
Izayoi: Vector Control(dropped)

I died and woke up in a void. In front of me was a screen asking me to choose 3 powers. I made the obvious choice and picked Vector Control, Code: Unknown, and the Kaleidoscope. Now I'm going to go through the multiverse and do what I want. This is mostly just for me to have some ideas I had when I'm bored written down, don't take this too seriously, it's my first time writing. Expect a wish fulfillment story of someone somewhat similar to Sakamaki Izayoi in personality, however there will be differences as well.

DanteMustDie · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


July 17th 2010

'Kid Flash, Robin, and Aqualad decided to go try to recruit Speedy to the team, but I didn't feel like following them for a futile effort. My time is better spent working to get even more powerful.'

I had finally managed to make some progress with using Aurora Pillar. It wasn't much, but I had managed to pull a sliver of power from within myself. For just a few days of progress, that was good enough for me.

I had thought about using the Kaleidoscope to get more powers, but for the moment I decided I needed to work with what I have now before adding more on. I still need to actually succeed in bringing out Aurora Pillar, along with trying to reach awakening with Vector Control. The other option was to try to get some Vibrainium or Adamantium to make a hero suit out of, but it would be mostly redundant at the moment with Vector Control serving as my main line of defense. Plus, I didn't really feel like wearing a suit, I could get by in just regular clothes. I did use Kaleidoscope for one thing, which was to jump to A Certain Magical Index and grab a bunch of the shirts Accelerator wore after his injury. If I was gonna be going by Accelerator, I thought I should at least look the part.

'Well time to get back to work.' I thought and continued to practice.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Recognize Accelerator B07

I walked into the cave and looked around. Just as I arrived, it looks like Red Tornado is walking away from the Team asking for a mission. Walking up to them I ask "what's going on?"

Robin angrily exclaims "Tornado won't give us a mission. They're treating this team like it's a social club. 'Keep busy' he says. Does he honestly think we'll fall for that?"

M'gann takes the chance to chime in "ooh I'll check." She turns towards Tornado and focuses before saying "Sorry, I forgot that he's inorganic."

I take this chance to nip the entire mind reading problem in the bud now "M'gann just so you know you probably shouldn't reach out to people's minds on earth unless they're enemies. Its frowned upon here."

M'gann looks surprised for a moment before nodding her head in acceptance.

"Anyways, I'm barely in this cave so why don't you guys show me around" I ask trying to distract them from the lack of a mission.

"Ooh me and Superboy can show you around, we live here." M'gann says.

"Cool let's go instead of standing around here."

As we begin to walk deeper into the cave, I hear Aqualad mutter "And now we tour the clubhouse."

We spend a little while just walking around with M'gann commenting on what everything is. Kid Flash makes some offhand comments in his attempts to woo her, but they all fall flat. It goes much like the show with everyone commenting on the secrecy of the base until M'gann suggest we ride on her ship. Without her attempt at telepathically talking to Superboy, he's a lot less moody as we board the ship.

As the ship prepares to take off, M'gann uses the intercom to say "Red Tornado please open the bay doors." We then take off, with M'gann showing us some tricks with her ship.

"Incredible" Robin exclaims, which is immediately followed by Kid Mouth's "She sure is... I mean the ship, ships are she's."

Robin laughs as he says "Fast with his feet not so much with his mouth. Hey, how about showing us some Martian Shapeshifting?"

M'gann nods before standing up and shifting her clothing and appearance to a female version of Robin, Kid Flash, and myself.

"Is it wrong I think I'm hot?" Wally asks.

"I mean you do you" I reply.

Before anything else can happen we get a call from Red Tornado, "Red Tornado to Miss Martian. An emergency alert has been triggered at the Happy Harbor Power Plant. I suggest you investigate covertly. I'm sending coordinates."

"Received. Adjusting course." M'gann says.

Robin scoffs. "Tornado's keeping us busy again."

M'gann replies optimistically. "Well, a simple fire led you to Superboy. We should find out what caused the alert."

All of a sudden a tornado slams into the ship, with M'gann struggling to control the ship before finally landing us in the parking lot. We all get out of the ship and move towards the power plant which appears to be the source of the tornado.

"Robin are tornados common in New England" Aqualad asks, but when he doesn't get a response he looks around and realizes Robin is gone.

We all run towards the plant and find Robin inside fighting with a robotic man.

"Who's your new friend?" Superboy asks.

"Didn't catch his name," the clone jumps at the villain. "but he plays kinda rough." he finishes.

"You may call me Mr. Twister" the robotic man says.

He creates two tornados and points them at Superboy, but I step forward and manipulate the vectors to cancel the tornados.

Superboy takes the opportunity to charge the man, knocking him into the air with an uppercut. In the air Mr. Twister creates more tornados pointed directly down, slamming Superboy into the ground, leaving an indent. I once again cancel the tornados, allowing Superboy to get to his feet.

While Mr. Twister was focused on us, Robin managed to sneak behind him and throw his birdarangs at his exposed back, detonating them when they hit him. Mr. Twister was knocked out of the air back onto the ground, where Aqualad charged him and slammed into him with a water construct hammer. Miss Martian then appears from her cloaked form and throws him into the air and drops him back down with her telekinesis.

As Mr. Twister lays there, the chest panel opens and a man falls out. Before anyone else could react, M'gann lifts up a slab of concrete and drops it onto the man, crushing him.

Similar to the Cadmus mission, Robin gets angry and exclaims "Don't know how things are done on Mars, but on Earth we don't execute our captives!"

M'gann seems unconcerned and says "Have some faith in me." She then proceeds to lift the concrete, showing that the man was, in fact, an android. "I couldn't read his mind, so he was inorganic like Red Tornado."

I looked at her for a second before thinking 'I'm not gonna mention the fact that people can be immune to telepathy and there was a very real chance she could've killed a man. Better for all their mental health.'

Wally steps forward and picks up his eyeball, saying "Cool souvenir."

Everyone else decides to go back to the cave and report to Red Tornado, but I decide to just head back to my house as I already know what is going to happen.

'Maybe its time I went to another universe for a while, this ones gotten a little boring, I have to sit back just to let everyone else do something and its not like I can't come back at the same point in time I left.'

Okay, so I thought about it and I realized Young Justice is a really bad world to start in. It's so episodic that I'm having difficulty not staying with canon completley with Izayoi just having a few lines here and there. He can end most threats instantly, and with it being a team setting it's hard to keep everyone relevant in a fight. I think I could really branch out and make non-canon content with other worlds, with my thought being that he goes to a combined world of Percy Jackson and DXD. That gives me a lot of room to work with, DXD has so much untapped potential. If you guys really want me to I can stick with Young Justice, but otherwise I think I can make the story more interesting by going another route.

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