
Its a world of blending with group chat

I do not know English, so I used the translator to translate the story, and now this is a vulgar embodiment story in the anime world with a group chat and travel between the worlds of anime and novels . For more chapters please visit my patreon p@treon.com/Akasaki_Ryujin

Akasaki_Ryujin · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

Semester 7: Graduation lll

Akira arrived at the place in the letter and saw a beautiful girl with short black hair, dark purple eyes, and a rigid face that did not show much emotion.

Akira could see that the girl was tense even though he didn't show much on her face and was able to recognize the girl as one of the main characters in a romantic anime he watched in his past life.

After analyzing the girl for a bit, Akira walked over to her and could see that the girl's tension increased when he saw him.

"Nanasaki Ai?" - Akira asked, looking at the girl who wrote him a love letter.

"Yeah, Nofuji-senpai," Ai replied, stuttering slightly.

"Well, he read your letter before," Akira said, pausing to think of a way to reject the girl without hurting her too much.

Akira was a person who did not like to mix with people in his past life, so he did not have a high communication skill, and this life was like his past life, and he did not like to talk to everyone, and this was limited to a few people.

"A-So what's your answer, Nofuji-senpai?" - Ai asked, feeling nervous and excited.

Ai had known Akira since she entered the school because he was very popular due to his good looks and grades, as well as being the trump card of the Generation of Miracles.

But she didn't care much about him because she wasn't just a girl who would go after someone for his looks but the reason she fell in love with him was something else but she couldn't deny that his handsome face gave him a few extra points.

The reason she loves him is because he is a good swimmer and he had saved her from death on a joint trip between second and third year students a few months ago.

She knew that it was a vulgar thing to fall into the scene of the hero saving beauty, but she could not control her heart and had been thinking about him ever since.

At this time Akira spoke and brought out any of her thoughts.

"I appreciate your feelings, but I can't reciprocate your feelings," Akira said, trying to be as gentle as possible. "And I hope you find someone better than me."

After saying this, Akira turned to leave because he could see that Ai would cry at any moment.

"Please wait, Nofuji-senpai" - said Ai, holding back her tears a little longer.

"Yes" - Akira responded and looked at any lake.

"May I know why you rejected me?" Ai asked, looking at Akira with determination in her eyes.

"Sigh... the problem is not with you, but with me" - Akira sighed as he looked into his eyes.

Akira could tell what she was thinking with just a glance, so he decided to answer her honestly.

"The problem is from Senpai" - Ai muttered as she looked at Akira in bewilderment.

"Well, I have some problems, and I can't date anyone until I solve them," Akira said, and determination flashed in his eyes.

Akira didn't want to cling to his past life or let it get in the way of his current life, but he couldn't ignore it and live this life as if nothing had happened.

He even has many nagging doubts that will make his life worse than the previous one if he is right with these doubts.

"So, will Senpai accept my feelings when you solve your problems?" - Ai asked, and the disappointment she felt when Akira rejected her disappeared.

"Sorry, but I can't date a girl I don't like or even know," Akira said, shaking his head at Aye's question.

Akira had to admit that he felt tempted to have every pretty girl in this world, but fortunately, he wasn't just someone looking for a physical relationship without good feelings.

He was even a virgin and had never touched a woman in his previous life, but he wasn't like a hero who would blush over some flirtation.

He is even proud that he has a great resistance to beauty and anger because of his sweetheart in his previous life, who was separated from her for some reason.

"..." Disappointment flashed in Ay's eyes, but she quickly thought of something and spoke.

"So if I make Senpai fall in love with me, will you date me?" - she asked, looking at Akira, not wanting to give up her love.

"Well, I wouldn't mind dating you if you made me fall in love with you" - Akira nodded, not knowing whether to laugh or cry from Ai's reaction.

"So let's exchange contact information please" - Ai said as she took out her phone and was eager to do so.

"Okay." Akira nodded and didn't mind exchanging contact information because Ai was interesting and also a pretty girl.

And he certainly didn't mind exchanging contact information with a pretty girl or he would be disgraced as a man.

"So which high school will senpai go to?" Ai asked after exchanging contact information with Akira.

"Seimei Art High School" - Akira replied and didn't mind telling Ai that it wasn't even a secret because it was hard to get into Seimei Art High School without high intelligence or special talent.

"Seimi Art High School," Ai muttered, remembering one of the best high schools in Japan, then looked at Akira and spoke with determination.

Saying this, Ai rushed away and left Akira alone.

Although Ai wasn't stupid and was smart, Ani knew that with her level, it was difficult to get into Seimi Art High School, but fortunately, she had talent in swimming, and she was sure that she would get a scholarship if she tried harder.

"Sigh... I got myself into something annoying" - Akira sighed and muttered dejectedly.

"Well, I'd better go back to the gym, because the graduation ceremony will start soon," muttered Akira as he walked to the gymnasium where the graduation will be.


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