
Issei's Redemption

Issei wakes up one day and finds a floating blue screen staring at him. What will he do now? Watch as he finds his way in this new supernatural world he's accidentally stumbled upon and makes a name in it.

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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166 Chs


Issei had reluctantly guided Asia to the church. Along the way, he had gotten to know her better. He now knows that her country of origin is Italy and her birthday is on May 11.

They stopped. Asia looked at him and bowed a little. " Thank you for your help, kind sir." Asia thanked him gratefully. Issei rubbed his neck. He had forgotten to introduce himself to her.

"My name is Issei, Asia. Sorry for not telling you earlier." Issei apologized. Asia smiled.

"It's fine, Issei. Thank you again for helping me." Asia thanked him. Issei nodded.

"You're welcome, Asia. I hope we will cross paths again. " Issei smiled at her. He then held his arms out.

" Wanna quick hug before you go? " Issei asked her. Asia blushed at his offer.

'Lord, forgive me for what I'm about to do. ' Asia prayed in her mind. She then jumped into his arms, surprising Issei about how much she wanted this.

She hugged him tightly while smiling widely. Issei chuckled and hugged back. They hugged each other for a while. Asia released the hug and smiled at him.

"Goodbye Issei. May the Lord let us meet again." Asia bid him farewell. Issei smiled and waved back. Asia waved at him before turning away.

Issei kept smiling as he saw her walking towards the church with a smile on her face. He then immediately had a stoic face on.

"I've got a bad feeling about this....." Issei whispered as he was looking at Asia who was heading towards the church.

'That church reeks of Fallen Angel energy. And I sense a Sacred Gear in that Asia girl.' Ddraig added. Issei widened his eyes.

'Shit! I should do something!'

'Calm yourself, partner! Doing something right now in broad daylight would only cause unwanted attention from the factions. Wait until it's night time. ' Ddraig suggested. Issei gritted his teeth.

'I can feel your anger, partner. I am angered too. The mighty Red Dragon Emperor should have the power to save her. But the factions are always watching. Trust me Issei, she will be saved no matter the cost. '



Issei was currently playing a game of chess with Sona. He wasn't even interested in the game. His mind was full of thoughts about Asia.

Sona noticed his troubled look. "What's wrong Issei? Is there something wrong? Was the way I played too intense for you?" She asked with a worried frown on her face.

" Your playstyle is perfectly fine, Sona. I was just thinking about something. And I can't forgive myself for letting it happen even though I have the power. " Issei clenched his fists. Sona frowned even more.

" And I guess you want to do something about it right now." Sona's guess was correct as Issei nodded. She sighed and held his hands with her hands.

"Tread carefully, Issei. We can end our hangout session here." Sona whispered. Issei looked at her with a surprised look. Sona smirked.

" It isn't fun winning against an opponent who is distracted. " Sona teased. Issei rolled his eyes and pulled her in gently.

" Chu!~"

"Mm!~" Sona moaned as Issei kissed her aggressively, even using his tongue to explore her mouth.

Issei purposefully ended the kiss, creating a long string of saliva that dropped onto the ground. He smirked at her sulking reaction.

"I'll give you more later. I have important business to tend to. I love you." Issei smiled at her and started walking towards the door. Sona widened her eyes at his declaration.


Issei looked back at her.

"I love you too!" Sona declared with a big blush on her face. Issei smiled at her.

"I know."



"What I need is a fucking haircut first. This Yee Yee Ass Haircut isn't gonna let me become the Harem King. "



Using Soru, Issei who has a new haircut, arrived a few meters away from the church. Suddenly, he was surrounded by a horde of people wearing black cloaks that covered their faces.

They were holding swords and were in combat stances. They were exorcists. Issei smirked and rubbed his hands through his hair. He felt even more confident in his new haircut. His barber knew his stuff. [Pic]

"It seems you all are expecting me. Good, you are at least prepared to die by my hand." Issei whispered as his eyes became green like Ddraig's eyes.

[Dragon's Fire: Lvl 1

Flames that are 100x hotter than the normal flames. Light em up, baby.

Once the skill is maxed out, it will evolve.]

Issei snapped his fingers as he created a fireball. He grabbed it and threw it at the people in front of him.


The ball exploded when it came in contact with the ground, killing a lot of the exorcists. The exorcists charged towards him. "Wrong answer!" Issei shouted and appeared in front of an exorcist.

He punched him in the face, sending him blasting towards the tree. The exorcist slid down the wall, his neck broken from the punch.

Issei dodged a slash attempt from another exorcist. He grabbed the exorcist's hand that held the sword and broke it with a twist. He grabbed the falling sword and killed him.

He them proceeded to fight the rest of the exorcist, winning easily. There were only twenty or so exorcists left.

Issei slashed the air with the sword, creating a large blade of wind. The wind blade cut several exorcists in half, effectively killing them.

Issei threw the sword towards another unsuspecting exorcist. The sword stabbed through the exoricist skull, killing him. Issei looked at the rest of the exorcists.

He disappeared and reappeared standing in the air. He created multiple javelins of orange fire.

He sent them towards the remaining exorcists. The javelins were rushing towards them in blinding speeds, effectively killing each and every one of them.

Issei landed on the ground gracefully. 'Was it the right thing to do? Ddraig?' Issei asked as he stared at the bodies.

'There is no right or wrong in killing. There is only reason. You killed them because they were doing something bad to that girl. Close your heart to it, partner. They're the ones doing the bad thing here. ' Ddraig answered. Issei nodded.

'It'll take some getting used to. But I imagine this will be a normal occurrence for me in the future. ' Issei replied. Ddraig didn't answer.

Issei widened his eyes as he dodged a blue colored light spear thrown at him with Kami-e.

He turned around and saw the person who threw it at him. He saw a middle-aged-looking man with short black hair and dark blue eyes.

His attire consisted of a pale gray trench coat over a white dress shirt with a matching ascot, black pants and shoes, a pair of black gloves, and a black fedora hat.

This man is Dohnaseek and he is a Fallen Angel. Issei looked at the person beside Dohnaseek.

It was a girl with blonde hair which was styled into twin-tails and blue eyes.

She wore a Gothic Lolita attire, which consisted of a black dress with white frills, a large black bow on the front, and a green jewel embedded on the collar, white thigh-high socks, and black shoes. She also wore a large black bow on top of her hair.

Her name is Mittelt and she is a Fallen Angel.

"Ah, you have come to die as well. Excellent." Issei muttered. Dohnaseek narrowed his eyes. Mittelt growled at him.

"Haa!!!" Mittelt charged towards him. Dohnaseek widened his eyes in horror.

"Wait, no!!!" He shouted at her but it was too late. Mittelt summoned a pink colored light spear and grabbed it.

Issei dodged her stabbing attempt and appeared beside her. He chopped her neck, knocking her unconscious. He caught her and laid her on the ground.

Dohnaseek gritted his teeth. "Stupid goth bitch!" He cursed. He them summoned a blue light spear amd attempted to throw it at him.

But then suddenly.....


He was engulfed by a violent red blast. The blast disappeared, revealing nothing. Dohnaseek was disintegrated, alongside with a long row of trees amd ground.

Issei looked at Rias who was smirking at him. Akeno arrived beside her.

"Ara ara~ Buchou~. You should've handed him to me." Akeno pouted. Rias rolled her eyes. Kiba and Koneko arrived beside her.

Rias looked at Issei. "Sona told me to check up on you. Who would've thought it would let us here? You have some explaining to do after this, Issei Not only to me but also to Sona." Rias narrowed her eyes at him. Issei smiled wryly at her.

" It's to be expected, obviously. " Issei whispered.

She then spotted a large horde of exoricists charging towards them. She looked at Issei again.

"You go find whoever your finding. We're going to deal with them." Rias ordered. Issei nodded.

"You got it, Rias...

To be continued....