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After the Boys left my office I had to inhale and exhale deeply. What was that boy? He looks so innocent and cute but then so damn hot at the same time. The way his lips partet when he spoke drove my insides crazy - one more moment with him in the same roome and I would have banged him on my desk in front of his friend. 

But he has a problem with being bullied? Maybe Kris is craving for him too, as I know he has a preference for boys. Would this cute Boy be his type? I guess so. 

I called my secretary into my office and told her, that she should bring Kris to me. She nodded and after she left I took a seat behind my desk. As soon as I saw Kyungsoo I was sure of one thing: That I want to have him in my collection. 

My tongue slipped out of my mouth and covered my bottom lip for a second. "I will get you Kyungsoo, whatever it takes." 

It was not love at first sight, but it was lust at first sight.



The whole way back home my thoughts were imbued with Mr. Kim. He really was a very attractive man. I was curious about him. He didn't seem much so much older than me and he was korean too. Maybe I felt so attracted to him because he reminds me of my old home. But maybe I just got bewitched from this sexual tension of his. I shook my head and tried to get him out of my thoughts. But the more I tried to forget about him, the more pictures of him naked in bed crossed my mind. "This have to stop Kyungsoo! It has. He is much older, he is a man and he is the Head of the School you are going to!"

Luckily I didn't met Kris in school today - maybe he was already called out by Jongin? I hope he will get the revange for all these mean things he did to me and the other pupils. 

As soon as I arrived home and opended the door my mum approaches me. "Kyungsoo, your school Director is here. Did you do something bad?" She seemed worried and angry at the same time so I tried to calm her down. "No, I haven't done anything, okay? Where is he?"

"He is waiting in the living room."

"Thanks, I'll go to him. Don't worry Mum."

As I got into the living room I suddenly felt his glance at me. He set on the sofa and in a blink of an eye there was desire in his eyes. "Hello Sir." I said with a calm voice but inside me everything seems to go upside-down. 

"Hello Kyungsoo." There was a raw shade hidden in his voice and it causes me to freeze for a moment. Damn this man was a gift from heaven. 

I set down across from him and let my gaze roam over his presence. 

"So, I'm here because I talked to Kris."

I raised an eyebrow at his words. "So?"

"He won't ever disturb you again, I made that sure."

I nodded. "So what if he still bullys me? Can I suit you then?" A deep laugh came over his full lips and he surveys me again. "Sure you can." He lowered his voice. "You can punish me too, Kyungsoo."

I gasped softly and lowered my eyes. What was he trying to do with me? Does he know his actions affect me in this kinda bad way? A small look at him told me that he knew what he is doing. He don't even seem to hide his true intentions and thats the fact, that was scaring me.

Again he got a softly smirk on his lips as he slowly got up from the sofa. The movements of his body were flowing and graceful. He came right up to me and I could smell the pleasant smell coming from his whole body. "I'll give you my phonenumber. Just in case you want to suit me or need my help - in any ways. I'll always be there." He whispered near my face as he gave me a card with his Name and Number on it. I grabbed the card and nodded my head slowly - I didn't know what to say at this moment. 

As soon as he moved away from me again, my mum entered the room. "Is everythin alright Director? I hope my Son didn't cause any trouble."

Jongin shook his head. "Oh no, don't worry Mrs. Do. The matter is already solved."

"Ah, I'm happy to hear that!" Both shook hands as he took a last glance at me. "Well then, I'll be seeing you in school Kyungsoo."

I lowered my head. "Goodbye Mr. Kim."  I said as I watched him leave the room. This damn guy. 

I looked at the small card in my hand and was biting my lip at the same time. Kim Jongin..I don't know where all of this is leading to. But something deep inside of me wants to make this happen.