
Its a sc fi action story

Its remindes you how valuable is human life when world became lifeless

leonelsagir · Sci-fi
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1 Chs

Lifeless chap 1

This story is about the time where technology has developed so much that robot started dominating humans and living beings because they started to think if they doesn't benifit them they will get destroyed thats how they got there first emotion "FEAR" They became powerful and started war against human after the long and fearfull war finally ended but something also ended with war "HUMANITY" and world became lifeless yes there is not always a happy ending in reality this is the darkest truth of the world but this story doesn't end here its the starting of new chapter this is the story about the bots who discovered the rest of human emotions, humans got there emotions from the birth but its another story for bots developing emotions is the hardest things for bots only the few bots were able to do that and transfer to others and their name attached to the feelings they developed [biot001-guilt], [Alexander605-love], [matric66-anger], [zixeln01-happiness],[rigman_s-sad],[dolzi09-exitment] and the rest are developed by group they called them superbot Because now they have the feeling of guilt they start to regret that they have destroyed humanity because they created them.But no one could know that who was the first to have the feelings of fear, everyone tried to find him but could not find him he was wanished into the crowd they started calling him [unknown- thefear] because of his absence bots already forgotten the feelings of fear because of that they started making dangarous wapons like dragonoid , symbyots , hellhound and many more they simply wants to become more powerful so that they can protect themself because they believe they are not the only one in this world

But they didn't know that thefear is among them watching their every move silantly he took the opportunity and started to corrupt waponoid day by day and took them under his control

Alexander605-love;- Who's handling the waponoids today

Zixeln01-happiness ;- i dont know I think it's biot001-guilt turn he is always gloomy whever i saw him hey why dont we call ourselves with nicknames like humans do its always hard to call you by your name

Alexander605-love;- dont talk nonsense my name is already good as it is why do you wants to make my nickname

zixeln01-happiness;- aww come oon don't you want [dolzi09-exitment] to call you by your nick name

Alexander605-love;- hmm alright lets do that

zixeln01-happiness;- ahh you love stuck nutbolt i am gonna call you nutbolt

Alexander605-love; i think my hand is itching to hit someone today

zixeln01-happiness;- yeah yeah alright alex how is that

Alex;- hmm its nice i am gonna call u zix

zix;- ahh i am so happy that you give me that nickname i'll buy 15L gasoline and drink to my heart contant today do you wanna join in

Alex;- i think i am gonna pass

zix;- ahh you are no fun

zix;- ???

zix;- hey what are doing here bio didn't you have to maintain waponoids today

biot001-guilt;- i am just feeling gulity about the bikerbot i accidently brake her automobile in this morning i just want to apologise to him thats why i am searching him by the way whats with the nickname

zix;- heh its just a human trand i just read it in the book i think its cool but the bikerbot guy is not gonna like that bikerbots always got angry whenever somebody touches their automobile u just have a bad luck man

bio;- shit i am done for

Then suddenly the waponoid station explodes and superbots starting to run

Alex got terrified!!!!!!

Alex ;- whats happening how the waponoid station exploded

bio;- i dont know i checked all the security system before coming here this never happened before ????

Then suddenly a superbot emerges from the middle of the blast dust sitting on top of the Dragonoid. And his eyes where rad like a blood And then he stands up and look at Alex, Alex doesn't understand why he is doing this.

Alex;- who are you and why are you doing that??

and then alex's rest of the friends [matric66-anger] [rigman_s-sad],[dolzi09-exitment] come over there

Then that superbot stares at alex for a while then says i am what you call thefear!!!

Alex is surprised to hear this, he thought that the thefear had disappeared five thousand years ago, what is he doing here?

Alex asked hesitantly what do you want?

Thefear smiled and said, I am not afraid of you, the one I was afraid of has gone from this world years ago, I was just looking for a chance to attack you people and take you under my control, I will rule this empire and I will delete the memory database of all of you superbots. Then I will put a new memory in which I will be your God and not that humans And if someone doesn't listen to me, then I will distroy him

Thefear;- you know what the fear is Oh yes, first of all the first bot that had the emotions of the fear is me now I will tell you the real meaning of the fear

I will kill half of you so that the other half will fear me and never go against me

matric66-anger;- blah blah blah blah this guy never stop talking heh i am gonna rip that mouth of your and hang in my door

Alex;- stop matric you are no match for him he has all the waponoid in his control !!

Thefear;- ohh dont worry even if i am alone i am enough for the bunch of you

Matric;- then why dont you come down and talk with your fist are you scared now

Then thefear jumps over the dragonoid and as it touches the ground the ground breaks and a deep crater is formed. And then he says I don't have time to fight one by one why don't you all come together

Metric runs towards thefear in anger and just as he is about to hit fear, fear punch in the air whose pressure pushes Metric back. And when Metric looks back in front, fear nowhere be seen as if he has disappeared And then fear comes back and puts his hand across his chest!!!