
Issei's Redemption

Issei wakes up one day and finds a floating blue screen staring at him. What will he do now? Watch as he finds his way in this new supernatural world he's accidentally stumbled upon and makes a name in it.

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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166 Chs


Later that day...

'Partner. I think we should take your strength to the next level. ' Ddraig suggested as Issei was swinging a metal pole full of giant weights.

He was half naked while his eight pack and muscles were shown in their full glory.

[Aesthetic Bodybuilding: 100%

Physique of the handsomest Greek God, Adonisssss.]

'What's your idea, Ddraig?' Issei asked in his mind as he put down the weights.

'Since you are not a devil, angel or any being of sorts, you cannot perform magic. But we dragons have our own fair share of techniques. We are feared for a reason. I'm going to teach you something that is going to burn your enemies into ashes. ' Ddraig explained proudly. Issei smirked.

'Go on, Ddraig. I'm listening. ' Issei replied.

'Ha! I knew you would be interested! We dragons have our own type of fire. It's called Dragon's Fire, and it is 100x hotter than normal flames. ' Ddraig explained.

'How do I produce it? ' Issei asked. He was very excited to learn this new skill.

'It's simple. To have Dragon's Fire, I would have to reshape your magical reserves to be the same as a Dragon's.' Ddraig explained nonchalantly. Issei blinked.

'What? '

'You heard what I said. It would be an extremely painful and dangerous process. But it would be extremely worth it as your magical reserve would be the same as a Dragon's magical reserve after the reshaping is over. ' Ddraig added.

'Which would mean.....'

'That you can use Dragon's Fire and have your very own Dragon's magical reserve that has immense potential to grow.' Ddraig followed up his sentence. Issei rubbed his forehead.

'I'll do it. When do we start? ' Issei asked.

'We start the process right now. Oh and by the way, this is my first time doing this so try not to die. '

"AHHH!!!!! DDRAIG YOU BITCH!!!!" Issei screamed suddenly as he felt an excruciating pain in his body. Issei dropped to the ground and kept screaming in pure agony. It was like he was being burned alive by the hottest flames.

"FUCCCKKK!!!!" Issei shouted as he twisted and turned on the ground.

[Reshaping User's Magical Reserve Progress: 1%.... 2%.... 3%....]

Issei covered his mouth as he screamed and screamed. The birds who were watching his training intently flew away as soon as he started screaming.

Tears of pain started flowing down his eyes. Issei gritted his teeth and regained control of himself.

[Pain Resistance: Lvl 10

When injured, feel 20% less pain.]

Issei felt that his pain was lessening as time went by. He noticed that his Pain Resistance Skill was leveling up at superhuman speeds.

"Holy shit. Is it really that painful? Oh shit." Issei whispered and winced as he felt the pain continue.

Issei laid on the ground as his Pain Resistance Skill proved it's worth. He was literally witnessing it leveling up as fast as it possibly could in real time.

[Pain Resistance: Lvl Max

Nothing is painful anymore. But if you're a masochist and want to feel pain, you can with just a thought.]

Issei stood up and blinked. "Holy shit. It's like that shit wasn't even happening in the first place." Issei marveled at the might of the system. He was still marveled even though he had it for months on end now.

Now, he was waiting for the fusion process to be over. "Any day now." Issei whispered. He suddenly felt his heart beat. It felt like an explosion.

He bent down and clutched his stomach. Issei grinned maniacally. "This is insane..... I have....So much... POWEEERRRRRROOOOOAAAAARRRR!!!!!!!!!" Issei roared at the sky as he spewed out bright orange flames from his mouth. The flames were even taller than the trees around him.

Issei looked in front of him again and breathed out smoke. His mouth also had grey smoke flowing out of it.

'Partner! Stop emitting your aura or you will attract literally every Devil and Fallen Angel in this town!' Ddraig warned him. Issei widened his eyes and closed them immediately.

He breathed in and out calmly as the dark red aura around his body started receding. He sighed and looked around him. He realized he was standing in a crater.

"How the fuck am I going to explain this to Sona and Rias." Issei grumbled.

"You tell me, Issei."

Issei jumped and looked at Sona who was looking at him with a stern face. Standing beside her was a serious Rias. Behind them were they're respective peerages.

He gulped and grinned nervously at them. He waved. "Hi guys. When did you guys get here?" Issei greeted and asked them. Sona stepped up.

" We arrived just in time to witness you roaring like a dragon and spewing flames out of your mouth. " Sona answered. She them walked towards him and started pulling his ears.

" Honestly, Issei. Do you even know how panicked we were when we sensed your rising energy signature? If you were going to be the botched version of Emperor Palpatine you should've had a magical barrier around you that muffles any magic you emitted." Soma scolded him. Issei hissed in pain, honestly he felt like he deserved it. And this was one of the times he deactivated the Pain Resistance Skill.

"I'm sorry for causing all of this, Sona. But if you want to avoid anything like this in the future, you should teach me how to summon magical barriers." Issei then grinned at her.

"Teach me? Please with a cherry on top? If you do, I will play even more rounds of chess with you everyday in the future." Issei asked nicely. Sona giggled and ruffled his hair to mess it up.

" Sure, Issei. As long as you keep your promise." Sona replied with a smile. Her and Rias' peerage were surprised, especially Sona's peerage.

In their eyes, she was the serious no-nonsense leader. But Issei somehow made her giggle and smile.

"I definitely will!" Issei answered. Sona nodded and looked at everybody.

"Crisis averted everyone. It's just a false alarm. Go back to what you were doing before this. Issei over here needs to learn how to be subtle. " Sona glared at Issei teasingly.

" I said I was sorry." Issei grumbled. Tsubaki looked at Sona's peerage members.

" You heard her guys, let's go home!"



[Barrier Magic: Lvl 1

Barrier gets 5% stronger as the skill levels up.]

"Augh...My brain. I didn't know I have to calculate when I use magic." Issei groaned. Apparently, magic was something where the user uses the knowledge and calculations to know, for instance; 'If I do this, this will happen'.

Sona elaborated there are some magicians who're able to use magic that hasn't been solved through using their sense and talent, but these are special people where 'super' needed to be added ten times in front of 'rare'.

'I don't care how rare it is! I'm gonna work my way there so that I don't have to feel like I'm solving algebra while I'm fighting!' Issei declared in his mind.

Sona giggled. "But you have successfully cast a barrier around your surroundings. And you learned it all within fifteen minutes as well. Isn't that an accomplishment you should be happy about?" Sona asked. Issei looked at her.

" I'm proud obviously. But now I'm hungry. I decided that we're going to go on a date. " Issei declared with a grin. Sona blushed a little.

" Right now? But I'm not prepared. " Sona replied shyly. Issei shook his head.

" You look beautiful, Sona. You don't need to prepare. C'mon, I know a good restaurant to eat at. Let's go....

To be continued....