
It All Started With A Text..

READ THIS IN A DEEP ,MANLY ,IMPORTANT VOICE..DON'T ASK ME WHY ,JUST DO IT.. This is just a typical story of a 17 year old girl who had a rather rough upbringing who depends on her wild imagination and constant recalls to keep her sane. Most people find her uninteresting and call her a weirdo while some question her social awkwardness. Some actually find her normal. Whew ,there are people who actually find her normal..That's are relief. Those are some cool ass people there;)Prettyy cool..Okay ,back to being serious people -_-.. Dull ,hopeless and sad are the words to describe her life right now..but everything changes when she's already given up..She finds a friend..Now will this newfound friend of hers finally be the person she's been longing for or will he dig her deeper into her misery? Read along to find out..

Leo_Queen · Teen
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6 Chs

Chapter 1(Let's start from the beginning )

Pamela's POV

Tringgg! Tringggg! I woke up to the sound of my phone's alarm clock. Wake Up!!05:00 it signaled on the screen as it continued to ring loudly. I quickly swiped the snooze button and got back to bed. I lay there for like a few seconds with my eyes wide open staring at my still sound asleep sister until I got up again and walked lazily to the bathroom. I had to get up sooner or later since it was a school day but I had to choose sooner since I didn't wanna be late. I turned on the hot and cold water and let it run for a few minutes while I got my school uniform ready. I decided on wearing my grey school trousers (which were for boys but were more comfortable) ,a white long sleeved shirt accompanied by my grey pullover jersey. I then quickly had a bath ,got dressed and took my school bag. People always said breakfast is the most important meal of the day but that didn't really apply to me. It was something I wasn't used to doing due to the circumstances at home and it actually stuck. Food in the mornings started smelling bad and I just couldn't eat so I just never bothered . "Bye" ,I said to my sister while closing our bedroom door. "Don't forget the keys!",she replied still drunk on her sleep. 

The walk from home to school was always the worst ,especially since I wasn't used to it. I was now forced to walk 10 kilometers to school every morning and afternoon because of my selfish step-dad. It has been 2 months now since we moved from my grandmother's place and I wouldn't say it has been nice. Before we moved to this horrid place despite everything that was happening I always enjoyed waking up every school morning. I always liked walking around while most people were still sound asleep in their houses and the fresh cold breeze blew around welcoming the new day. My sister always complained about me waking up too early as my school was quite near (as if I was ever gonna listen -_-) but now things have changed.

I took out my phone and headphones as soon as I got out the gate and put them on. The song Parking Lot by Anderson Paak played loudly suffocating my ear drums as I fixed my backpack and hurriedly strode down the rocky hill. There were hardly any people around at that time but I still found it comfortable enough to walk in public spaces with my headphones on. It just calmed me and made me drift off to a world of my own. My classmates always called me anti- social and questioned my social awkwardness but I never really cared. I walked along with a few constant glances at my watch to keep track of time until I arrived at my school at exactly 7 am ,just as I had calculated.

I quickly hid my phone and headphones in my backpack as they were not allowed into the school premises and got into the school. Learners never really cared about the school rules concerning mobile phone and brought their phones nonetheless. I'm guessing teachers grew tired of always confiscating the phones and ended up letting us be but I still had to be safe. "Alone again " ,I said to myself as I stood in front of our still locked class. The other classes were still locked too and there were no learners on sight. Only matriculants had arrived given they had morning classes. It was too risky for me to take out my headphones so I just opted to talking to myself. Now that was the second thing I used to calm myself if I couldn't listen to music. I felt like talking to myself was better than talking to a person as there were no chances of awkward silences and no judgments. And I was pretty proud of myself since no one had actually caught me doing this supposedly insane action.

Some time later the school guard/cleaner arrived with the keys. "Goodmorning",he said as he turned the noisy keys around trying to find the right one for our class. "Morning " ,I answered back with the same enthusiasm as him. We actually had the same name 'Sphiwe'(which was my second name but ended being my first due to it being recognized more) meaning 'Given' in Zulu but I changed mine into a more feminine version which is 'Simphiwe' meaning 'we were given' in Zulu. Many people were used to the masculine version of the name so I just ended up using my first name 'Pamela' After some time I entered my class and left my bag in my chosen seat which was on the other far end of the class next to the windows. "Girl I get right on top of you.." ,Chris Brown's song played loudly as I tidied up my already clean class. BANG!I turned around and noticed Karabo supposedly hiding behind one of the trash cans.Karabo is a close friend of mine who I started being familiar with when I first got into high school. He had this 'I don't give a fuck attitude' which I liked and we were friends since then. I quickly turned off my music.

Me :Are you hiding or squatting cause I can't really tell the difference?

Karabo : Uhm..well at this point I think it's more of the second one..

I laughed out loud as I sat down on the nearby seat. He laughed as well and sat on the table across me.

Karabo : Look at you arriving earlier than me..You must be proud eyy.. (he had this funny smirk on his face)

Me :Oh please..As if it's for the first time.. (I said while playfully rolling my eyes)

Karabo :I heard you moved?

Me :Dude!You only heard about it now?!It's been 2 months now , what kind of a friend are you?!

Karabo :(mid laugh) You know I don't talk that much..Plus you don't tell me stuff anymore.. (he made this pretend sad face)

Me : I don't have much to tell..That's why..Stop sulking.. (I stuck out my tongue at him )

Karabo : (after having this long ass forced sigh) You know I guessed  you didn't love me anymore but I just didn't think it was this bad.

Me :What? Of course I still love you Mr Perfect..(I laughed)

It's actually funny how this whole Mr Perfect thing came along. Well it happened during the 8th grade and if I remember correctly it was the Life Orientation period. Our teacher was telling us about how we must not judge other people as we are equally imperfect. She then asked us if anyone was perfect in our class and Karabo raised his hand. The whole class laughed to shreds and he didn't see anything wrong with what he did. We were now in the 10th grade but the name stuck :Mr Perfect.

Karabo :Whatever man..

We were then disturbed by Sphiwe (our school guard) who then started lecturing us about life and how I shouldn't let boys rule my life. Everything just turned all awkward as Sphiwe continued with his lessons. Karabo pretended as if he was checking his class and slipped out. I laughed since I knew he wasn't coming back. Sphiwe finally stopped with his lessons as more of my classmates entered our class. My best friend also came in and gave me the look as she settled into her seat. She always teased me and said Sphiwe was my boyfriend since we had the same name and she would mostly find us talking every morning. " He's not my boyfriend!" ,were my last words before our Physics teacher entered.