
It's The Teachers, And Will Always Be The Teachers.

This is a fanfic where the plot is correct in each anime the main character goes into, but the main characters and the antagonist is made up by me, as long as some pasts, etc. Rikona Mitsuki is the main character with Takibi Kosuke. A slow romance, and a reason provided on why they are traveling through worlds (without they're consent). Only recommended if you have seen Bleach, My Hero Academia, and Toilet Bound Hanako kun. You can read the first book (Bleach), if you've seen Bleach but not MHA. If you've seen MHA but not TBHK (Toilet bound Hanako kun), then you can't read it because it won't make sense. If you think you can adapt to new things, you might be able to read it if you try. That's all, I hope you enjoy!

ChunamiMizuki · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Bleach, Chapter 7: The House.

Once we got outside, Takibi grabbed my wrist and headed to the Kurosaki clinic. "Lets go."

I let him. Except I didn't really make it easy for him to drag me around like that, to discourage it from ever happening again, and to give him the message that this was not something that he would be able to do again.

Takibi finally got us there, after some wrong twists and turns. "How did you even make it here?" I asked.

"I used my power." That was all he said before a black head popped up behind the door.

"Ichi-nii! There's two strangers here!"

"What kind of idiots would actually come here-" he froze when he saw us.

"The smart kid and a stranger." Kurosaki widened his eyes.

Takibi raised an eyebrow and turned to me. "Even this kid with huge spiritual pressure calls you smart."

I bowed to Kurosaki. "Please let us live here for now. Genryu wanted us to go on a mission, and we should live here. The only other option is Urahara's and you don't want to live there either, do you?"

The dark haired girl put her hands behind her head. "Are you actually going to let these strangers into the house?"

Takibi narrowed his eyes at the obvious tomboy and she suddenly straitened. "I think you should let them live here, Ichi-nii."

"What did you do to my sister!"

"Don't worry!" Takibi grinned. "She's perfectly fine. Listen to her, though."

Kurosaki sighed. "The Head Captain sent you here, didn't he?"

"Yes he did."

"Fine. My dad won't be here for awhile, with only me, Yuzu, and Karin. You guys can sleep in the living room or guest room. Just don't trespass on the psycho's territory."

I nodded, and stepped inside the house, which was surprisingly cozy.

The smell of food reached my nose, and an excited voice came from behind me. "This place smells so good! We might actually have some fun here, at least!"

I turned around and calmly said, "This is a mission. Don't let your guard down."

Takibi pouted. "You're no fun at all."

"There's dinner." I looked at the clock I discovered when I analyzed my surroundings.

6:00. "The time's perfect for dinner."

I look at the table full of food, with Kurosaki and his sisters all there eating all ready.

"Awww! That's too bad! There's no food for us." Takibi looked at me as if he expected something.

"I think that you know that I don't know how to cook, Takibi," I said with a straight face.

"Fine. This is the last resort then." He waved his hand and a table, two plates with chicken, napkins, and utensils appeared.

"Thank you." I actually was surprised by his power. He's strong.

I sat down at the seat and politely ate in quiet. Unlike Takibi, who was literally scarfing down his food like a starved beggar.

"I haven't had food in ages, I tell you!" He just kept on stuffing his face with food.

"Seriously, eat with more manners. You came here with me, so you'll ruin my reputation. You also shouldn't eat too fast, you're going to get a stomach ache."

I turned to the Kurosakis. "So who's Karin and who's Yuzu?"

The blonde cooker raised her hand. "Hi! I'm Yuzu, and this is my sister Karin!" She waved her hand to Karin.


I nodded without any facial expression. So she is a tomboy. And Yuzu is cooking, a previous statement from Kurosaki states that he isn't expecting anyone else. The only reason is that they're mom is dead.

"So you actually care about me, huh?"

I turned to Takibi. "What?"

"You told me not to have a stomach ache-"

I interrupted him before he went on with the wrong idea. "You have the wrong idea. The only reason I don't want you to get sick is so you can be of use. We are partners whether I like it or not, so I would rather you not get in the way. I also don't want you complaining."

He sighed. "I shouldn't expect any other response from you, Mitsuki."

I nodded and slowly ate the food, thinking about what to do and everything. I stared into space.

I thrust a piece of food into my mouth. But when I reached back with my chopsticks, the sticks hit just the plate.

I snapped out of my daze and looked down at my plate. There's no more food. That means that a lot of time has passed already.

I looked around. All the Kurosaki's were gone, and Takibi was across from me sleeping.

It's a good thing that he's already sleeping, then. I sighed in relief and sat on the couch.

I feel like normal people would carry him to a bed or at least wake him up, but that's stupid. Really stupid.

When I was walking into the house, I had already scanned and got a basic view of the house. There were four rooms in total, with each Kurosaki in one. Not including the kitchen and living room. Another proof that says that Kurosaki's mom is dead.

Having four rooms means that there's only one option for Takibi and I. Sleeping in the living room with him.

Which is why the people who would want to get him to bed are stupid. Because I'm sure Takibi would put up a fight about who would get to sleep on the couch and who's on the floor.

I'd much rather skip the wasting time. Energy is a key point in a mission, no matter how non physical it is. Just as I said, don't let your guard down.

He can just leave me alone and sleep on the chair.

I glanced at him. Takibi looks like he's sleeping peacefully anyways.

There were no blankets. Oh, well. I'll just have to deal with it. The house wasn't really that cold to begin with anyways.

"Good night," I muttered to myself, careful not to wake up Takibi.

And so, I closed my eyes.


The second I returned to consciousness I sat up and looked around.

I sighed. Everything was perfectly fine.

"Oh! You're awake now, Rikona! Just next time at least give me a blanket!" Takibi grinned at me from the other side of the room slurping soba. He was in a blue t-shirt and jeans. Probolly conjured it out of thin air. Some things are just not fair. "The Kurosaki's left. There's still half an hour until school starts, and I'm thinking we can enroll there until we can find that woman."

"Don't call me by my first name," I deadpanned, ignoring the blanket incident, though. "Sure for the latter, though."

I sat up and stretched. "I'm going to go take a shower. Don't peek."

"Like I ever would." Takibi got a mischievous look on his face that made me even distrust him more.

I left the room and took a quick shower, thankfully with privacy. I changed into a black sweatshirt and shorts that were left on my stomach. A black undershirt, black underwear, black socks, and black sports shoes. To be honest, I really liked the black. It was really small though. But what choice do I have?

When I was back in the room, a plate of soba was on the table.

I looked at Takibi, who was still slurping soba on the other side of the table. "What time is it?"

He looked up to me and his eyes widened a little."It's 7:10. Still twenty minutes until school starts. We have to hurry."

I nodded and stuffed all the food into my mouth.

"Do you want me to give you some new clothes?" I glanced at him to find his eyes a bit more wider than normal, and focused on me.

Just a bit of the corner of my mouth turns up. "I didn't know you were a perv. But sure."

He quickly conjured the same exact clothes but a bit bigger. I left and changed, then went back and sat down. I didn't even bother to find out how he knew my size. Or he didn't even have to know.

We both ate in silence.

Then I stood up with my mouth full of food. Takibi frowned. "Won't you get a stomach ache? You said the same thing to me yesterday."

I pointed to my mouth and rushed out the door.

Eventually, I got to the school. Karakura High School.

I feel like the name is a bit too… bland. Not that I care.

Takibi was already there, though. He was looking all 'I'm perfectly fine even if I just ran 5 miles straight'

I was breathing hard.

Takibi waved at me. "You're almost laaaaate!" He drawled the last word.

I ignored him and ran to the front door. There were teachers talking in the corner of a hallway, which is pursued.

"Hello!" They looked at me.

"What do you need?"

"Where's the room with Kurosaki? We're the new students."

They looked behind me. "Ask your mom."

I looked behind me, only to find out that not only Takibi was there, but also a middle aged woman, someone who looked about 34 years old.


She smiled kindly and shook her head. "I'm not their mom. I'm here as the substitute teacher for the day." She turned around and looked at me, then at Takibi. "Ichigo Kurosaki is in my class. You can come with me."

I could feel Takibi's eyes on me, and I nod. "Sure! Thank you, ma'am."

The corner of her lips turned down, but they returned to normal in a heartbeat later. "My name is Ena Hanako, but you can call me Ms. Hanako.

Takibi grinned. "Alright, Ms. Hanako! Lead us there!"

Darkness seemed to shadow Hanako's face, indicating that she found something annoying. At least something we agree on. But he's a good partner for this kind of thing, so I don't have to do it.

She turned around and ran, us following her.

"Have a good day!" The other teachers shouted.

We all ignored them, trying to keep up with Hanako.

I could just barely follow her, but Takibi seemed just fine.

The whole time I couldn't keep up with her, only knowing where she was.

So when I finally caught up to her, she was already in the classroom. "-Ms. Hanako. There are also two new students. Introduce yourselves!"

Takibi made the peace sign. "I'm Takibi Kosuke. Nice to meet you!"

I ran up to him, panting. "You should have waited for me! I'm Rikona. Rikona Mistuki." I turned around and stared at Hanako. "Not very nice to meet you, but this is a good coincidence."

I made it obvious the last phrase was directed to Hanako, and then I turned to the class.

Kurosaki's eyes were as big as saucers, and Orihime had her mouth wide open.

I did some research before, so I know that the glasses guy (who is narrowing his eyes at Kurosaki and then at me) was a Quincy, and Chad was a human with powers as well.

I walked to one of the desks that were empty.

But for better or worse, the desks were next to each other.

Takibi winked at me. "Great!"

The class went by like a breeze, with surprisingly easy questions. I might've even thought of it as 'suspicious' if Takibi hadn't made it obvious that he wasn't the best at mathematics.

I sighed. "You really don't know?"


"Ok, so basically-"

The bell interrupted me.

Really, so many things interrupt me when I'm talking, it's starting to get annoying. But then again, it's so small considering the problems I have now.

I really do consider this mission as something small, though. I went to Soul Society just to put something on my mind.

Takibi sighed. "School in the Living World is… interesting.

I shoot him a sharp look, which I'm sure might affect him. Especially with sharp cat eyes (I've been told that because my eyes have black slits as pupils and the silver, it makes me look scary and dangerous) "Don't say that here."

Kurosaki came up to me and dragged Takibi outside really quickly.

Really, I did underestimate Kurosaki. It would've been easier to spy on us and find out. If he was stupid, then he would've came to me right away. I guess he's in the middle.

The whole group was waiting there.

"What do you want?" Takibi demanded.

Kurosaki turned to me. "What are you doing here? Aren't you that person who saved Inoue?"

"Yes I am. Now don't pay much attention to us. We're here on an entirely different matter, and if you pay attention to us, then it's bad for both of us."

Chad narrowed his eyes. "Why?"

"Kurosaki here has to defeat Aizen. I'm here in an entirely different matter, again. I will distract Kurosaki, and he'll distract me. So forget me?"

Orihime pouted. "But you helped me so much! Can't I help you in some way?"

I turned around and stared at her. "Do you know anything about the substitute teacher? If not, then just ignoring me would be helping me?'

She stood, there silent.

Suddenly Ishida walked up to me. "I think she might be a Quincy."

Takibi and I widened our eyes. "It's her, Rikona."

I sighed at him calling me by my first name and nodded. "Ok, all you guys can do to help me now is ignore me. Bye!" I grabbed Takibi's arm and fast walked to the next room just as the bell rang. "Well, guess what? I think I like bells."

The bell really made my life easier.