
It's Not Really My Game Anymore

When Flick decides to add three new characters to his small MMO game, the events which occurred after changed many things in his life. Can he still keep everything afloat before it becomes chaotic? -------- Hey, this is my first attempt at a novel here and this seemed like a good time to write something. I don't know how it will go in the end but please try reading it.

Fractolium · Games
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2 Chs

Unexpected Guests

It was the next day. When I finished eating breakfast and was about to go check on the game and then go take care of myself as one would when they're taking a break, I heard my doorbell ring. "I hadn't ordered anything nor invited friends over this early in the morning though? I'll still open it to check if anything's wrong."

I thought something was off but I needed to make sure it was okay, so I opened the front door to my house. There were three people.

"Hello! We're here to move in-"

"You have the wrong house. This is not the house you are looking for." I cut them off immediately.

"Sir, this is the right house and we're meant to move in here." The one in the middle, seemingly being the youngest of the three replied. "Flick, if you are not letting us in..."

"How in the hell do you know who I am?! Are you some stalker group out to get me or what?"

I was confused at this point. Who are these people and how do they know me? But then, I saw who they really were. They were the three characters I had added the day prior. This did not make me any less confused than I already was and only served to make things even weirder. I had decided then to ask them an entirely different set of questions instead.

"Aren't you guys from Aeterna? I thought you guys aren't real and would only exist in the game."

"Well you just got us to come down here instead of staying up where you'd expect us to be living, thanks for making us get kicked out and forced check out what's going on here but I guess nothing's happened. Guess we'll be getting free housing here instead!" Balver laughed it off, seeming to just not care much.

Linop, the wizard then continued by asking whether there was anything that they could help out with.

My curiosity could only get the better of me because I was thinking if they could help with developing the game, allowing for more and better content. But this would've made me seem selfish and lazy if I said that out loud. We're talking higher beings who have potential to change the world, descending to this very planet!

I could be the reason we as humans enter a golden age,speed up new discoveries, gain the ability to save each other and even more incredible things! And yet, I want to use that opportunity and waste it on developing a game? I could not stand still with the greatest opportunities being right in front of me. I had to mix my silly little ideas with a way for humanity to advance to the next life-changing discovery. So, I asked them.

"Want to try my game I've been developing for a while? I think this game is the reason you guys are here. If you like it... do you mind helping me out with developing it?"

Ise is someone who you'd think is so focused on improving their strength and combat capabilities. However he was very much into games. So when he hears about a game that interests him, he will instantly want to try it. At first I didn't know this, but as time passed this characteristic definitely showed itself. So in this situation, do you think he'd deny the opportunity to play a game? Of course not, he'd say yes in a heartbeat instead!

"Guys, I really want to try this game, it seems fun!"

"Go on, do whatever you want, there's no stopping you at this point." Linop said with a relieving sigh. He was happy with the fact this master of combat atleast didn't make a mess of the area like he usually had seen him do.

When he tried it, unsurprisingly, he saw statues of himself, Balver and Linop at the starting town and was surprised. "Guys, all three of us are in this game! Play it with me... please!"

Their curiosity couldn't be kept at bay, they had to see this for themselves, and so they did.

"You see, you guys represent some of the different aspects of the game so that's why you see each other in the game. If you want to help make it better-"

"WE'RE GOING TO HELP YOU DEVELOP THIS GAME!" Ise suddenly yelled with excitement.

"Are these gods or are they egotistical pieces of trash?" That was the only thing in my head at the time.

I never was able to wrap my head around this situation anyway looking back at it.