
It all started with a penny

My love life started with one penny. But it keeps getting crazier every day.

Makayla_Haywood_ · Teen
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9 Chs

(Chapter 3) misunderstanding

I picked up the penny to give it back to him but all the sudden he screams thief and calls the cops! Next thing I know I am being chased by that dude and the cops! ( Max's point of view) who was that? Wait that hair it looks like... that's the girl from yesterday! I could not recognize her since she is dressed more modest. Hey police officers you can go now. I can take care of this. ( Emily's point of view) I think I lost them. (Max's point of view) there she is. Dang she looks like she is about to pass out. She is really unfit she only ran two blocks. (Emily's point of view) ughh that had to be a mile at least. It was all worth it there gone. Now you can relax. Found you Emily! How do you know my name?! You told me last night. Max!! Yep. At first I didn't recognize you because you dressed more modest. Ohh ya. Here is your penny. I was going to give it back but you jumped to conclusion. How about I treat you lunch my dear friend. Sure. (They have been chatting for hours at a restaurant) hey Emily can I ask you something important? Yes. These past few hours I feel so alive and happy. I know I am moving to fast but will you be my girlfriend? Ummmm...