
It all started with a penny

My love life started with one penny. But it keeps getting crazier every day.

Makayla_Haywood_ · Teen
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9 Chs

(Chapter 4) the answer and Max’s back story


A Few days ago I felt like crap I had nobody to talk to. I only had one friend and his name is jack Anderson. We known each other since we were toddlers. So I trust him. And love him. But in my world people only hang out with me because I'm loaded. I wish I could live a normal life. So I decided to withdraw all of my money from my bank account and run away. I ran outside and got a cab and I'm going to New York to find my freedom. I started to feel hungry so I stopped at the nearest fast food. (He says this next sentence Sarcastically ) McDonald's and wow a strip club what a nice touch. Then I heard a women in distress screaming help! So I went to go check it out and she was getting raped I guess. But she is a stripper isn't that her job. But never mind that she needed help so I knocked him out. And when I looked in her violet eyes... at that moment I knew she was my soul mate!