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It was already past midnight as I got Kyungsoo's call. At first I was suprised but then I only laughed at his behavior. He seemed really drunk so I decide on picking him up. As soon as I reached the students association home, I could already see him sitting on the ground in front of the house. I sigh, stop my car and get out to help him up. His small body was really not made for partys I guess - but it would still look nice on my lap or below me. 

I put his arm around my neck as I guided him to the passenger seat. He was already so passed out, that he didn't even notice me. Carefully I put the seat belt around his upper body, so he would be safe while I would drive him home. 

As I took place on the drivers seat I let my gaze wander to the small boy next to me. I guess he fell asleep. His face looks so peacefully and his lips parted a bit as he took a deep breath. My sticky muscle escaped trough my two soft paddings while I was observing him with my eyes. After a few minutes I shook my head, to get back to normal thoughts.

"Hm..I should just bring him home to his mum...." I told myself, but it wasn't working. The desire to have him near me was too big as I could stand it. "Well...then I'll take him to my place." I muttered as I started the car.

After a short drive we already reached my apartment where I parked the car and carried his small and week body to the Elevator which would bring us to the 16th floor, which was also the Penthouse. Yes, I don't earn much as the head director, but I have a rich family which supports me.

As soon as I got Kyungsoo in my apartment, I closed the door behind us and headed to the bedroom, where I layed him down in the big water bed of mine. For a view minutes my gaze was resting on his body again and I decided to take of some of his Clothes, which were a bit dirty because he were throwing up before.

While I was taking off his clothes, my fingertips ran softly over his pearl white skin. He was really attractiv and he would be perfect for my collection. I had the bad habit to always take a photo of the guys after I slept with them. I would stick it in my black notebook and write down how good they were and what I did to them. But of course I would never force someone to sleep with me - they did it all voluntarily. Maybe thats because my way of seducing them was so good. I really hope to see his photo in my notebook soon.

"Oh, Kyungsoo...I would do such dirty things with our body if you let me." I whispered and a small grin appeared on my face.

"Then..why don't you already start?" he softly whispered back at me, as he slowly began to open his eyes. He gazed at me as he moved into a upright position.

"You are awake?" I answered with my normaly rough voice and ignored his question at first. "And you don't even ask why you are almost naked and lying on my bed?"

He shook his head. "Maybe because I dreamed of this since I first saw you, Mr. Kim?"

My tongue wiped ofter my rosy lips as I gazed at him. His hair was a bit messy and he was wearing nothing except his panties - he already looked like I had banged him just a few moments before.

"So..really? What else did you dream about me Kyungsoo?" I asked with my deep voice as I reached out my hand ro pull back some light strands of his hair. "You...me...this bed. You on top of me, behind me, below me..well that kind of things." A small grin formed on his mouth and also on mine. "Do you want this dreams to come true Kyungsoo?" I softly whispered as I lean forward to his pretty face. "Sure, Mr. Kim."

"For tonight, call me Daddy, Kyungsoo."