. Miss Edith took advantage of the moment for a jest, provoking laughter from the class. "So, Dave isn't in class yet. Let's see, he'll probably blame his innocent mom again."

Just as Dave walked in, the laughter subsided, awaiting the impending exchange between him and Miss Edith. She continued, her tone laced with humor, "So, tell me, Dave, were you late again? Is your mother the cause this time?" Laughter erupted anew, with Lola observing Derek, the bully, joining in mirthfully.

As the laughter dwindled, all eyes turned to Dave, who remained silent. The unexpected happened – Dave, who was often a target for ridicule, defied expectations. "I don't wish to tell you. Can I go to my seat now?" he retorted to the surprise of Miss Edith and the entire class. It was as if he were a different person speaking.

Lola, keenly observant, recognized the context and offered a smile of understanding. Dave exited the classroom upon receiving a nod from Miss Edith. Curious gazes followed him as he walked with purpose to his seat. Ignoring Lola, he remained focused, prepared for the day ahead.

However, lola's gaze lingered on Dave for a few moments, to the extent that she accidentally nudged a book from her desk. Swiftly reacting, both Dave and Lola reached for the falling book simultaneously, their hands brushing in an unplanned connection.

Dave's gaze lingered on the person he had just assisted, and he was captivated by what he saw. Lola's beauty was spellbinding, surpassing any he had encountered before. "Thank you," she expressed her gratitude.

"You're welcome, anytime," Dave responded, his words tumbling out in a rush, betraying his nervousness. Meanwhile, Derek, burning with jealousy, watched the interaction. He too harbored intentions of conversing with Lola.

When class concluded, Dave departed early, causing some surprise among his peers. Retrieving his belongings from his locker, he noticed a peculiar object. Memories resurfaced of a past incident during a field trip to Spain. The day had started with the admiration of Spain's architectural marvels, but turned ominous when Dave found himself in a confrontation with his bullies – Derek and his cohorts. Amidst their squabble, an explosion heralded the arrival of an Izigan, a formidable creature in its own right. The clash between the Izigan and a monstrous Tranamite unfolded in a terrifying spectacle.

As chaos reigned, the Izigan's attention shifted to Dave. "It's you," he uttered cryptically, leaving the young boy baffled. The Izigan, wielding a long blue-bladed sword, dispatched the Tranamite, but was fatally wounded in the process. The Izigan's dying words mystified Dave, who held an object with markings – a strange memento handed to him.

Dave's pocket now held this enigmatic object. Closing his locker, he found Derek and his gang approaching menacingly. Faced with imminent confrontation, Dave's mind raced to find a way to elude them. He bolted from the school, his pursuers close behind. Determined to shake them off, Dave plunged into unfamiliar alleys and corners, striving to outwit his tormentors.

Amid the chase, Dave's thoughts were solely on escaping the bullies. He darted into places unknown, hoping to lose them in his desperate attempt to evade their relentless pursuit.

After an extended walk, Dave found himself at a dead end, with no escape route in sight. His pursuers caught up to him, trapping him once more. Summoning his courage, Dave attempted to walk past them, but one of the bullies shoved him, causing him to stumble. Another push sent him crashing to the ground, and in the process, the enigmatic round object fell from his pocket.

Seeing this as an opportunity to torment Dave further, the bullies began kicking the object amongst themselves, with Dave frantically trying to retrieve it. Consumed by frustration and anger, something inside Dave suddenly took over. His hand's tattoo emitted a faint glow, and he exerted an unexpectedly powerful push on one of the bullies, propelling him a considerable distance until he collided with a nearby wall. The force of this action left Dave bewildered, struggling to comprehend what he had just done.

His companions, equally astonished, retaliated by shoving Dave to the ground, subjecting him to a barrage of kicks. Amid the onslaught, Dave seemed to enter a dissociative state, as if transported to another realm. In this surreal landscape, the sky was dark, and an expansive rocky terrain stretched before him. After a brief moment, he returned to reality, only to witness himself being pummeled. The pain was overwhelming, and in his anguish, he cried out.

Suddenly, a voice shattered the chaotic scene – a girl's voice calling out to stop. The unexpected source was Lola, who had followed Dave and witnessed the brutality. Astonishment etched on the faces of Derek and his cohorts, their torment paused as they processed her intervention. Dave himself was equally stunned by her presence.

Stepping forward, Lola firmly addressed the bullies, "Leave him alone. Nobody should be subjected to such harm." Her voice carried a weight of authority, demanding attention and respect. The situation hung in the balance, tensions palpable in the air.