
It’s In My Blood

Even after the Blade Brakers won and became world champions, a type of beyblade that no one stands a chance against came out of nowhere looking for a worthy challenge as its offence, defence, speed and stamina are off the charts, taking out all that dare to step in its way, but even the strongest of beys have a weakness, right?

GogetaFanUwU · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 5

A week had past and training was beginning to become a bore for Kit, as Kane wasn't proving to be much of a challenge anymore, and demanded more power to put her mind into focus.

"Okay.. that's enough. I'm bored and you're not improving. Have you even been training? Cause if you haven't then we'll be having a problem, Kid" Kit stated, as Kane scoffed and glanced away from her knowing that she was right.

"So?.. I don't see you train, why don't you do it?" He replied giving her attitude as she took in a long deep breath, before exhaling calmly washing away whatever negative energy that resigned within her.

"Grandfather has put your future in my hands.. It was either I make you an A+ student or the next unbeatable worldwide champion. And we both know I ain't teaching you jack shit, as that would ruin my entire beyblading career. So I'll ask AGAIN.. Have you been training lately? If not, why?!" Kit got serious taking none of Kane's crap, as he grew increasingly hesitant and scared by her serious change in tone.

"Grandfather is making me do it?! He wants me to do extra work at home, therefore giving you more time alone and less to tutor me!.. please don't yell at me" he quickly replied slightly flinching even though she hadn't moved a muscle for the past 10 minutes. Kit lowered her head, and clenched both hands forming two tightly formed fists that were raring to go.

"Oh? So he did.. I need to go for a walk, so keep training" she said in a oddly calm way, even though her hands were telling a completely different story. However, she quickly glanced up startling Kane, as he staggered back feeling the aggression emit from her eyes. "Don't tell the old man, got it?.. and even if you do. It'll already be too late" she warned him before marching out of the room refusing to have anymore distractions.

Kit was underneath a bridge illegally doing graffiti damaging public property for the fun of it, with some of her gang friends that were some bad apples she shouldn't be hanging around with.

"Gotta say, Kit. A girl with your looks should be a model, cause you're drop dead gorgeous, hun" one of the girl said being older than her, and having olive skin, dyed red braided locks and hazel eyes. She was grey joggers, black belly top and a red jacket, that was loosely wrapped around her waist.

"Thanks, Kiwi.. but the old man still thinks I'm fat. Like can you believe that? First he thinks we're blood related and has the right to beat me for not being 'ladylike'. Two, he let his own fucking grandson touch me. And then he expects me to love and support him! Hell no! That shit isn't even normal let alone legal!" Kit ranted still spray painting as Kiwi nodded and hummed agreeing with her ever step of the way.

"Uhuh, girl. You let your voice be heard! Ain't no old wrinkle man and his stupid grand babies telling us women what to do" Kiwi strongly stood by her girls no matter what, even if the boys had other thoughts about the situation.

"Kiwi ain't wrong, sista. But ya do need to cut down on action, and find a more sustainable relationship. I'm sure you'll find the one. Even though, Carlos wasn't really the loving type, if ya know what I mean?" One of the boys spoke up as he too had dark skin, long braid dreadlocks, but his were dyed platinum blonde which matched with his blue eyes and badass composure looking untouchable.

His response caused Kit to stop whatever she was doing, and put down the can of spray just to glanced at the two of them unpleased.

"Oh come on, Jerome. Kit hasn't had sex for almost a year.. I think" Kiwi argued before slowly turning back to at her friend despite being quite bad at remembering the last time Kit has had some action. "You didn't do it with anyone during your time in Russia, right?" She asked having some doubt in knowing her own besties body count.

"Seriously? I can't believe you guys! I haven't had sex since I broke up with the idiot, and I don't slag around.. besides, that's Jerome's thing" Kit honestly replied glancing over at the man, who just shrugged his shoulders giving no shits.

"And if I do? At least I can't get pregnant like ya women, so go suck on it" he confidently argued back as Kit scoffed with a smirk allowing Kiwi to step back, relax and listen.

"You're saying I'm going to get pregnant? You're more likely to GET someone random hook up pregnant, before I even decide to even get pregnant! I am only fourteen after all and you're like what? 17? And you still asking your mummy for cash" Kit said beginning to roast his ass, as he huffed with a smile getting up ready to downsize his opponent.

"Be glad that you're like a sista to me or I wouldn't hesitate destroying your ass, bitch" he was pumped ready to spit some roasts, as he aching him to go first.

"Give me your worst, and we'll see if it's even worth a slap on that pretty cheek of yours" she added as he chuckled ignoring Kiwi, who watched in excitement to see what bad shit comes out of their mouths.

"Nah, man. I ain't gonna do it" Jerome suddenly chickened out, as he raised his hands up to chest level for a couple of seconds before lowering them back down. Kit crossed her arms displeased, as to them this did seem normal for him to back out of a friendly roast so quickly, as he began to nervously sweat. "I'm sorry! It's just.. um, your old man is here" he announced as Kit spun around, seeing the old man stand there seriously pissed off with both arms crossed causing her to quickly unfold hers, as the two quickly fled along with some other members.

"It has come to my attention, that you haven't been following the rules of your punishment to tutor Kane" Dean said as she froze in place, unsure if he just wanted to yell or hit her for disobeying his clear instructions. "Now. We are going to go back home, and you're going to continue training my grandson. Do you understand, Kaiden Blood?" He used her full name which isn't a good sign, as she lowered her head unsure if this was how it ends. "ANSWER ME?!" Dean exclaimed making her jump as she glanced back up at him.

"Y-yes, sir" She replied with a slight stutter in her voice, before allowing him to escort her out from the under the bridge. They were about to be on there way, when nearby footsteps could be heard rushing behind them.

"KIT!" A voice called out causing her to stop, and looked back seeing the idiots she had been teamed up with by Mr. Dickinson.

"Crap! What are they doing here?!" Kit thought in sheer panic until seeing Kiwi, and Jerome come up behind them being the ones who tattled. Dean too stopped in his tracks after not hear her footsteps follow behind him.

"Come on, Kaiden. We haven't got all day" Dean instructed before noticing the Blade Breakers, especially Kai who instantly recognised the man, that stood high and mighty above everyone else in the city. "Who are these lowlifes? Are they friends of yours?" He asked beginning to interrogate, and embarrass her in-front of them, as Kit glanced away, while both of her hands clenched tightly, trying to exert the anger that was building up within her.

"By the matter of fact, we're her new teammates!" Tyson answered the question not caring about who this guy is or what relation he had with his friend. Dean raised an eyebrow while looking at the five that stood before him.

"Teammates?.. Oh! Why didn't you say so? It has been a very long time since Kit has made friends. Are you perhaps participating in the upcoming tournament?" Dean act has completely changed instantly catching the attention of Kit, as she glanced up from hearing his oddly kind tone.

"Yes we are. But we aren't here to make amends, old man. As we're here to save our friend" Tyson continued to yammer on slightly angering Dean, as he glanced at Kiwi and Jerome who stood in the back.

"Save her? What is there to save my granddaughter from? I don't see no danger, other than those lowlife scums that stand behind you, young man. They are the real criminals here, as they almost made my little angel use illegal substances!" this was going too far even though none of the words he were say were true.

Kit had enough and was about to walk off when Kane came out of nowhere heavily breathing, as if he had ran a marathon.

"Grandfather!" He called out instantly grabbing Dean's attention, as the old man grabbed tightly of Kit's wrist, causing her to slightly flinch in pain instantly grabbing onto his wrist wanting him to stop.

"Why does he have to hold me that hard?! He's going to break my arm!" Kit thought ignoring everything, other than the pain that was going up and down her arm.

"What is it, Kane? Can't you see that I am busy negotiating?" Dean impatiently asked, as Kane saw Kit slightly struggle to keep a straight face because of him.

"You are hurting her, grandfather.." the boy said pointing at the old man's hand, causing him to dramatically roll his eyes at the boy.

"You're just being over dramatic as always, boy. Now run along, all of you. I have things to do and places to be" Dean said ignoring Kane's concern as he began to drag her away, until Tyson bolted towards them giving no one any chance to catch him.

"Tyson! What are you doing?" Max called out in hopes to stop him, but it was already too late. Tyson grabbed a hold of Kit's arm stopping Dean in his tracks yet again, as she turned to look at him unsure to be thankful or think that he's making a dumb mistake for getting himself involved.

"She isn't going anywhere! You guys aren't even blood related, so Kit has the right to decide if she wants to go or not" Tyson said making Dean glance at the boy no longer feeling the need to be nice, as he aggressively pulled her out of Tyson's grasp.

"Listen, boy. Kit can participate with your silly team, but for now I am just mere inches away from ruining your life if you don't keep your nose out of my business" Dean threatened wanting Tyson, as Ray and Max stepped up pulling their friend back before apologising for his actions, but out of nowhere Kai pushed past and bowed before the old man.

"I am terribly sorry for the way my teammate has been acting, Mr. Yamato. He's just too much of an idiot to keep his nose out of other people's business, and I humbly ask for your forgiveness" Kai said in a very calm manner, as he stood back up confusing the boys before secretly meeting Kit's gaze.

"Forgiveness given. And make sure he doesn't do it again or I'll be making some serious phone calls" Dean replied and walked away with both Kit and Kane in his possession, until they were completely out of sight.

"What the heck, Kai?! We're here to help Kit not let that monster take her!" Tyson yelled not understanding the situation or what his actions could've caused for the team. While Kiwi and Jerome prayed in their mind, that their friend was going to be okay.

"Are you really that stupid? You almost got our team in a shit ton of trouble, because of the dick move you just made! All of our reputation as bladers as well as Kit's could've been ruined because of YOU?! Don't do that again" Kai scolded him with no intentions of holding back, as Ray came forward wanting to stop this altercation, before all hell breaks loose.

"Cut him some slack, Kai. I'm sure it wasn't done on purpose, so why don't we let this slide just this one time and forget it ever happened?" Ray kindly suggested as Kai wasn't going cut it and walked off not saying another word.

"I haven't see Kai this mad in ages, you really outdone yourself this time, Tyson" Max said not liking the gang fighting like this, but he was right and things could've ended far worser if Kai hadn't interrupted and apologised.

Back at the mansion Kit has been locked up in her room, shaking while completely covered head to toes by a massive fleece, as she was currently curled up in a ball on her super king sized bed with the bedroom window left open.

"Stupid, Dean. Stupid, Tyson. And stupid, Kane.. Why am I being punished for their actions? It isn't even my fault that Kane is a weak blader. He doesn't even know how to follow simple instructions!" Kit yelled to herself as tears could be seen forming, before aggressively punched the side of her fist against the bed headboard, causing the fleece to fling open revealing a body filled with bruises revealing from the black tank top she was wearing along with some shorts, as her face remained completely untouched.

However, during her sulking unable to hear the sound of rustling that came from the tree that sat right outside her room, with a branch reaching towards the open window as a cold breeze began to make its way inside, being the only secret way she can sneak in and out without getting caught. A loud unexpected thud could be heard as someone jumped in through her window causing Kit to jump and hid underneath the fleece.

"If you're here to fight I ain't interested nor in the mood to. So leave before I get my butler to throw you to the hounds" Kit threatened whoever they were as the blanket made it impossible to see who they were, hearing their footsteps begin to head towards her bed before the fleece was ripped off of her. "H-hey! I sai- What the heck are you doing here?" she demanded while completely caught off guard when realising that it was Kai. He dropped the fleece onto the floor as his eyes began to scan her body again, seeing the bruises that were visible and hard to miss. Kit instantly tried to grab her fleece, but Kai wasn't having it and grabbed her upper arm, yanking her onto the bed, as his serious expression made it pretty clear that he wasn't going to leave anytime soon without some answers. "Why are you even in my room? I demand at least some privacy" Kit added seeing how close he was by sitting on the edge of her bed silently staring at her as if she had done something bad. He groaned before getting up from the bed and headed over to the window and slammed it shut, then locked it preventing anything from getting in or out.

"I demand to know the truth about you and ALL of this. As your leader it is my responsibility to keep you out of trouble. Even if it includes this so called family you're apart of, they all deserve to burn in hell" Kai instructed pointing at the bruises as faint footsteps could be heard rushing towards her room, causing Kit to jump up and drag him towards the huge fitted in wardrobe that stood facing her bed. Kai was shoved inside seeing the panic that was painted on her face, as she glanced at the still closed bedroom door praying they won't check inside.

"Hide in here and stay quiet!" Kit whispered before carefully shutting it on him. Suddenly Lynn came bursting inside frantically scanning the room seeing nothing, other than Kit turn away from the wardrobe putting on a confused act. "What's the matter, Lynn?" she asked as he sighed with relief before beginning to straighten up his tie.

"I humbly apologise, my lady. The young master said he saw someone come through your window, but clearly it was a bluff to startle me" Lynn professionally replied not having a clue that she was hiding a trespasser within her room. Kai was peaking through the crack seeing her butler turn and leave, as once the door shut he creaked out from hiding while Kit walked over to her fleece that was laid in a mess on the floor, and picked it up using it to cover up her body from Kai's gaze.

"Geez. That was close" Kai said while slightly adjusting his hair that got messed up from hiding inside Kit's wardrobe to save his own life from being spotted by the butler. "Do you have a lock on your door? Please tell me you do, as it will save us a lot more time than shoving me into your wardrobe whenever someone decides to barge in" he asked heading over to the door not getting a response from her. Kit silently watched as she leaned back on her bed growing ever more tired by every second that passes. The sound of it locking made it clear that she was trapped not only in her own room, but with leader of the Blade Breakers. Could this afternoon get any weirder?

He then made his way to the other side of her bed and sat on the edge keeping his back faced towards Kit in silence resting his arms on his thighs, as she yawned knowing that it was beginning to get pretty late.

"Well, if you're going to stay then you might as well make yourself comfortable, because I'm going to have a nap" Kit was tired and didn't care if he decided to stay or not. Kai slightly glanced with the corner of his eye seeing her arms stretch reminding him of a cat, as he softly smile before instantly wiping off his face and looked away preventing anymore distractions.

"Crap.. What's happening?" Kai thought to himself, while gently rubbing his fingers against his left temple, confused of what he was even thinking or feeling.

"Also, one last thing. When you next see Tyson. Tell him to not grab me like that again or I will punch him, and I mean punch him. Not like a threat, but as a warning just like I gave to Carlos" Kit warned him turning to lay on her right side facing both the door and Kai, as remains silent sat at the edge of her bed unfazed by anything she says.

"We don't stand a chance against her even if we take her on as a group. The bond she has with her bit beast is immense.. I need to know what her weakness is, if I were to have any chance of overcoming these stupid limitations!" Kai deeply thought to himself as he brought out Dranzer and stared down at his bey. "We need to become stronger, but how? Cause no matter what I do it isn't enough!" The question still remained unanswered, even if they had a living legend on their team, boosting their chances of even making it halfway into the tournament.

He remained sat there for maybe an hour or two lost in his mind while she slept peacefully in his presence, somewhat trusting him to be there when in her most vulnerable state.

Kai groaned before glancing over his right shoulder, seeing her laid there in a deep slumber with a relaxed expression that looked so peaceful and beautiful, as the moonlight beamed down on her relaxed body leaving Kai's blank while his eyes gazed endlessly.

"Is this even real? How can someone so reckless and dangerous sleep so peaceful like that? It's.. It's impossible!" Kai's mind was in a muddle causing him to gulp, before making his way onto the bed and laid down facing Kit, hearing her slow, gentle and soothing breaths. Kai slowly began to move his right hand towards her face, as he stopped mere inches away from Kit's cheek growing hesitant if he should touch or not.

It took him a good 5 minutes to stop his body from freezing up, and gently brushed the side of his index finger against her cheek, and how smooth it felt against her skin.

"So soft.." Kai whispered to himself admiring this odd experience while he could, as waking her up was one of the least of things he could be worrying about. Kit groaned causing Kai to pull his hand away in a swift motion before turning in the opposite direction. "That was close.." he thought when feeling her move around slightly until finally getting into a comfortable position, as he patiently waited before glancing over his shoulder still seeing her facing in his direction. By the end of the night Kai chose to stay and unexpectedly fell asleep, keeping his back facing at Kit to prevent any suspicions from being made.

When the sun came up Kai couldn't be seen as her window remained slightly open showing signs of a possible exit. A knock on her door was enough to pull Kit out of a deep slumber.

"My lady, are you awake? It is almost 12 o'clock and your door is still locked. May I ask why?" Lynn patiently asked surprisingly Kit as she jumped out of bed and rushed over to unlock the door before opening it, seeing the butler patiently waiting there with her breakfast in hand. "I was supposed to wake you up around ten, but you weren't answering me, even though I heard faint footsteps walking around your room. Were you perhaps sleep waking?" His imagination was truly amazing as she slowly rubbed her left eye, and fully opened up the door allowing him to walk in and set down her newly freshly made breakfast.

"Sorry about that, Lynn. Yesterday was quite a very rough day for me" Kit mildly apologised for the late reply without saying anything before hand.

"No need to apologise, my lady. Now please eat up, I made you breakfast" Lynn replied as he placed down the food down onto her desk before leaving the girl on her own once again.

"Thanks.." Kit mumbled being quite grouchy as she closed the door after him. A sigh of relief escaped from her mouth after remembering what happened yesterday, and how much trouble she could've gotten in, if her instincts didn't kick in that day and shoved Kai in the wardrobe for his own protection. "Stupid Kane almost getting me in even more trouble. He's beginning to get on my nerves" the thought of him almost exposing them made her even more pissed for being stuck in this forsaken family.

After eating breakfast, Kit quickly changed wearing a black tank top, ripped black hoodie, black & white camo cargo pants, black fingerless gloves and her favourite black laced combat boots. She walked over towards the only window in her room opening it just to feel the cold breeze hit her face alering that the winter, as well as Christmas was coming.

However, a sudden knock on her door caused Kit to jump and turn around as it opened allowing her to see Kane's head pop inside, giving a another sense of relief not really wanting to deal with Dean if he were to ever come back for another fight.

"Can I come in? I want to ask you something" Kane asked a she shrugged her shoulders not  sure if he should be forgiven, even though the kid was only looking out for his big sister. He stepped inside shutting door behind him, until he heard a click knowing that no one would interrupt or earwig on their conversation.

"Come on then, tell me? I have some important things that need to be done.. Mainly to bond with my new teammates, but I just know they'll be a pain in my ass" Kit asked crossing her arms impatiently waiting for him to tell her what he needed so she can go.

"Bonding? I know for a fact that's a lie, and I was wanting to ask about last night. Were you out late again hanging around with your scummy thug friends?" he replied sounding almost like Dean insulting the poor and misunderstood by only the look of them alone.

Kit softly groaned while rolling her eyes unfolding her arms, as she turned to face the window.

"I don't have to tell you shit, Kane" Kit said grabbing both sides of the window with her hands, before placing her foot on the windowsill and glance over her shoulder. "And for the record my friends aren't scum.. they're real, unlike yours" Kit told him right, as she jumped out and onto the tree's branch making her quick get away. All Kane could do was watch as she ran off back into the city.