
Issei's Redemption

Issei wakes up one day and finds a floating blue screen staring at him. What will he do now? Watch as he finds his way in this new supernatural world he's accidentally stumbled upon and makes a name in it.

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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166 Chs

Train With Me

"Alright guys! We're gonna be training here for 10 days! After that, we're gonna defeat Riser in the Rating Game!" Rias declared confidently.

Currently, Issei, Rias and her peerage were at Rias' Summer House. They were here on a retreat to train. It was summer break, so no one would even question a thing.

"Wait, why is Issei here? He isn't part of the peerage?" Kiba asked while pointing at Issei who was reading something from a piece of paper. Koneko widened her eyes.

"If he's here, then that means....." Koneko looked at Rias for confirmation. Rias smirked. She put her hand on Issei's shoulder.

"Everyone! Let me introduce Issei Hyoudou, the new teammate who will be joining us during the Rating Game against Riser. " Rias introduced with a smile. She could see that their spirits had been lifted up immediately.

"Yeah that's nice and all, but you can't rely on me. My only target is Riser. Anyone who gets in my way will be dealt with easily. Meanwhile, you guys will deal with the rest of his peerage on your own. " Issei added.

" So we're just gonna let blue balls go on his own? " Koneko grumbled. Issei chuckled.

" Exactly, Koneko-chan. I'll still help if you holler at me, it's just I won't always be there with you guys. " Issei explained. Koneko nodded.

" Anyways, I have devised a training plan for you all. It's simple but effective. And I'm sure at the end of the 10 days. You all can defeat Riser's peerage together. " Issei explained confidently.

" With this plan, you all will improve individually and learn how to fight in synchronization. The Rating Game is not a one man game. " Issei added.

"Already, I'll start with you first, Kiba. You will learn basic enhancement magic. You're a Knight, you already have the speed, you just don't have the physical and defensive capabilities on par with it." Issei explained. Kiba nodded. Issei looked at Asia.

"Asia, I know you don't like fighting, and I know that you especially don't like hurting someone. But I can't have you be defenseless. Some basic hand to hand combat training with me should do wonders for you. " Issei told her. Asia nodded determinedly.

" If it's for my own safety, then I'll work as hard as possible!" Asia replied. Issei smiled.

'Everyone is going to be working as hard as they possibly could! I don't want to stay idle and be dependent on them! I'll make Issei-san proud of me!' Asia thought determinedly. Issei looked at Rias.

"Rias. I want you to develop your Power of Destruction to the next level. Maybe take some inspiration from this." Issei showed her a picture of a machine gun. Rias tilted her head and grabbed the piece of paper.

"Hm..." Rias was already thinking all sorts of theories. She thinks she has a brief idea of what he means. She would just need to trust her gut feeling.

Issei then leaned into her ear. "Can you get them except for Akeno and Koneko out of here. The things I'm about to discuss with them is something private." Issei whispered. Rias understood what he meant.

"Kiba, Asia! Let's go put in the luggage quickly!" Rias ordered.

"Yes, Rias Buchou!"

Kiba, Asia and Rias went off with the luggage. They entered the summer house and left Issei all by himself with Akeno and Koneko.

"Akeno. Can you stand over there for a moment please? I have something private to discuss with Koneko. It has to do with her Nekomata lineage. " Issei whispered to her.

" Ah! I see. Well, don't hold back, Issei! " Akeno walked away from them. Issei sighed.

'She would probably punch the shit out of me but I have to risk it. If not she may remain fearful of her powers forever.' Issei mused and walked towards Koneko.

"What's this about, blue balls? You're acting very suspicious right now." Koneko narrowed her eyes at him. Issei sighed.

"Koneko. Please at least listen to what I have to say first before you punch me. " Issei whispered. Koneko nodded slowly while still looking at him with suspicion clear in her eyes.

" I want you to train in Senjutsu— Woah woah woah wait! Wait! Don't punch me yet!" Issei held up his hands defensively as Koneko hissed at him like a cat and held up her fists.

"Why do you want me to train in that, huh?! Do you even have the slightest idea about what's going to happen if I train in that?! " Koneko demanded an answer. Issei nodded.

" I know full well about the consequences of absorbing nature's ki. But let me say this, the pros outweigh the cons. If you're careful and deal with this carefully, everything would be just fine. And if you lose control of yourself I would just knock you out and we can try again. " Issei grinned at her. Koneko still narrowed her golden cat eyes at him.

"Oh come on, Koneko. Take some risks from time to time. What's life without taking risks? Don't focus on the past or worry about the future, focus on the present and what you're currently doing to better yourself. " Issei advised. Koneko looked down at the ground. She was shaking nervously. Issei stared at her quietly.

'It's so stupid, but why does it make so much fucking sense? ' Koneko thought while clenching her fists tightly. She glared at him.

"Fine, blue balls! Since you're so insistent, I'll train in Senjutsu! If I even lose control for even one second, we're done with your stupid training plan! " Koneko answered. She then huffed. Issei smiled at her.

"Before I go. Take this." Koneko muttered.


Issei grunted a little as he clutched his gut that Koneko just punched. Koneko didn't care about his reaction and just walked away. Issei sighed and smiled.

" Thank you for trusting me, Koneko-chan. I promise you won't fear your powers anymore after this." Issei whispered before turning to Akeno who was walking towards him while smiling brightly.

"My my~. What a speech, Issei. That's so hot~" Akeno purred as she wrapped her arms around Issei's waist. Issei chuckled.

"And now it's your turn for me to change your mind about your powers."

"What do you mean by that, Issei?"



After much discussion about training Akeno in her Fallen Angel powers while almost getting turned to fried dragon a couple of times during the discussions, Issei had finally gotten through Akeno with this sentence.

"Listen to me Akeno, whatever stuff you got going on in your head, I'm just one call away to be at your doorstep helping you get through it." Issei explained. Akeno looked away from him.

" What if I want it everyday? " Akeno asked. Issei smiled.

" Then I'll do it without any questions, Akeno." Issei replied determinedly. Akeno looked back at him.

" You promise? "

" Yes Akeno, I promise. I promise to uphold your requests to perfection." Issei answered quickly. Akeno smiled and hugged him tenderly. She buried her face into his shoulder as Issei hugged her back with the same tenderness as her.

"Thank you so much, Issei...

To be continued...