
Issei's Redemption

Issei wakes up one day and finds a floating blue screen staring at him. What will he do now? Watch as he finds his way in this new supernatural world he's accidentally stumbled upon and makes a name in it.

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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166 Chs

Slice of Life

Issei was grinning at Rias and her peerage. Currently, he was facing all of them at once. It was the 2nd day of training, and they are improving faster than he thought they would be.

He calls this exercise the team building exercise. It's pretty simple. They have already adapted to each other's fighting styles, they just needed more experience.

Issei dodged a sword swipe from Kiba and tripped him with his foot. Kiba stumbled past him and stabbed his sword to the ground to avoid falling down.

Koneko threw some rapid punches at Issei who dodged them with Kami-e easily. He then did a backflip as a yellow lightning bolt summoned by Akeno slammed into the ground he was standing before. The ground had a small crater on it.

Issei then had to slap a fireball away that was also summoned by Akeno. He looked at Rias who fired a softball sized Power of Destruction ball at him.

Her peerage jumped away and just let Issei be engulfed by the explosion that came after the ball came in contact with the ground a few inches away from Issei.


Akeno used some wind magic to blow away the smoke, it revealed Issei who had burnt marks on his chest. Oh yeah, he's also shirtless from the beginning.

Issei grinned at them. "Nice job, guys. You guys are getting more and more in sync. Riser's peerage won't know what hit him." Issei then held up his hands and signalled them to approach him.

" Again! "



" Welcome back guys! How was the team building exercises— Oh my goodness! " Asia screamed on shock. In front of her, Rias and her peerage who were all beaten and bruised.

"Sit down immediately! I'm going to heal you all." Asia ordered them. Rias chuckled and sat down on the ground, awaiting to be healed by Asia.

Asia knelt down beside Rias and started healing her bruises and scratches. "Sorry for scaring you like this, Asia." Rias apologized while grinned sheepishly. Asia shook her head.

"No Rias Buchou, I must get used to this. In a way, this is training to me too since I'm learning how to use my Twilight Healing better. " Asia replied with a small smile. After she finished healing Rias back to pristine condition, Asia went on and healed the others.

When Asia was done healing all of them, she looked around the place. "Where's Issei?" She asked.

"I'm right here Asia." Issei answered. Asia turned around and immediately had a horrified look.

Issei had a sword completely stabbed through his chest. "What happened to you!!" Asia screamed as she forced Issei to sit down. Issei chuckled at her hastiness.

"Apparently, Kiba created a sword that allowed him to penetrate through all magical defenses. I didn't know he had that sword until a few minutes ago. Mind you I didn't harden my skin completely, but it was still a surprise. I even used more power, which is why they're all beaten up. " Issei explained. He stopped Asia who was about to pull the sword out from him.

" I'll deal with the sword. " Issei grabbed the sword and pulled it out immediately. Splattering blood everywhere. The blood got on Asia's clothes and started steaming.

" Uh. Am I tripping or is that blood burning Asia's clothes? " Koneko asked as she pointed at Asia's tracksuit which had small holes scattered in some parts. The holes were getting bigger too, revealing Asia's angelic skin.

"Kyaa!!~" Asia squealed and covered her body with her hands. She was blushing heavily. Issei threw the sword back to Kiba. Kiba caught it and made it disappear.

"Ara ara~ Even his blood is perverted~" Akeno commented.

" I'm so sorry Asia. I didn't know my blood can do this. Here, you can have my shirt for now. I have spares don't worry. " Issei apologized to her repeatedly as he took off Asia's long sleeved shirt and gave her his Tshirt. Asia was blushing heavily as she put on his shirt.

'Issei-san's smell is everywhere on this shirt! It's so good! ' Asia thought while sniffing the shirt. Issei chuckled and patted her head.

"Oi, blue balls. Where's your stab wound?" Koneko asked. Issei blinked and looked down at his chest.

"Woah." Rias muttered.

'Maybe it's some kind of ability of the Boosted Gear. It's unconscious right now, but when he starts using it actively. Maybe he can even regenerate limbs or hell, even others limbs. ' Rias sighed.

"Ddraig, you have some explaining to do later." Issei whispered.



[Heal: Lvl 1

Heals wounds.]

Issei stared at the screen and dismissed it. He found out it was a dragonic technique from Ddraig. Now it was just another skill in his collection.

Currently, he was cooking for Rias and her peerage. They were currently resting in the living room.

After a while, he finished cooking. He quickly set up the dinner table with his food. The devils immediately ran over to the dinner table smelling the heavenly aroma.

They sat around the table. Issei smiled at them and sat down beside Rias. "C'mon, let's start eating." Issei encouraged them to take the food off the plates.

They took food that they wanted and added them to their own plates. They started eating.

Rias widened her eyes and moaned as soon as took a bite out of the food.

"Ahhn!~~" She moaned loudly as her clothes shredded into pieces, leaving only her bra and panties.

"Mmmh!!!~" Akeno moaned loudly as her clothes shredded into pieces too.

"Nnnh!!~~"Koneko Asia moaned as the new clothes she put on were shredded into pieces as well. Koneko closed her mouth to muffle her extremely loud moan. Her clothes met the same fate as the other girl's clothes.

Kiba was in disbelief. He had not taken a bite yet, thankfully he didn't. He silently cursed Issei for trying to embarrass him.

Issei was smirking to himself. Koneko glared at Issei. "What's wrong with you, huh?!" Koneko growled at him. Akeno put her hand on her cheek.

"Even the food he cooked is perverted too~." Akeno whispered. Rias blushed and looked at Issei who was scratching his head and smiling sheepishly.

"Not again!" Asia whined and blushed madly. Ever since she has been living with Issei, she had eaten all of her meals cooked by him while being naked. His food was so good it always tore off her clothes when she took a single.

"Hehehe, sorry guys. I can't control this." Issei apologized repeatedly. Rias huffed childishly.

"Next time, me and Akeno will do the cooking!" Rias decided, Issei chuckled even more.



Issei was lying on a King sized bed. He had never felt so comfy in his life. The bedsheets were soft and the blanket was perfect to keep him warm.

And the pillow he was hugging, truly exquisite. "Subarashiiiii." Issei muttered with his eyes shining brightly. Je hugged the pillow tighter.

"Not to tight, Issei!"

Issei blinked and pushed away his blanket. He blushed as he saw a naked Rias lying beside him.

"You like what you see?" Rias teased as she pushed up her boobs to Issei's face.

"Rias~ You said you wouldn't do anything to him while I'm here~" Akeno hugged Issei from behind. Apparently, the 'pillow' he was leaning against was Akeno's boobs.

Akeno put her head on Issei's shoulder. She kissed him on the cheek. "I have never slept with a man while being naked before, so forgive me if I get a little bit handsy with your body, Issei~" Akeno muttered with a small blush. Rias narrowed her eyes.

" Don't you do anything to my Issei, Akeno!" Rias demanded. Akeno raised her eyebrow at her King.

"Your Issei? No no silly, it's our Issei...

To be continued....