
Itachi: The copy crow

My name is Itachi I'm an orphan I'm just a normal kid with above-average smarts and good-looking. Then everything changes when the fire nation attack I mean fallen angel. Smart character not that smart Cool-headed mc This is not the Itachi in naruto is just name him Itachi cause Itachi sounds cool.

jakebearchin · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 2 Harem king

I was in my thinking position on the couch my ruffling koneko head while she was purring.

Looking at Rias Gremory and said 'So in simply saying there was a war and two big daddies fought and you the three factions were too scared of the big daddies so you sided with each other so after that you devils realize that the noble families were shortened by a lot so this crazy scientist created chess that can reincarnate humans to devils and you're saying we are your servants now so making me your slave. and gods and all methodology are real so is Santa real?

'Well yeah but don't worry I won't force you anything. also, we don't know who Santa is.

'Understandable so what am I gonna do take some random soul?

'No, you will not some random soul. akeno. after saying that akeno got some boxes with fliers in them.

'You will distribute this and do what the summoner wishes of course there are some rules no sexual request or killing.

'Ok, so what is the purpose of doing this.

'Well, you can get promoted.

'So what is the purpose of being promoted.

'When you become a high-class devil you can get some evil pieces and create your own peerage.

'Umm Rias-sama can we do anything to our servants when we become a high-class devil

'You can do anything with your servants.

'Even with a sexual request.

'Yes even with sexual repuest.


'Also just call be buchou.

'Yes, buchou. Both issei and Itachi said

'Well, buchou I have to leave I have a part-time job to go to.

'Oh Itachi you don't need to go to it your already out of the job and I can give you some money since your a devil you can't be too far away from us they can attack you.

'Who's gonna attack us.

'The fallen angel.

'I thought the factions were in an alliance.

'We don't have an alliance now.
