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After I came back home I just throwed my bag in a random corner and yelled at my Mother: "I'm never ever going back to that school again." As soon as I finished my sentence I ran upstairs and closed the door with a big smashing sound. I didn't want to get involved with Kris but even if I do nothing, he seems so go after me. I guess I'm his new toy, he can push around school now. 

I heard a light knocking on my door as my Mum came to try to talk with me. "Soo? Can we talk for a moment? Don't you wanna tell me what happend at school?"

"I don't wanna talk. I just wanna move back to Korea." I yelled back through the door and I heard a little sigh.

I really didn't want to hurt her but I just can take one more day with this damn idiot. Jason tried to calm me down after Kris spat on me, but it didn't worked out well. He crossed a line and I won't give him one more chance to bully me.

My Mum gave up trying to talk to me and got downstairs again. I know she were doing this whole Moving only for me, so I wouldn't be hurt when I see Dad with his new wife. But that doesn't really matter to me - to me, my Dad is dead. He destroyed our family with his selfish way of life. But I can't change the fact that he is an stupid asshole so I should just let it rest in peace.

The ringtone of my cellphone was shaking me up from my deep thoughts. Who could it me?

As I look on the display, I see Jasons Name in shiny letters appear. I take the call.

"Kyungsoo! Please. I want you to come with me to the head of the school tomorrow. You can tell him about Kris and maybe we'll find a way."

I rolled my eyes before I answer. "Jason, I'm sorry. But don't you think some of the pupils he bullied tried that already before? I guess Kris has rich partents which will cover up everything for him."

"Well, I think you have watched to many K-Dramas Kyungsoo." Ha. He was the biggest Fan of Lee Min Ho - not me!

"Our Head Director is really different. But I guess they never had edvice for Kris doing all those things because there was no witness. They are all so scared of him. So please, try to talk to him." I sighed, but nooded my head. "Okay, I'll see you at school tomorrow, okay?"

On the next day I woke up early and already prepared the things I would say to the Head-Director. I would tell him all I know about Kris - what was not very much at that point so far. But I have to try it. If all goes wrong and Kris would find out about my plan, I would be dead. Yeah, I'm very sure of that. 

I meet Jason in front of the school and together we were heading to the Directors office. It was a strange atmosphere and I wasn't the only one who was scared. Jason was looking quiet insecure at his feet as I knocked on the door of the Director. But he followed me inside and I was just thankful at that moment. 

The Head Director was sitting on his wooden writing desk and lift up his head as soon as we came hin. A smirk appears on his face as his glance traveled over my Body, but it was just a short moment and mabye I just imagined it. "Good Morning you too. What brings you here?"

He stood up from his desk and told us to sit down. The nameplate on his desk said 'Kim Jongin' - so he was korean. I could have already told that from his appearance - his almond-shaped dark brown eyes and his dialect was enough to tell about his origin. I couldn't help but investigate his body while he was standing in front of me. His white shirt was a bit too tiny, so his abs showed clearly. My tongue slipped out of my mouth for a moment and glided over my bottom lip - he was really handsome. I have to say at this point - I really like Girls! But I also once had made my experience with boys and this feelings from this time suddenly came back and dazed my thoughts. 


Jason poked me in my waist and I blinked before I tried to get my nuts together. "Uhm..well..So.."

"You are new here right? I saw your name at the list of the newbies yesterday." He asked with a little smile playing on his lips. 

"Yes Sir. I'm Do Kyungsoo. Well I have a problem with one of the pupils here. He bullys me."

He nod and it seems like a lot of thoughts were running through his beautiful head. "I already heard much of this complains. But I can't do anything as long as there is no witness Kyungsoo."

"I'm his witness!" Jason held his hand up high. "I will do it."

Jongin - Sorry, I mean Mr. Kim - nodded again. "I guess that will do it. So Jason, please tell me the whole story. After that I will personaly talk to Kris, alright?"

"But I guess he will be even more after Kyungsoo when you talk to him, Sir." Jason muttered but the Director only brushed it aside. "Don't worry."

He turned his head to me. "Don't worry Kyungsoo. I won't let him hurt you." His eyes had a almost dangerous glance as he said this words but suddenly I felt safe from Kris.