
It Seems Like I Married to a Dame-Ningen

I woke up and found that I was in a familiar, yet different world. The humanity of this Earth figured sooner that the resources of this planet are more valuable and they couldn't afford to waste them on war. Therefore, all arguments were solved through a 'game.' Just as I thought of my goal of living a stable life was accomplished, I was fired from the company. I didn't want to do this, but I will proceed to Plan B. I'm going to travel to multiple fictional universes through Fantasy Projector and become a professional player. —---—

R4IN · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

1 I Am The Homeless Emperor (1/2)

[Dame-Ningen] is the concept the Japanese use to call a person who is a useless member of society.

"Jeez, you're really a dame-ningen..." I said as I enter the room that was barely cleaned in a week and is releasing a strange odor.

Inside the room, was a beautiful woman with messy grayish-silver hair and full of bed hair. She similarly leaked a strange odor this room gave out.

Stretching her hand, she covered her face with her hand as I closed the windows while also innocently asking, "is it food time?"

I released a light sigh before questioning myself, "I wonder why did I propose to this person."

Sakamata Chloe, the wife of mine, Shirasaki Karma. She slept 12 hours a day, only take shower once a week, never cleans her room, never cooked food, and is a NEET, was her.

'Dame-ningen,' or a useless member of society, was a word that truly existed for her.


It all began 10 years ago when I was sleeping in my room, looking forward to the day when I go to middle school for the first time, I woke up to an unknown alleyway.

A familiar place, yet an unknown world. At first, I was filled with excitement without worrying about my future, as I was just entering puberty, and at the time, my mind was still affected by the isekai boom.

As a person with a rebellious phase at the time, I wanted to prove to no one that I could live alone without anyone's help but I soon found out how powerless I was a day later.

The world I was transferred to was familiar to the Earth but even so, my 12 years old mind still figured I wasn't on Earth the next moment I got out of the alleyway.

That was because of how futuristic the world looked. The cars were flying, the bus had no driver, the bypassing trains emitted little to no sound and were very fast.

I soon found out this fact later but at the time, the planet I was transferred to was in the same year as Earth, years 2013.

It would be complicated to explain this because the Earth (where I used to belong) and Earth (where I now belong) contain the same planet name so I will refer to this planet as Parallel until the end of my backstory.

It was the night in Parallel. I walked to the house I used to live on Earth but what was standing was a completely unknown structure.

Whilst still excited that I will be living from now on, I began to start fearing for my future at what would happen to me. I slept in a place where no human eyes would normally reach.

On the second day, I was hungry and thirsty, but my pride thought it was shameless to beg for food... until it broke down so I shamelessly begged for food not so long after.

It was mercilessly refused down. At the time, I thought it was really unfair. There were so many foods showcased but the lady refused to give me even one.

It only took another 3 days to break my pride down and start retorting to leftover food in the trashcans. Even now, I sometimes wonder how I managed to not be affected by a single illness throughout my childhood and that is even during and after the winter.

Not a single time. If I remember correctly, I fished the trashcan for the next 4 years and stayed on my homemade... *cough* outside-made roofless home.

As for how I managed to have a home like now is a story for later.


As of now, 4 years later, I was 16 years old now. Before coming here, every year, although I didn't have friends, I had my parents celebrate my birthday for it.

And it was only when I lost that time that I was reminded of how much I should have cherished those times. Truthfully saying, it was only recently that I stopped longing for those moments...

Anyway, the reason why I am living stably right now is that I desperately wished to steady my once-lost every day and moved my body for these wishes.

Even now, in my adult, I am still thanking the library for being free to use for the public. The book was my best teacher here and as expected of a futuristic world, the library here was like a Google.

All I had to do was search for what kind of book I wanted to read and there it is, it brought me the book. Not to mention, it was free.

I only need to pay if I want to borrow a book, but I could read books freely inside the library without paying for them. 4 years after my first arrival to the Parallel, that was the first time I've ever managed to learn more about this world.

By the way, I've searched for [Top 10 most earning career jobs] [About this world.] [Why is everyone's appearance so unique?]

And I was given an answer to my question.

[Top 10 Career!] was the title of the book, it wrote the title of jobs and the estimated yearly income of them as well as the pros/cons of each of these jobs.

Top 1 - Pro Gamer.

Top 2 - Game Creator

Top 3 - Doctors

Top 4 - Pilot

Top 5 - Engineer... etc, etc.

At first, I was delighted to see that being a pro gamer gives you money but at the next moment, I stopped thinking about it and decided to dream of being Game Creator.

The reason that I thought against the pro gamer is that the concept of being a pro gamer wasn't what I was thinking.

If I example Parallel's pro-gamer to the Earth, it would be a soldier. Although it wasn't as dangerous as a soldier as you won't die in the game, you could be injured and worst, disabled.

To explain it shortly, I'll have to start talking about the history of Parallel. It was 1918 after the first world war ended, the humanity of Parallel deemed that conflicts is a huge waste of planet resources and human life.

That was the turning point of Parallel Earth from Earth as the higher-ups decided to resolve their conflicts through games and the day it was announced throughout the world that the value of gamers and game creators skyrocketed.

By the way, world war 2 was settled through 5 rounds of [Reality Chess], which contains many varieties of chess based on currently existing weapons. The loser still wailed after losing and was on verge of declaring war through physical means.

So in the end, a new law was made to protect the winner by giving the winning country humanity's strongest mass destruction weapon and the permission to fire it at the losing country, shall they retaliate after losing the game.

By the way, the losing country was called Japan, and as the president saw the power of nuclear bombs firsthand, he soon accepted his loss after this law was made...

Although if they were to fire it to an unrelated country, the said country would be targeted by everyone else in the world.

The overflowing resource and temporal cooperation between humanity was what caused the scientific explosion in the earth and explain the current technology that is far beyond the Earth.

That is fine until then. If the game was like that, I wouldn't mind aiming for pro-gamer... until the concept 'Dreamer' was introduced.

Shortly after world war 2 ended. Years 1946, World War... or rather, World Wide War 1, WWW1 began.

Aliens invade the Earth in seek of their resources, and cooperation wasn't an option. Although NASA predicted lifeform outside the Earth existed, it was far unexpected and too soon for the Earthling to encounter one.

An alien, what they call now, Dream Eaters was far stronger and much technology advanced, humans had no chance against them. Even nuclear weapons had no chance against them.

Years 1948, that was when the 2 years long research by scientists to retaliate against the Dream Eaters had shown a result... in a way, they didn't expect.

The energy, what we call now, Fantasy Energy which, by predicament, could fly a rocket to mars and return once, exploded, and annihilated a single city.

Followed by a tragic accident was a fortune to humanity. A huge mysterious light what could be deemed as an aurora spreads throughout the entire earth, displayed in the sky.

When it disappeared, a strange occurrence began happening to humanity.

Superhumans started appearing.

In 1948~, a human who could fly has x-ray eyes, and could lift a tank appeared in America. Following him, many more superhumans began appearing.

This is exclusive to women, but a superpower that made a woman stronger, but for some reason, that woman began to wish for a sword, a shield, and tie a leash around her hips. She also appeared in America.

But superhumans only appeared within America. At this timeline, the only change Fantasy Energy brought to Parallel was

1. Give superpowers to Americans.

2. Cause gene mutations to humanity, causing their (and their descendants) appearances to be more unique. Nowadays, green/yellow/red/silver hairs are not rare even within Japan.

Black hair such as mine is more unique now, and that explains the looks of my surrounding. I am nothing but thankful that Japan here has no culture that says 'black hair is the representation of misfortune and shouldn't exist.'

Anyway, with the help of Fantasy Energy, the humanity of Parallel managed to drive off the Dream Eaters, and don't be worried as superhumans also started appearing in Japan in the 1960s. The first superhuman from Japan was a robot.

The WWW1 ended in 1953. At the cost of every single country except for America, China, now named Celestial, Korea, and Japan.

(Author note: Before you protest me for blatant racism, let me clarify that this isn't racism and I thought it is easier to erase the other country. As for why China is named Celestial now, it's a parody of CN.)

Anyway, getting back to my first reason why I didn't want to be a pro gamer, first of all, is because of Fantasy Energy.

Fantasy Energy spreads throughout the entire Parallel and it was unexpectedly helpful to science, as a really convenient element.

After the war with Dream Eaters, another scientific explosion happened as the true identity of Fantasy Energy was exposed.

Fantasy Energy was an energy unconsciously provided by dreams, hope, and imagination from humans all over the world, including humanity from multiverses.

You can't control this energy and as long as you can imagine, think you will continuously release this energy, and when it passes through the barrier of the multiverse would it finally be able to manifest itself.

The children (16) I didn't think of it too much but thinking about it now, maybe it was because of the 'glitch' in Fantasy Energy that caused me to transfer to this world.

Fantasy Energy greatly helped through the machinery and humanity, at the year of 2013, the humanity of Parallel actually made a 2nd working world and a working A.I.

"Jeez, even Sword Art Online took place in 2022. Give me a break..." was my honest reaction when I found out how advanced the game is nowadays.

It was all good if that was just like that, but the second world, an immersive virtual reality game: Fantasy Legacy was too immersive.

Although it won't go as far as dying inside the game could result in death in real life, depending on the way you die, your brain perceives that it is 'actually' happening, and in real life, your body will start moving to copy what happened to your body when you died.

For example, if you died like Kira in JoJo, (I read the manga at the time although anime didn't exist the time before I got transferred here.) get your head twisted by an ambulance.

In real life, your head will start twisting until you're on the verge of breaking the bone of your neck. Although it won't kill you, depending on how you get hurt, you could end up with permanent disabilities.

Making games, and fixing this problem was the game creators' work. Fantasy Legacy isn't the only fully immersive virtual reality game but this problem exists in 99% of the game.

Anyway, in short, I didn't want to endanger my life or experience disabilities when my goal is a steady life.

And spoiler alert: In the future, I managed to get into the famous company called Nintendo.

I had this interesting idea.

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