
Issei The Perfect Being (Remastered)

Abandoned by his family, Hyoudou Issei rose through the ranks until he became the strongest. This is the story of The Perfect Being. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OVERPOWERED MC! HUGE HAREM! R-18 CONTENTS! NO YURI! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Happy Reading :)

AKIRA_0 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2: White Wisteria (Correct One)

A/N: Sorry I f*cking published the wrong chapter!


After hours of wandering the forest in search of his parents, Issei's fear turned to panic as the sun started to set. The realization that he was truly lost set in, and the feeling of being alone in the vast forest was overwhelming.

"Mom! Dad!" he screamed at the top of his lungs, hoping they would hear his cries and come to his rescue. But the forest remained quiet, only the cries of the birds and the rustling of leaves filling the air.

Issei felt a sense of hopelessness wash over him, and his legs became wobbly. He fell to his knees, his tears streaming down his face as he continued to yell for his parents.

He was tired and hungry. And just as he was about to give up hope, he stumbled upon something hidden under a pile of leaves.

Curious, Issei wiped his tear with his shirt and knelt down to investigate.

He slowly started moving the leaves aside, revealing the face of a man, lying there unconscious, with his long silver hair scattered around him.

"Ahhh!" Issei fell on his butt, his mouth agape at what he was seeing. The man's body was covered with cuts and bruises.

However, Issei suppressed his emotion and approached the man. He was afraid but he also wanted to help the man.

As he desperately tried to move the man's body, his own body accidentally got stained with blood and despite his best efforts, he didn't even have the strength to move the man's arm.

Suddenly, Issei felt a burning sensation all over his body. He screamed out in pain and instinctively rolled over, trying to suppress the pain.

As the pain continued to intensify, Issei screamed out in pure agony. It felt as if his entire body was tearing apart, and he could barely breathe from the excruciating pain.

With every passing second, the pain only seemed to get worse, and Issei's mind began to go into overdrive.

"Argh...!" He screamed out again, his voice breaking with each syllable. He felt like he was losing control of his body, and he wasn't sure if he would be able to make it through this ordeal.

But just as Issei's will started to waver, he felt a cool breeze hit his face, and the pain suddenly subsided.

Instead, he felt a surge of warm and comfortable energy coursing through his body.

He could feel his muscles grow stronger with each passing second, and he felt incredibly light on his feet as if he could run for miles without tiring.

"What's happening…?" Issei clenched his fist, feeling his strength. "My body... It feels light and strong!"

As the unconscious man finally regained consciousness, he looked at Issei with confusion and surprise.

"Where... am I?" he asked weakly, his voice was hoarse and his throat was dry, but he pushed through the pain and tried to speak as clearly as possible.

"Are you okay, mister?" Issei asked looking at the man cautiously. "You were passed out when I found you."

"I'm fine." The man nodded slowly and began to analyze every inch of Issei's body with a stern look on his face.

He was trying to understand who this seemingly weak-looking boy was.

"What is your name, brat?" he asked in a deeper tone, his eyes fixed on Issei's as he tried to read him.

Issei felt a little uneasy with the man's intense scrutiny, but he tried his best to keep his composure.

"My name is Issei, What about you, sir?" Issei asked back.

The man let out a deep chuckle, clearly amused by Issei's response.

"My name is White." White's eyes suddenly turned cold ''Tell me the truth boy, are you a Dragon?"

"A Dragon?! Wait... do Dragon really exist?!" Issei's excitement was high, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. "I've read about them in books, but I never thought they were real!"

He had been obsessed with dragons ever since he was a child, and the thought of them being real was almost too much to handle.

White couldn't help but chuckle at the eager young boy's reaction.

"Yes, son, Dragons are indeed real. I am one myself, in fact." Issei's jaw dropped open as white wings sprouted out of White's back.

"No way! Seriously?!" Issei still couldn't believe what he was hearing and seeing.

"Dragons have existed for as long as this world has been around." White explained, there was a hint of pride in his eyes as he spoke about his race. "However, we don't show ourselves to humans."

White then looked at Issei's body, covered in his blood, and realized what had happened.

"I see." White spoke voice still weak but stronger than before. "Issei."

"What is it, White-san?"

"You have been strained in my blood." White looked surprised. "You are going through a process called Dragonification."

"Dragonifiction?" Issei looked at him with confusion on his face.

"We call it Dragonification when a Dragon's cells are transferred into another body." White explained, his expression solemn. "And you Issei, you're going through that process."

"That's... amazing," Issei said, still trying to wrap his head around the concept. "Does it mean am going to become a Dragon?"

"Yes." White explained. "Your strength, speed, and abilities will be much greater than before, but you will also have to learn how to manage your emotions, impulses, and powers."

"That's so cool!" Issei shouted, "I've always loved Dragons and their ability to breathe fire."

"Don't celebrate too soon." White intercepted "There is a price to pay for this power. You will no longer be fully human."

"I don't care!" Issei exclaimed, his excitement higher than before. "Humans are not cool compared to Dragon!"

"Well, I can't refute this." White laughed softly, his smile prideful.

"Since you are becoming a Dragon. You also need to learn about the supernatural world..." As Issei listened intently, White explained the various aspects of the supernatural world that he was only beginning to understand.

He learned about the different races that inhabit the world, like devils, angels, and fallen angels, as well as the sacred gears and Longinus weapons that some humans possess.

He also found out about the war between the Three Major Factions and the various conflicts that have been happening since the beginning of time.

He was overwhelmed by the amount of information he was receiving, but he was also in awe of the sheer scale and scope of the world he now found himself in. He had so many questions and wanted to know more, but it would take time for him to fully understand everything.

As White finished explaining the various elements of the supernatural world, he turned to Issei with a warm smile.

"I know this is a lot to take in, but I am here to guide you and teach you to grow into the Dragon that you are destined to be."

"I understand White-san, but what's the fall of Dragon?"

"... The Fall of the Dragon is when a Dragon suffers a betrayal or his feelings are not reciprocated by the one he loves." White sighed as he looked at his wounds. "I was betrayed by Celestine, she is also one of the 7 Dragon Kings like me."

Issey listened intently to White's explanation, trying to process everything he was being told. The concept of a dragon's feelings not being reciprocated and the resulting consequences were a new concept to him, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness for White.

"That's terrible," the young boy exclaimed, his voice tinged with sympathy. "I'm sorry that you had to go through that, White-san."

White nodded, appreciating the sentiment.

"Thank you, Issei. But unfortunately, betrayal is a common occurrence among Dragons. My situation is not unique, and many of my kin have suffered the same fate. It's a tragic affair, but it has also brought about some of the strongest and most powerful dragons in all of history."

Issei thought about what White had said, feeling a sense of awe and admiration for the ancient creatures.

"I had no idea that dragons were so powerful... and that they could feel such intense emotions. It must be difficult to live with all that power."

"It is, but it is also a privilege," White replied, his voice laced with pride. "Dragons are not just creatures of great strength, we are also beings of wisdom and compassion. We have the ability to shape the world around us, but it is our responsibility to use that power wisely."

Issei nodded, understanding the responsibility that White was talking about.

"I will do my best to honor that responsibility and learn everything I can from you. White-san!"

"I believe you have the potential to become one of the greatest Dragons to ever walk this earth, Issei." White nodded and smiled warmly.

Issei felt a sense of pride and determination building inside of him as he listened to White's words.

"I won't let you down, White-san" he said with conviction. "I will train my body and my mind, and I will become someone worthy of the title of Dragon King."

"Issei-kun!" voices echoed through the forest. "Where are you?!"

Issei's heart lifted with joy at the sound of his parents' and sisters voices.

"Finally, they finally found me!" Issei exclaimed with relief and turned to white "It's my family! I have to go White-san!"

"I'll come back tomorrow, see you White-san!" Issei bid farewell to White before racing toward where the voice of his sisters come from.

As Issei reunited with his family and hugged them tightly, White stood above them observing with a warm smile on his face.

As, content in the knowledge that Issei was in good hands. He turned around and flew deeper into the forest.