
Itachi: The copy crow

My name is Itachi I'm an orphan I'm just a normal kid with above-average smarts and good-looking. Then everything changes when the fire nation attack I mean fallen angel. Smart character not that smart Cool-headed mc This is not the Itachi in naruto is just name him Itachi cause Itachi sounds cool.

jakebearchin · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 1 Hello Itachi were devils

Here I was looking through my memories as a child my mom was cooking my dad was looking at his to-do list.

Here I was playing with my toy kunai.

Now you may be asking why do I have a kunai for a toy from what I can remember my family was in an organization.

Then the next scene my mom and dad were dead and I see a black angel with that smile.

Then it repeats again and again.

Teririt! Teririt! Teririt!

'Ugh!, As I fell off my bed then got off the floor shaking my head.

"That dream again.

"From what I can remember I was always an orphan even the lady says so.

Shaking my head I look around I can see more than yesterday, opening the curtain 'Ugh!, putting the curtain back 'what was that I ask no one getting the curtain back yep it's my eyesight.

Suddenly I remembered what happen yesterday 'What a weird dream.

Getting my towel and went to the kitchen and got some eggs putting them in the water so it cools down then preparing my rice getting one cup of rice cleansing it then putting it on my trusty rice cooker.

After leaving my bathroom going to the kitchen to get the eggs and started boiling some eggs putting on a nine-minute alarm so I couldn't forget.

After that, I go to my room and saw my ruined uniform 'Weird. Getting my backup uniform and got my bag and key for my apartment.

Teririt! Teririt! Teririt.

Shutting of the fire I got the pan and put some cold water after that I cleanse the egg from its shield getting some salt and on one plate I put all the salt, rice, and egg on the same plate. the less plate I used the less I washed.

After that nothing interesting happen just the same teaching the same everything until lunch came in.

'Uwaah why is kiba-san here.

'Why is one of the heavenly perverts with him his gonna infect Kiba-san.

"Wow, they're harsh I know they did some sexual assault but to be called a parasite that hurts.

"Why are they here anyway.

As I was wondering why they were here Kiba came to me. "No no please I want my boring life to stay. 'Hello, my name is Kiba Yuuto can you come with Itachi Uchiha Buchou would like to meet with you.

'Okay, I'm fine with what I don't even have to do anyway.

As we were walking it was kind of quiet except for Issei Hyoudo-san he always says how big Murayama-san boobs are but nothing came to that it was still quiet.

As we arrive at the old abandoned school and reached the second floor and we came in front of a door.Going straight in front of us Kiba knock on the door 'Buchou I'm here. 'Come in Kiba.

As Yuuto opened the door I saw a violet eyes girl with slender black hair, a crimson-haired girl, and the mascot of the kouh academy toujo koneko.

Entering after Yuuto came in as I sat next to koneko tried to get some cookies from koneko but she just guarded the cookie like it was her lifeline.

Seeing us relax Rias Gregory said ' okay I'm gonna get straight with you two we are all devils.
