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This Story goes out to all these countless Kaisoo Lovers out there <3

[ This Story is in Kyungsoo's pov, if there is one Chapter in Jongin's I'm gonna tell you before ;) ]

"Kyungsoo! Breakfast is ready! You are going to be late." my mum scolded me from downstairs with her loud voice. I just rolled my eyes and got into the bathroom to fix my hair and took a last view into the mirror in front of me. Under my Eyes, dark circles were formed and there was no happiness in my gaze. After my partens got divorced,  me and my Mum moved to Canada. I had to leave all my friends in Korea behind, just to make her happy again. She wanted to have as many miles as possible between them. Well, so today is my first official day in Canada and at my new school. I couldn't sleep the whole night long, because I'm really scared. What will the others think of me? I know no one around here and I guess because of my asian looks, I'll become an outsider for sure.

I took a deep breath and left the bathroom to go downstairs where my Mum already waits for me. "Kyungsoo, what took you so long? You have to catch the Bus! Do you want to be late on your first day at School? I don't think so."

"Mum..please." I took my bag and gave her a small kiss on the left cheek. "See you later." And with this words, I turned around to leave our small Apartment. 

"Kyungsoo! Wait! What's with Breakfast?" She shouted behind me, but I just answered "I'm not hungry.", before the door closed.

With heavy steps I got to the bus stop, where my school bus was already waiting for me. I nod at the driver after I got in and kept an Eye out for a comfortable place to take a seat. But all seats were already taken. I sighed, clinged onto the handrail and put my headphones on. Music was at the moment the only thing that could help me to get through all this shit. 

♫외톨이야 외톨이야

외톨이야 외톨이야

외톨이야 외톨이야

사랑에 슬퍼하고 사랑에 눈물짓는 외톨이

Sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, sad tonight 가슴이 아파

No, no, no, no, no, no nobody knows 맘 몰라

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight night.

수 많은 밤을 새우며 나를 달래고 있어 ♫

As we finally arrived at school I couldn't wait to escape this whole crowd of people in the bus. They were happily chatting about this and that and half of them stare at me like I was an alien from another planet or something. I speed up my steps as I saw the school building in front of me - I want this day to end as soon as possible. 

Finally I reached the building and stepped inside. It was crowded with pupils, which were rushing to their class rooms or just chatting with each other about what they did last night. I hurried to the registry to get my timetable and to introduce myself as the "New One".

The Secretary smiled at me as I introduced myself to her and nod her head. "Ah Welcome at Victoria High, Kyungsoo. Wait a second, I'll prepare your timetable and then I'll introduce you to your homeroom teacher." I nod my head and watched her as she turned her back on me to type something into her computer. 

"Hey..So you are new here?"

A squeaky voice next to me made me turn around and I saw a small guy standing in front of me. He smiled happily at me and his brown eyes seem to sparkle. "Well..Hello." I barely answered as I inspected him from top to bottom. His clothing style was held simple and his posture made clearly, that he was a bit shy. I bet he was the type of guy, that was bullied from the other people around here because he was just different. Well, I guess they will do the same with me. But I didn't wanted to scare him off, because he seemed like a really nice guy and I guess I need a friend to survive at this school. "Oh sorry that I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Jason!" he cheerfully said as his gaze already curiously inspected me again. "Nice to meet you Jason, I'm Kyungsoo.""Oh wow! I guess you're not from here right? But your English is really well! Where do you come from Kyungsoo? Which part of Asia?"

"Well, I'm from Southkorea, Seoul. But after my partens got divorced my mum wanted to move to Canada. So now..I'm here."

I ended with a small sigh and he nodded his head quickly. "Oh wow..thats amazing! Well, If you don't mind, I could show you around after you met your homeroom teacher.""That sounds good Jason. I would be really greatful, because I know no one except you in this strange place.""Don't worry Kyungsoo, you will learn quickly how it goes."After I got to met my homeroom teacher, Jason took me to the different class rooms to show me around. He was really a nice guy and we got along very well with each other. Luckily we had almost the same timetable, so I could follow him around. My first subject was English History. Before the lesson started, the teacher called me out, so I could introduce myself to the whole class.

"Well..Hi. I'm Kyungsoo from Korea. I moved here not long ago and I hope we'll get along with each other." I bowed my head and then headed back to my seat, next to Jason. Just a few moments after I set down, the door of the classroom opened again and a tall, asian guy entered the room. As soon as he got in, every gaze in the room was fixed on him. "Wu Yi Fan. You are late again." the homeroom teacher said with an angry voice, but Yi Fan ignored him and headed to the back of the room where a few guys were already waiting for him - I guess his friends. I had an eye on him for a moment and his gaze met mine. Suddenly a grin formed on his rosy lips and I don't know if it was a good or bad sign.I turned back as Jason streched on my shirt to get my attention. "You better stay away from him, he is the badass at our school. He bullys every newbie. Once a boy even killed himself because Kris was so mean to him."


"That's his canadian Name. But stay away from him Soo. He is not good for you."

"Don't worry, why should he even notice me?"

After the period ended, everyone left their seats and rushed to their next subject. Me and Jason stayed at our places because we had another subject in this class room. Suddenly someone stopped right beside me and as I lifted my head, I saw Kris. 

"Hi Newbie. I'm Kris."

His voice was really manly, it was dark and really rough. A shiver ran down my spine as he spoke to me. But I turned my head back to Jason, I didn't want to get involved with Kris. I already had enough problems. But that seems to make him even more angry and aggressive. He grabbed my hair and pulled my head back, so I saw his face above me. 

"Be warned. I can destory you, so you better show me some more respect."

"He didn't meant to make you angry Kris!" Jason fearful whispered.

"I haven't talked with you, Idiot. " he growled and spit on my face. "Be warned little One."