
Issei The Perfect Being (Remastered)

Abandoned by his family, Hyoudou Issei rose through the ranks until he became the strongest. This is the story of The Perfect Being. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OVERPOWERED MC! HUGE HAREM! R-18 CONTENTS! NO YURI! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Happy Reading :)

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Chapter 3: Death

As the days passed, Issei became more and more invested in his connection with White. The dragon's knowledge and wisdom were a never-ending well of information, and Issei was determined to absorb as much of it as possible.

However, his newfound obsession with White's teachings sometimes led him to neglect his other responsibilities, such as spending time with his family.

His mother, father, and sisters would often see him rushing off at all hours of the day and night outside, where he would spend hours in deep conversation with the dragon.

This lack of time spent with his family took a toll on Issei's conscience. He knew that he needed to strike a better balance between White and his obligations to his loved ones.


One day, as Issey was preparing to leave for the tower once again, his sister Teresa approached him.

"Issei, where are you going?" she asked. "It feels like we haven't seen you in weeks."

Issei looked down, feeling a mix of guilt and frustration.

"I'm going to see my friend." he said. "His mom invited me for dinner."

Teresa sighed.

"We miss you, Issei. It's like you're always disappearing on us."

Issei couldn't argue with that.

"I know," he said. "I just... I just wanna spend more time with my friend. He will leave for America in a few months."

Teresa nodded, understanding Issei's feelings.

"But you can't keep ignoring your family." she said gently. "We too need you here with us."

Issei knew his sister was right. He needed to be there for both White and his family. He hugged Teresa and promised to spend more time at home.


However, as White's physical and mental condition deteriorated day by day, Issei found it harder and harder to balance his responsibilities.

White's condition was steadily deteriorating, and he was becoming increasingly distraught by the day.


As Issei continued to train, he became increasingly skilled in hand-to-hand combat. White's instruction was intense, and he often found himself drenched in sweat after each session, but despite the physical strain, Issei could feel himself growing stronger with each passing day.

As he trained, Issei also became more skilled in using his new dragon powers. White taught him how to summon elemental magic, such as fire, ice, and lightning, and how to channel his energy into powerful attacks.

The versatility of his abilities amazed Issei and spent every spare moment practicing them.

But beyond the physical training, Issei also learned about the history and mythology of each faction. He realized he wanted more than just physical strength.

He wanted knowledge and power, and he was obsessed with learning everything new that he could.

White's tales of adventure and battle became a nightly ritual for Issei. The dragon shared stories of his past with excitement, describing the battles he had fought and the creatures he had defeated.

The thought of becoming a Dragon king became even stronger.

He knew it would take years, maybe even decades, to achieve his goal, but he was ready for the challenge. He was determined to do whatever it took to become the strongest and most powerful being in the supernatural world, all for the sake of protecting his family and friends.


As Issei continued to train and learn under White, his natural talent and affinity for magic made him a quick study.

He absorbed White's teachings like a sponge, able to master complex spells and techniques with ease. It was as if the knowledge was imprinted on his very soul, and he could call upon it at will.

As he studied and trained, Issei also awakened his unique abilities as a Dragon. The first was [Genesis], which allowed him to perfectly copy anyone's abilities, skills, and appearance. He could mimic even something that shouldn't be copied.

The second ability was [Engur]. Once Issei's enemies are defeated, he can transform their corpses into powerful Abyssal creatures that he can control. This ability gave him a powerful army at his disposal, making him a formidable opponent on the battlefield.

But Issei's most powerful ability was [Nemesis], which gave him a near-invincibility. If something killed Issei once, it could never harm him again. His healing factor was immense, allowing him to regenerate a limb in mere seconds. He was almost indestructible, a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.


White had trained Issei for years, mentoring him in both the physical and magical aspects of his new form, but there was still one crucial aspect of his dragon power he had yet to master: the ability to control his aura.

Dragons have unique and powerful auras that set them apart from other creatures in the world. Their aura is so strong that it can be felt from miles away, drawing attention and attracting foes.

Without proper training, Issei's aura would give away his true identity, putting him in danger.

Issei was still young and lacked experience. It could make him vulnerable to other powerful beings. And White knew that.

So, he instructed him to keep his aura hidden, allowing him to appear as a human while he continued his training. It was a difficult task, requiring Issei to constantly monitor and suppress his aura, but he was able to copy it after seeing White do it once.

A few days later, Issei's body fully adapted to his new cells. He was able to change into his dragon and human form at will.


Issei's heart shattered into a million pieces as he watched his only friend take his final breaths. White had always been there for him, guiding him and teaching him how to live as a dragon.

He was like a father to him, and to lose him now was more than Issei could bear.

"W-White, don't go." he whispered, tears streaming down his face. "I don't want to lose you."

White gave Issei a faint smile as if to tell him that everything would be okay.

"I know, kid." he said determined. "You're the strongest Dragon there is, and you'll make me proud. I know it."

"Don't worry, kid. We both knew this day was near." White said, his voice weak. "But... I have to thank you for staying by my side till the end."

"I...I also..." Issei struggled to catch his breath.

"Don't cry, and live a life you will never regret... Son." White whispered, closing his eyes forever.

"White!" Issei screamed his mentor's name, crying uncontrollably. He had lost someone who was more than just a friend to him.

He was his only true companion, his master, and his father figure. It was the hardest day he had ever experienced in his short lifetime.

"Look at me from the afterlife, White." Issei sobbed. "I'll become the one you've always wanted me to be... The King of Dragons."

That day… Issei made the vow to dethrone all Dragons. He will become the one who will stand above all.

The King of Dragons.