
Izayoi: Vector Control(dropped)

I died and woke up in a void. In front of me was a screen asking me to choose 3 powers. I made the obvious choice and picked Vector Control, Code: Unknown, and the Kaleidoscope. Now I'm going to go through the multiverse and do what I want. This is mostly just for me to have some ideas I had when I'm bored written down, don't take this too seriously, it's my first time writing. Expect a wish fulfillment story of someone somewhat similar to Sakamaki Izayoi in personality, however there will be differences as well.

DanteMustDie · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


Looking over at Batman, I replied with an annoyed look on my face "I'm Sakamaki Izayoi, and my point still stands. We don't need you to form our own team."

Batman hides it well but he looks annoyed that I'm not afraid of him.

"You are an unknown meta who has shown he is capable of beating a clone of Superman. That makes you a potential threat."

"I don't particularly care if you think I'm a potential threat and it has no relevance to what we were just talking about. Stop deflecting, or do you not think the people that you yourself trained are capable of doing the work you do." I reply.

Kid Flash, Robin, and Aqualad similarly look offended with that realization.

"Very well, I will give you my answer in 3 days, but this conversation is not over Sakamaki Izayoi."

'I can already tell he is going to be annoying. I'm too tired to deal with this tonight, but I'm sure it will be fun to mess with him later.'

The trio of sidekicks all look appeased with his answer, while Superboy appears completely indifferent to the whole thing.

"Alright we'll meet up in 3 days regardless of what his answer is at the Hall of Justice. I'll see you guys then, I'm going home and taking a nap." I declare and then proceed to walk away with my hand behind my head(picture Killua's walk) before Batman says anything else. Once I round the corner I use the Kaleidoscope to appear at my home in the forest and go to sleep.

I took the time to really take stock of my abilities and what any potential weaknesses I could have are.

'Vector manipulation protects me from most physical attacks, but leaves me weak to things that don't follow conventional laws until I've experienced them. Fortunately, Code: Unknown counteracts that weakness by allowing me to just destroy them. I'm relatively well protected, but if a being like Spectre attacks me, I'm not sure how I'll handle that yet. I need to start working on Aurora Pillar before I go somewhere with beings that powerful. Also, if I fight someone who is capable of bypassing my vector manipulation like with Imagine Breaker and can match my strength, I will have a difficult time. I need to start looking into a form of martial arts.'

After that realization, I spent a lot of time trying to draw the power out from inside of me. I didn't make much progress, however, and I am only able to feel the deep ocean that is the power, but I can't manipulate it in any way yet.

I also spent a long time thinking about what the best martial art for me would be. Thinking about all the different ones I saw in anime, there were a lot of interesting options. I could try to learn the Black Leg style from Sanji, but that would be limiting myself to just my legs and it'd be difficult to convince him to teach me. After a lot of thinking, I narrowed it down to two options: Turtle School from DBZ or Renewal Taekwondo from God of Highschool. I can't take the time to learn either of them right now, so I can think about it later on which one I want to use.

Before I knew it, three days had passed and it was time to meet up at the Hall of Justice. I used the Kaleidoscope to get to a nearby alleyway and then walked up to it to see Batman standing outside by himself.

Wondering where everyone else was, I walked up to him and asked "Yo Bats, where is everyone else at. You didn't scare them off with your frown did you?"

Batman tried to hide it, but you could see his eye twitch for a second. Not even a minute in his presence and I had already managed to annoy Batman, I take that as a win.

"They are already at what will be your team's main base of operations. I am here to give you access to the Zeta-Beam Teleporters and take you to the base."

"They couldn't give me Wonder Woman or Black Canary? Why couldn't I have gotten one of them instead of your grouchy ass." I exclaim jokingly.

"Just follow me and shut up." Batman said.

We walked into the Hall of Justice and made our way to the teleporter. Batman spent a second entering something into the console before turning to me and saying "Just say Register B07 and what you want your designation to be."

I decided to just go with the name that represented the power I had been using the most in this world.

With my decision made I said "Register B07 Accelerator" and after I said that the teleporter scanned me and I found myself inside of The Cave. Batman came in after me, but I didn't notice as I was too busy looking around. It was much bigger than I thought it would be, with the tv screen really not doing it justice. As I looked around I noticed that the rest of the team was standing a little ways away talking with each other in civilian clothes.

I started to make my way over to them, but before I could Batman said "Wait, we still have to discuss who you are."

I looked at him annoyed for a second, but then I thought about it and realized this was a chance to mess with him even more, so I just nodded and followed him until he lead me to an interrogation room, before he left it for a second. Once Batman had returned, he brought Martian Manhunter, Superman, and Wonder Woman along with him.

'I can already see where this is going, he's gonna try to have Martian Manhunter read my mind. If that doesn't work, he's gonna try the Lasso of Truth. Superman is just here for insurance in case I try something, not that he would actually be able to stop me.'

"Well at least you brought Wonder Woman along, so I don't have to look at Batman's scrunched up face all the time."

Wonder Woman just ignores me, while Superman looks somewhat amused. Martian Manhunter is as stoic as ever, as is Batman.

Batman doesn't waste any time and immediately begins trying to get me to tell him all about myself.

"Where did you come from? You are not on any national database, Sakamaki Izayoi does not exist. Along with that, what are your powers? From what we've heard, you are able to reflect attacks. Superboy refused to tell us what exactly happened in your fight, but I doubt he would have accepted your offer if you had won by just reflecting his punches, which, along with your act of punching Blockbuster's head off, makes me think you have super strength as well." Batman listed off.

"I don't know, maybe I was born yesterday and they don't have it registered yet. Superboy and I had a fight between newborns. As for my powers, well have fun guessing. Why would I explain what my powers are, you're the 'world's greatest detective' figure it out for yourself." I reply sarcastically.

Batman sighs before motioning for Martian Manhunter to attempt to read my mind. I just sit back and watch and he holds his hand up to his head and concentrates before looking at Batman and shaking his head.

"Wow Bats, trying to read a 16 year old's mind. Not very ethical and also a huge invasion of privacy. So much for the so-called heroes huh." I reply while holding in my anger, I need a good opportunity to really let them have it.

"You are too dangerous to leave unaccounted for and unknown. I will take what measures I need to." He then motions for Wonder Woman to step forward, who then pulls out her Lasso of Truth. I look towards her to see if she has any kind of remorse, but it does not seem like she does.

'Guess she really will do anything Batman tells her. Probably has a crush on him like the DCAU. I'm kind of disappointed, at least Martian Manhunter seems remorseful.'

She wraps my arm in the Lasso of Truth and it begins to glow golden.

Batman immediately repeats the questions he had asked before "Where did you come from? What is your real name? What are your powers and weaknesses?" in quick succession.

This what something I had been waiting for. I just smiled and grabbed the Lasso of Truth before ripping it apart. Despite the Lasso being something created by the gods, Code: Unknown's ability to destroy gifts is superior to it. Izayoi was able to cancel out the Fragment of Laplace's ability to identify his gift and was able to destroy Algol's petrification ray which was capable of petrifying the entire world. Compared to that, the Lasso of Truth from Earth-16 was nothing.

All of the heroes looked shocked, but Wonder Woman looked like she couldn't comprehend what happened. Before they could react I dashed forward and pushed Batman against the wall, with my arm barring his neck. Superman reacted then and tried to dash at me but I just let him run into my reflection and he was sent flying back. Martian Manhunter seemed content to just observe for now and Wonder Woman, after getting over her shock, was smart enough to realize the same thing would happen to her.

"Alright Bats, I'm done playing around now. Let's get something straight, I don't answer to you. You have no control of me. Trying to report me to law enforcement would do nothing, I've broken no laws, but you just tried to read my mind and force me to tell the truth. Wonder what the public would have to say about that. I'm only here because I like your protégés, or I would've never bothered interacting with you. You can't take me down by force, so we're going to go back in there and act like none of this even happened. You can continue to try to think of counter measures against me. It's a futile effort, but you can keep trying. Got it?"

The whole time I was talking Batman kept a straight face and said nothing. He continued to not respond, so I had to emphasize my point by saying "Got it, Bruce?"

When I said that his eyes widened and for the first time he actually looked worried. He finally nodded and I let him down. Superman had recovered at this point but didn't try to dash at me again. I proceeded to walk out of the room humming Younger by Ruel, and went to go meet up with my new teammates.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I walked up to the team who were all chatting with M'gann.

"So who's she." I asked

"Hey Izayoi, meet Ms. M." Robin said, although I could see he still looked at me uncomfortably.

"Hi, my names M'gann M'orzz, but you can call me Megan. That's an earth name, I'm on earth now." Megan replied exuberantly.

"Hi I'm Sakamaki Izayoi, my codename's Accelerator." I replied easily.

The rest of them looked surprised that I already had a codename, but then shook it off.

Batman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, and Superman walked in with Batman coming in front of us while the other three proceeded to the Zeta Teleporters.

"From now on you six will be a team. The league draws a lot of attention, so we need a team who is able to go on covert missions that the public can't know about. That will be this team's role. I will handle mission assignments, Red Tornado has volunteered to be your 'den mother' and Black Canary will handle training." Batman stated.

"So we get to go on real missions?" Robin asked to make sure.

"Yes, but covert. Take this time to get to know each other, you will be working together from now on." Batman said before also walking to the teleporters.

Aqualad looked around at all of us before saying "Today is the day."

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------POV Change 3rd Person, The Watchtower

Batman walked into the conference room which contained the founding members of the league, along with those that would be interacting with The Team. This consisted of Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash, Aquaman, Black Canary, Red Tornado, Green Arrow, and Martian Manhunter.

"Alright Bats, so what's this meeting about." Flash asked.

Batman walked forward before pulling up an image of Izayoi on the screen.

"This is Sakamaki Izayoi. The team encountered him on their excursion to Cadmus. While inside, he displayed powers at or exceeding Superboy's and was central in their ability to escape relatively unscathed. He has no known records anywhere, so today Superman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, and myself attempted to interrogate him so as to learn more." Batman began.

"I mean the kids mysterious, but I don't think that warrants an interrogation with four members of the league." Green Lantern stated.

"Possibly, however, it was the events of the interrogation that lead to me calling this meeting. During the course of the interrogation, he managed to completely prevent Martian Manhunter's telepathy, break the Lasso of Truth, and defeat Superman while restraining me." Batman continued.

Everyone around the table's eyes widened after hearing this.

"Okay the telepathy is acceptable, you can train to block it even if its surprising a 16 year old has that knowledge. Superman is similarly not as surprising, since we already knew he could redirect attacks, but how could he break the Lasso of Truth. Wasn't it made by the gods to be unbreakable Diana?" Black Canary piped up.

After a moment of hesitation, Diana responded "You are correct. The gods made the Lasso to be physically unbreakable. I am unsure as to how a mortal managed to break it."

"Okay Bats I can see why you'd worry about him being a potential threat, but it sounds like you guys antagonized him into responding. Why call this meeting." Flash chimed in.

Batman hesitated for a second before replying "Because he knows my secret identity."

I tried to make the encounter with Batman and his reaction believable. I'm new to writing tho, so I'm open to changing things if they are received poorly. I have several ideas on where I want this story to go. One question is whether it would be a harem or not. I'm fine with either way, and both would be interesting to explore, but if it is a harem it will not be a large one. If it's a single pairing, I was considering Gwen from Ben 10 as an option. Along with this, I wanted to try to go to lesser explored worlds in fanficiton, as well as the obvious ones like Marvel and DXD. I'm not sure how far into Young Justice I'll go, but I don't want to stay in it for too long. Let me know what you guys think.

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