
Issei's Redemption

Issei wakes up one day and finds a floating blue screen staring at him. What will he do now? Watch as he finds his way in this new supernatural world he's accidentally stumbled upon and makes a name in it.

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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166 Chs

Fox Loli

"We're under surveillance." Xenovia informed Issei as they were walking towards Fushimi Inari, a place with a lot of torii gates.

"Well, we're foreign existences to the authorities here. Though we notified them beforehand, surveillance is still necessary. " Irina replied to her. She then resumed talking with Asia.

Passing through the last torii, there was a huge door. On each side was a fox sculpture resembling a stone lion.

"Exorcism statues. Normally they would have a presence that repelled existence like devils, but thanks to the passes, there's no trouble...' Issei thought to himself.

With slight wariness from the devils from Rias' peerage, they passed through the main entrance without issue. Walking further along, they reached the main hall. Continuing, they found the steps leading up the Inari mountain. They took photos as they advanced, and began their next challenge of climbing the mountain path through a thousand torii gates.

They took a rest halfway through the challenge that was Inari mountain. Motohama, Matsuda and Kiryuu were fine as they had worked out a lot in their own time. The two previously Perverted Trio members especially, they were getting out that perverted life and were changing themselves for the better.

Xenovia and Asia were touched by the scenery of the Fushimi Inari mountainside, while Kiryuu showed her knowledge as she snapped photos of the view.

However, there really were tons of red torii no matter how far they advanced. Written on them were the names of companies or shops. They made offerings to the divinities at Fushimi Inari to make wishes.

"Hey, you guys go at your own pace. I'm going to the top first." Issei informed them and ran up the steps at a faster pace.

Once he was out of their sights, he made sure there were no tourists around him and used Soru to reach the peak.

He looked around him.At the top of the mountain, there was an old shrine. Due to the dense foliage, there was barely any sunlight, and he was surrounded by a slight shade.

It was extremely deserted. Issei decided to pay respects to the shrine and head back down to where the others were.

He faced the shrine and clapped his hands together. "Let all of my girlfriends and future girlfriends live a happy and healthy life! And help me become the strongest being in this world!" Issei finished his shameless but honest prayer loudly without any shame in his voice at all.

He was preparing to leave but he heard a voice which made him stop in his tracks.

"Not from Kyoto?"

Issei sighed as he was surrounded by a lot of people hiding in the trees. He looked at the person standing in front of him and was surprised.

He was looking at a young girl with the appearance of an elementary school student. She has golden, blonde hair tied in a ponytail and matching eyes.

She also has nine golden fox tails and matching ears. Her body measurements are [B69-W54-H74]; height is 142cm and body weight is 34kg.

Her attire is the traditional miko outfit and tall geta with white tabi. The sleeves of her haori feature a giant red star-shaped pentagram, surrounded by five smaller pentagrams in between the points.

Her name is Kunou and she is a nine-tailed fox who is the daughter of Yasaka, a nine-tailed fox who is an extremely powerful Youkai that is on par with an Ultimate-Class Devil, and is the leader of the West Youkai Faction in Kyoto.

Kunou glared at Issei while gnashing her teeth in rage. "Outsider! How dare you!! Attack!!" She commanded.

At her command, out of the trees stepped many fellows with black wings and crow heads, dressed like mountain hermits. There are also some others with fox masks who dress like priests.

"Karasu-Tengu and foxes...." Issei whispered, recognizing the first time opponents.

" Give my mother back!!! " Kunou shouted. The tengu and fox priests then began to attack him. Issei dodged on of the tengu's spear strikes and chopped him in the neck, knocking him out.

The tengu dropped to the ground. Issei looked at Kunou. "Lady!! I don't even know who you're mother is!!" Iseei shouted and evaded sword strikes from the fox priests.

He grabbed one of them and knocked him out by punching him in the face. He started to knock the others out, all was done in a few seconds.

" Don't lie! My eyes cannot be deceived!!" She shouted back while gritting her teeth, her subordinates were already down, looks like she would have to deal with him herself.

A tengu appeared behind him and tried to stab through Issei's head with his spear. Issei looked at him but the attack's was them blocked by someone else.

It was Xenovia and she had Durandal in her hands. Issei appeared behind the tengu and knocked him out swiftly.

He laid the unconscious tengu on the ground and looked at Kunou. Irina and Asia arrived beside him, ready to fight.

Kunou was surprised but she instantly became even angrier.

"You are all the ones who kidnapped my mother! Tch! Unforgivable! Unclean devils! You have tainted this sacred place! I will not forgive you! " Kunou declared through gritted teeth. Her unilateral decisions irritated Issei a little.

'Well, she did say that her mother got kidnapped. So I can't blame her. ' Issei thought to himself.

"Leave this place kid. You don't wanna cross us. Especially me, I don't hold back even though you're a kid." Issei threatened her calmly while emitting some of his aura. Kunou gulped and backed up a little.

"Damn, evil existences. I will make you give mother back!!" Kunou shouted before disappearing like a gust of wind.

"Trouble seems to find Issei and us everywhere we go. I have a bad feeling about this." Xenovia whispered.



Azazel and Rossweisse were informed about the encounter with the daughter of the West Youkai Faction Leader.

"Why would we get attacked in Kyoto?" That was the hardest point to understand. Issei told them about Kunou's speech about her mother, which only raised more questions.

Issei also learned of the cute fox Loli's name, it was Kunou. "She's kinda cute. But how old is she?" Issei asked himself as he and his classmates were having dinner at the hotel.

It was a luxurious feast of Kyoto cuisine. Issei thought that the boiled tofu was delicious. The Kyoto vegetables were also uncommonly tasty.

But the one thing that takes the cake for him was the banana flavored cupcake as dessert. Issei didn't know how much he had eaten before feeling like shitting up a storm.



"That was a good shitting session." Issei grumbled while exiting the men's bathroom. His whole body was squeaky clean after washing it.

He stopped as he felt Rossweisse's and a bunch of Sona's peerage members' magic signatures in the women's spa.

"Rossweisse's boobs, excellent in every way. Beautiful legs with a narrow waist, slim figure, she's a work of art that's for sure. " Issei muttered.

" Now the question is, what do I do? They can definitely sense me standing outside. No matter how hard I try to hide my Magical signature, they can still sense the aura of a Dragon." Issei whispered to himself while walking back and forth in the hallway he was in.

"Fuck. I'll just wait it out....

To be continued.....