
Its a world of blending with group chat

I do not know English, so I used the translator to translate the story, and now this is a vulgar embodiment story in the anime world with a group chat and travel between the worlds of anime and novels . For more chapters please visit my patreon p@treon.com/Akasaki_Ryujin

Akasaki_Ryujin · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

Chapter 6: Graduation ll

"Good morning, Yui," Akira said with a smile to the pretty girl behind him.

The girl had brown hair, glowing yellow eyes, and a bust evolving for a middle school student who would go to high school.

True, this boy named Yui was none other than Kotegawa Yui from the anime To Love Ru.

And she was Akira's childhood friend because they were neighbors before Akira and his siblings moved in after the death of their parents.

"Good morning Kotegawa-san" - x 2.

Suna and Takeo nodded at Yui because they used to play together a lot because of their relationship with Akira.

"So are you excited about becoming high school students?" Yui asked as she naturally walked past Akira.

"I really don't care" - said Akira, shrugging his shoulders because he honestly didn't care much about studying because he had studied all the subjects up to university even before he regained his memory this morning.

"Not much" - Sona replied calmly because he was mature and didn't care much about such things.

Takeo was the same because he didn't really care about these things.

"You guys are so boring," Yue Yue said annoyed at the indifference of these comrades.

Soon the group reached the corridor to change their shoes to enter the school building.

"Sigh... again" - Akira sighed and muttered annoyedly at seeing the love letter in his shoe locker.

"Again, they're really stubborn," Yui said upon noticing the letter in Akira's hand.

Yui knew that Akira was very popular because of his handsome face and his high grades in the academic and athletic branch, and there were many girls who would confess to him.

But Akira always refused the confessions without saying the reason for this.

Some of the Fujiuchi girls even began to imagine that the reason for Akira's refusal was that he liked Sona or his other male friends, which made Akira feel sick.

He wanted to reprimand them that he was normal, but there was another reason for refusing the confessions.

"So are you going to refuse again?" - Yui asked, feeling a bit nervous if Akira would accept one of the confessions.

Even though Yui was Akira's childhood friend, she wasn't immune to his charms and even loved him more than others because she was his childhood friend and she really knew who he was and not only loved him for his face but for sure his face was one of the main things she liked.

"That's what I'll do" - Akira nodded at Yui's question because he didn't intend to date anyone right now.

"Then, do you really swing like that?" Yue Zhong asked sarcastically, letting out a sigh of relief after he told her he would refuse.

"This young master is 100% normal and likes girls," Akira said with some annoyance as he lightly stroked Yui's forehead.

"Shall we go?" - asked Akira Sona who was also holding a love letter and ignored Yui's grumbling.

Sona nodded and walked with Akira to the old school where they would be confessing.

After Sona and Akira left, Yui and Takeo headed to the gymnasium to reserve a seat for the two because it would be crowded when graduation time.


Akira and Suna walked to the old school building without haste, and Akira was enjoying the breeze that hit his face from time to time.

"Then Akira, why do you always reject love letters?" Sona asked with curiosity and confusion, because even though he was a childhood friend of Akira, he didn't know why he didn't have a girlfriend yet.

Sona knew that he was no different from Akira, but he had his reason, which is that he doesn't want to date now, wants to focus on studying, and also doesn't like dating girls who make fun of Takeo.

But Akira was different. Even though he used to avoid girls who made fun of Takeo and scolded them, that wasn't the reason he didn't date anyone.

"I'm curious, too, Akira Chi." A cheerful young voice came out from behind Akira and Sona.

"Hi, Ryuta" - Akira greeted his friend from the same club and a member of the Generation of Miracles, Casey Ryuta.

"The reason is huh" - said Akira, sighing a little and was thinking how to formulate it to his friends.

"In short, it's my selfishness and a bit of a suspicion," Akira replied after thinking about it for a bit.

"..." - Ryota and Sona were puzzled but they didn't ask for more because they could see that Akira didn't want to explain any more.

"Okay, I'll go from here," Akira said after walking silently for a while.


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