
It could be love

Jia Armen got transferred to Gilvered junior high during 8th grade. She hadn’t excepted to move two hours drive away from the home she grew to love and the friends she’s known since in diapers. She’s never been through the ‘new girl’ phase and had no idea how to deal with it, seeing she’s been going to the same school all her life and had the same friends since growing up. She stayed in the shadows with her lips tight sealed as she watches and observe her new surrounding and the new people in her life. Soon things began to change during sophomore year. The Jock and badboy of the school, Caden Mathews started to stick around, what happens when he finds himself always hanging around her with her weird friend’s group, they shared a deep dislike towards each other, but soon they start to grow a different feeling towards eachother without even knowing it, what happens when Caden finds himself jealous whenever he sees her with another guy that isn’t him? What happens when Jia finds herself loving his company and looking forward to seeing him everyday? Could It Be Love?…

Not_eejjvel · Urban
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18 Chs

Call me lucky instead

So another morning and I find myself walking in the all too familiar hallway of this hellhole known as School. I walked up to my locker and groaned. Aby and Mady were standing there with their lockers all opened.

"Hey" Aby said as she registered my existence

"Morning" I replied, opening my locker to drop my books inside

"Don't tell me you didn't see him the whole of last week? I literally stalked him so I can see his pretty face over and over" Mady whisper yelled

And now I'm interested

"I guess, maybe once" Aby replied with a shrug

"He's a foreign exchange student, probably gonna be here for just a few months so I don't ge-" she continued

"Well I'm gonna make him fall for me in those few months" Mady says with a dreamy sigh

Woah there tiger

"He's not even all tha-"

"Who are you guys talking about?" I cut Aby off

"This new Arab foreign exchange student, he started last week and Mady can't shut up ab-"

"The one with gorgeous locks and beautiful eyes?" I yelled, cutting Aby off

"Yes! Uh huh! That's him" Mady squealed

"I saw him on Friday and he looked oddly familiar, the pretty face! Oh my God I can't right now!! He looked like he was straight pulled out of a magazine. Is that even possible, cause I saw him!!! How can someone look so effortlessly GORGEOUS" I squealed and dropped my bag as I walked closer to Mady

"I fucking stalked him so I get to see that incredible handsome face of his" Mady squealed even louder

"Well what's his name?" I asked eagerly

"Don't know, and I'm literally shitting my pants right now! I want a name to that face"

"You know what!? We will, I'm gonna m-" I was cut off by the bell, picked up my books and made my way to my first class. I dreaded that all the three devils were gonna be there but whatever.

I walked in and took a seat in front of Aby while Mady sat next to her. I let out a small sigh when the teacher came in.

Thirty minutes passed by of what felt like three hours worth torture, it was torture. I was doodling on my note book deep in thought, oblivious to everything that was going on in front of the class, it then dawned on me- that was the first conversation I had with Mady, tho we've had our glaring contest and the dog treatment that just doesn't count. I'm just glad she has good taste in guys. I NEED a girl in my life with good taste, cause sometimes I wonder if Aby was just blind.

I brought out my phone and clicked on Instagram, I got a 9+ text from Aliya and 4 new messages from Asma(my cousin). Pretty damn sure it's because of my story repost.

I was expecting it.

I opened Aliya's first, she was just ranting on how hot Caden was and how I got myself such a sweet ass, I couldn't help the laugh that escaped, causing a flood of silence over the class and everyone's faces boring into mine as if I just committed a huge crime.

"Why don't you share what's so funny with the class" Mr Gabriel gestured towards me.

Boy do I hate this man.

"Nothing" I mumbled

"Well how about you get up and continue reading from where he stopped" he said calmly

What the hell is even going on?

"Yeah sure" I mumbled, tho I have no idea what there were reading. I looked around and saw a boy standing up with the book in his hand, he must be the one reading. I hesitantly stood up, already dreading what was gonna happen next

This is why I hate Mondays-

Scratch that, this is why I hate school

"Excuse me, I'm gonna have to borrow your teacher for a while" A teacher came in and pulled Mr Gabriel to the side. At this moment I feel like my name should be Lucky instead. I quickly whipped my head to face Aby, Aby gave me a knowing smile and handed me her book

"Where?" I whisper yelled, all the other students kept staring as if they've never zoned out and had no idea what was happening until after they brought out their phones and laughed at something funny and then was forced to continue the reading from where some nerdy looking guy stopped and was over staring.

Okay maybe they haven't but can y'all mind your business! We're not all serious students y'know. "I've marked the place" she whispered back, chuckling to herself. man am i lucky I have her. I checked the back of the note, it was titled Wuthering Heights By Emily Brontë.

I cleared my throat as Mr Gabriel came into view, my eyes rolled over the book and then begun reading

"If all else perished, and he remained, i should see still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he was annihilated, the universe would a mighty stranger,"

Where on earth is this even coming from

Is this even from planet earth?

"Catherine sp-" I was cut of by the bell

"Oh well! Shows over, staring creeps! Also, learn to mind your damn business will yah" I say with a forced smile some glared while others just proceeded to pack their stuff.

Packed up and was about leaving when Joshua approached me.

Of course a devil-free day was impossible

"How was the date?" He asked as we walked out of the class side by side

"Well..." I pretended to think "Caden was there, I'm pretty sure nothing can be worth remembering with him in the picture"

"And the group project?"

"Same" I replied with a shrug.

"Y'all insta story says otherwise" he said with a smirk.

I hate that smirk! More than I know.

"Mhmmm...I have no idea what you're talking about"

"Okay! If you say so, see ya" he said and went the opposite direction


The rest of the classes went by in a blur and it was now lunch time. Aby, Mady, Joshua and I were sitting at our usual spot. I don't even know why Josh and Mady think they can just come over and sit with us, little surprise Caden didn't decide to also join. I haven't seen him all day, except for during English lit class, we were having Calculus and Economics together after lunch tho.

"Hey guys! I'm just gonna borrow Jee for a sec" Vee says already pulling me along with her. I didn't even see her come in.

"Please don't tell me it's about the movie marathon! Unless it's been canceled" I say with hopeful eyes

"Yes and No" she replied, eyes glistening with mischief, I couldn't help but groan

"Saturday! But only if you're free". I know she said only if you're free but I feel like I don't have much of an option.

"Yeah, sure. Caden free also?" I had no idea why I even asked

"Nah! He's got a tight schedule"

"Of course, the idiot gets me into a mess and just walks away" I mumbled under my breath

"Oh c'mon! It'll be fun! I promise! Just us three"

"I guess" a smile made its way across my face

"Well then it's settled! See you on Saturday" she says as she waves to the rest and walked away

"It's nice to see you guys finally talking, y'know...without the whole awkwardness" Aby said with a chuckle

"The date did a lot of magic y'know" Josh said and at this point, if eyes could kill- he would've been 6ft under ground

"What date?" Aby asked confused

"The double date V-"

"-Vee and I had with no.one.else" I say through gritted teeth while glaring at Joshua, who seemed oblivious with the whole eye murder

"O-kay, if you say so" Aby said looking between the both of us

"Yeah! Yup! I do! So the Arab guy, is he the hottest or what? He damn sure as hell is! I think- I feel like he's my soulmate! What do you guys think?" They all mumbled something I couldn't quite get cause I was too busy thinking how we'd refresh the whole first meeting thing, and this time it'd be a meet-cute, get married have twins and live in a house with a perfect view of the sunset.

The bell rang and we all stood up to leave, I picked up my calculus book and shut my locker before I felt a presence behind me, I spun around only to be met with Caden's serious eyes, I couldn't help the little scream I let out.

"Why would you sneak up on me like that!?" I snapped at him, we then started to make our way to class in silence.

"What? Did your dog died?" I asked blankly, not knowing why he's so serious and sad all of a sudden. We got to class with few minutes to spare. I sat down on the last row by the wall while Caden sat next to me without saying a word.

He's acting weird.

The class started and I'm not even kidding when I say no one was listening to this man, Caden shifted his desk close to mine and didn't say anything while I just stared at him in awe, his dog probably died. I picked up his note and wasn't even surprised at how organized it was, I started doodling on his book to make it more normal, he then picked up mine and also start to doodle, I gave him a questioning look but he just shrugged.