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"Kyungsoo! Hey!" Jason placed his bag on the school table before he sat down right next to me. "Do you know if something had happend to Kris yesterday? No one has seen him for a while." he mumbled while he was searching for his notepad and a pen. "Oh really? No, I haven't heard anything." I lied. I don't know why, but I don't want to tell him, that Mr. Kim visited me yesterday at home to tell me that the problem with Kris was solved. 

"Hmm...well.. It's a good thing if he isn't here! It's so peacefull!" We both burst into laugther and I nodded my head. He was totaly right! 

The first class today was math class and it was as boring as always. Half of the students were already sleeping during the first five minutes. Maybe it was because of the old and boring teacher or because of the difficult theme - I don't know either. I talked to Jason the whole time until we had to move to the next classroom. 

"What are you planning to do at the weekend?"

"Huh? Oh I don't really have any plans.."

"Then let's go to a student party? There is one in the student's association home tomorrow night."

"Well..but I'm not the kind of boy that likes to drink and party.."

"But it's gonna be fun!! And all the cool kids will be there!"

I sighed. I really should be more open for such things, otherwise I would never find any new friends. "Well, okay! But let's just stay till midnight, okay?"

"That's all I need!" Jason yelled cheerfully as we sat down for our next class. 

After school Jason discussed with me all the things that I need to know for tomorrow evening. He told me time, place and that I should bring a bottle of alcohol with me, so they would accept us there more quickly. As soon as I got home, I secretly took one of the rum bottels of my mum and placed it in my room, so she wouldn't find it. 

After I made my homework I took a nap and then left the house for a long walk outside. I got my headphones pluggend in my ears and was listening to the latest K-Pop Songs, which my korean friends sent me yesterday. I already miss the korean culture and of course the food! Of course my mum would only cook korean dishes here too, but somehow it doesn't taste as it does in my hometown. 

I turend right at the T-section of the street and was heading down to the small beach. It was the only place that I really like in Canada. It was peaceful and I like to watch the waves of the sea crashing against the white sand. I often sit down on a small dune an watch the seagulls drawing there circles above the water. I closed my eyes as soon as I sat down and increased the volume of the song that was playing right now

  ♬  My life's at a rock bottom's cliff. I'm walking in a dark tunnel

I'm holding up this cruel, dreadful day alone

My school hallway is fading away. On this unfamiliar way, I'm so unlucky

I don't have any map to tell me whether this road is right

There's no way to go up. What I've been through is a maze I never want to go back to

I'm comforting myself shedding bloody sweats instead of bloody tears

They tell me such hills are just passing showers

If you want success, put snares that are called failures

So yes, I bite the baits that are called pain

I'm wandering around, with my exhausted wings of passions temporarily folded

I'm on a Hellevator

My Hellevator  ♬

I hummed softly the melody of the song as I suddenly startled because of the vibration of my phone. My Mum was calling. 

"Kyungsoo? It's already late and the dinner is ready."

"Uhm, yeah. I'm comming." I muttered before I end the call and stood up to go back home. 

- - - - - - 

"Soooo are you ready for the party?"

Me and Jason are standing in front of the students association home - both of us holding a bottle of alcohol. 

"Well, you left me no choice so...yeah, I think I'm ready." I gave back and he nods before me head to the front door. 

As soon as we got in, someone took the bottels and said we should go and have fun. The small room was crowded with students which were already drunk - it was just around 8pm. 

Some of them were playing truth or dare while the rest was dancing or eating up each others face in a passionate kiss. How should I survive this?

Jason draggend me to the dancefloor and someone just gave us a plastic cup with some nonspecific clear liquid. Somehow i managed to put the cup aside but as soon as I had my hands free, someone gave me another cup of alcohol. I shighed and tasted a bit of the liquid, which was unexpected good. I don't know how long it take, but the next thing I know, is that I was drunk as fuck. I danced like crazy and somehow I even ended up kissing a tall and good looking guy. Everything was alright till I felt a big queasiness in my stomach. As fast as I can I headed outside the house, just to throw up in the garden a few seconds later. I cleaned my mouth with a tissue and then took out my phone - I don't know why I did this. 

It took be about 30 minutes to unlock my loockscreen before I could look for the phonenumber of my mum, to tell her that she should bring me home. I didn't noticed at that moment, that I was not really calling her, but an other person instead. 

"Hello?" a deep voice at the other side of the phone answered. 

"Mum? I'm feeling not good...please pick me up." I muttered drunk into the speakers. "Kyungsoo?" Jongin replied a bit confused but I still didn't get it, that I called the wrong person. "I'm at...uhm...where am I?" I mumbled and looked around me before I described him this place. "See you, mom.." I said as I hung up the phone and put it back in my pocket. I hope she would come soon because I felt really bad. I guess partying is not my kind  of lifestyle.