
Issei's Redemption

Issei wakes up one day and finds a floating blue screen staring at him. What will he do now? Watch as he finds his way in this new supernatural world he's accidentally stumbled upon and makes a name in it.

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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166 Chs

Decisive Victory

Issei was holding the decapitated head of Cao Cao with his right hand while holding the True Longinus with the other.

The inner battle between the Devil in him and God's will is still ongoing. But Issei quickly learned to ignore it.

There's no use trying to break the stalemate since he actually can't. He actually tried using Boost to combat God's Will but they were still in a stalemate. God won't be defeated this easily.

He looked at Kiba and they nodded at each other. Issei burned the body of Cao Cao before he and Kiba quickly headed towards where the others were.

Meanwhile, the others were facing a handsome young man with silver-white hair and red eyes.

He, just like other members of the Hero Faction, wore a gakuran, and on top of it, a priest's coat, similar to Freed Sellzen.

He also wore a belt that held his five Demon Swords and a Light Sword, which were around his waist and legs, forming a sword skirt.

His name is Siegfried. He is one of the top two swordsmen of the Khaos Brigade alongside Arthur Pendragon of the Vali Team and is known as The Demonic Sword User and 'Chaos Edge' Sieg.

Kiba and Issei regrouped with the others. He looked at Siegfried and was surprised to sense 5 separate demonic auras and a holy one around him.

"That man is Siegfried. He is the wielder of 5 legendary demon swords and one light sword." Xenovia explained to them. Issei nodded and looked at him.

" Alright, Xenovia and Kiba, you two go deal with White Kiba. I'll scare off the rest of the Hero Faction." Issei ordered. Xenovia snickered at the nickname while Kiba rolled his eyes.

The two then dashed towards Siegfried without wasting time. Siegfried narrowed his eyes and unsheathed Gram, one of the Demonic Swords in his possession.

Gram is a large double-edged sword that has vibrant colors despite being a Demon Sword. There is a lot more to its design but it's too long to put it in here.

Gram is the strongest Demon Sword also known as the Demonic Emperor Sword. The strongest Demon Sword created, Gram was previously wielded by the original Siegfried who used it to slay the Dragon King Fafnir, though Fafnir was later revived by the Norse Gods.

Siegfried also unsheathed another demonic sword with his left hand. Its name is Balmung and it is one of the Demon Swords with a drill-like aura, which is capable of creating powerful whirlwinds.

Kiba and Xenovia gripped their blades tightly. Kiba had The Teleport on his right hand while The Intangible was on his left hand.

Kiba stabbed The Teleport on the ground, creating a large blue dome that covered the bridge they were on again.

Kiba then summoned a longsword with a slender form. Every part of the sword from the guard to the pommel seems like they are made out of dazzling gold while the blade itself is dyed in a bright golden yellow distinctly more intense than the sword's scabbard. A cross-shape flower design decorates the sword's guard. He called it The Fragrant Olive Sword.

The sword is capable of splitting into hundreds or even thousands of golden flakes of flower petals, each measuring less than a centimeter long.

The petals have an absurdly large weight, are capable of high-speed and unrestrained movement in the air and can become sharper than a slender sword's tip.

A single petal possesses a clout of a giant's fist and is capable of splitting a rock into two or breaking the ground upon touch. The swarm of flower petals is controlled by moving the sword's grip.

Even in its regular state, the sword has an absurdly large weight and power, capable of easily repelling any sword that comes into contact with it in battle. It took Kiba two months to create this sword.

Kiba and Xenovia arrived in front of Siegfried and they started battling. Surprisingly, Siegfried was holding his own against the two talented sword fighters. He wasn't the strongest sword fighter in the Khaos Brigade for nothing.

But that wasn't until Kiba decided to use his blade's abilities. He attempted to swipe Siegfried's legs but the guy jumped back before he could get tripped by Kiba's leg.

That bought Kiba sufficient time to pick up a rock and throw it at him. Siegfried tilted his head, dodging it effortlessly.

"They never learn." Kiba whispered. Xenovia who was in the middle of trying to slice Siegfried in half, suddenly swapped positions with the rock. The rock now in front of Siegfried dropped to the ground.

"Hya!!!!!" Xenovia who was now behind him sent out a dark orange blade with a swipe of Durandal.


There was a giant explosion that occurred on the bridge. Kiba arrived beside Xenovia again and they assumed their separate battle stances.

Siegfried wasn't dead in the slightest, he just got more powerful than he was before. The smoke cleared, revealing Siegfried who smirked at them. Xenovia hummed a little as she saw no clear injury on him. Siegfried raised his swords up and looked at them seriously.

"Balance Breaker!!!! Chaos Edge Asura Ravage!!!! "

Suddenly, two silver Dragon Arms grew out from his shoulders. Kiba widened his eyes as he felt Siegfried's power doubling as each arm popped out. There were now four additional Dragon arms on Siegfried's body. Kiba quickly activated his own Balance Breaker.

Siegfried unsheathed more swords hanging from his waist.

He unsheathed Balmung, a Demon Sword from Norse mythology with a drill-like aura. It is capable of creating powerful whirlwinds. He unsheathed Nothung, a Demon Sword that specializes in sharpness.

He also unsheathed Tyrfing and Dáinsleif, a Demon Sword that specializes in destruction and a Demon Sword that creates huge pillars of ice from the ground.

Siegfried also unsheathed a light sword. Now he can fight in his self created six sword style using his Chaos Edge Asura Ravage.

Xenovia breathed out a calm breath. So now he can use all sorts of abilities with his Balance Breaker active. Great.

Kiba was calm too. He was thinking of ways to counter Siegfried's fighting style. He stabbed his Fragrant Olive Sword to the ground and sword his Clone Sword.

All of the sudden, a horde of Kiba's clones appeared around Siegfried, all wielding different types of swords.

Kiba stabbed it to the ground and picked his Fragrant Olive Sword back up. He and his clones charged at him from all sides, Xenovia joined in the crowd as well.

Siegfried narrowed his eyes as he was blocking and dodging hundreds of strikes from all sides. Obviously he was having difficulty keeping track of the attacks heading his way.

Cuts and small wounds started appearing on his body. Siegfried growled and slashed Gram downwards, sending a large destructive aura and killing some of Kiba's clones.

Siegfried then used Dáinsleif to create multiple large ice pillars around him. He sent them out, killing more clones.

Siegfried jumped up and slammed Tyrfing to the ground, destroying the ground and the clones in front of him. There were only a few of them left.

One of the clones threw his sword at him. Siegfried deflected it, the deflected sword suddenly swapped positions with Xenovia who sent out a controlled but extremely powerful crescent orange blade towards him.

Siegfried used all of his blades to clash with her attack. He was getting pushed back slowly.

But his sword Nothung was slowly cutting through the blade. Xenovia narrowed her eyes. Kiba appeared behind her and touched her shoulder.

They phased through the ground together and emerged behind Siegfried. The two attacked him together.



A giant wound the shape of an 'X' was created by Kiba's and Xenovia's attacks. Siegfried bit back a shout of pain as he staggered forward.

He turned towards them and swung Gram and Balmung repeatedly, sending red blades of destructive power and giant whirlwinds.

Kiba and Xenovia grunted as the attacks hit them. Xenovia screamed a little as one of the red blades cut open her stomach. Kiba grunted as the whirlwinds shredded his shirt and created a bunch of large cuts all over his body.

Siegfried appeared in front of them and swung all of his swords at the same time. Kiba and Xenovia were replaced by small rocks. The rocks stood no chance against Siegfried's attack.

Kiba and Xenovia knelt beside Asia who quickly healed them up. "Do you need a hand?" Azazel asked them. Xenovia snorted.

"Three hands aren't going to match his, Sensei." Xenovia joked.

"Relax Sensei. I have a plan." Kiba advised him. The two sword wielders stood up and walked towards Siegfried again.

Suddenly, Kiba's Fragrant Olive Sword split into thousands of golden flakes of flower petals.

The petals flew towards Siegfried who raised his swords to block it. But unexpectedly, the petals split into six strings of a small petal stream and moved at high speeds to attack Siegfried from behind.


"ARGH!!!!" Siegfried screamed in pain as he was stabbed through the chest six narrow petal streams. He now has six moderately sized holes in his chest.

He glared at Kiba who stared back at him emotionlessly. "Y-you will never defeat the Khaos Brigade....." Siegfried muttered weakly.

"We can't fare against Ophis, yes. But killing high ranking people like you brings me satisfaction." Kiba replied coldly.

"My swords will remain loyal to me. I will never let them go!" Siegfried shouted and prepared to unleash one last massive full powered attack.

"Are you sure about that?" Kiba asked. Siegfried widened his eyes as he felt the weight on his shoulders change dramatically.

He looked at his six hands and widened his eyes in horror. Instead of his six swords, he was holding six rocks.

Siegfried looked at Kiba who had a smirk on his face. Siegfried's swords were on the ground laying neatly beside each other.

"It always works." Kiba muttered. He pointed the grip of his Fragrant Olive Sword at Siegfried.

" Bloom, my flowers.... "

All of the sudden, all of the golden flakes of flower petals flew up to the air. It created a beautiful giant four petaled flower with a golden stigma in the middle.

Kiba stared at the shocked Siegfried who was staring at the large flower in the sky without doing anything. This was the first time Siegfried's life felt true fear.

"Burst Element."

Suddenly, the stigma of the four-petaled flower turned red and a large dark red line spread throughout each of the petals. It starts charging up a large yellow ball.


The ball fired out a gigantic beam that decimated the bridge and everything on it. The beam ended at the end of the bridge.


Suddenly, a giant fiery explosion occurred, obliterating more of the already destroyed bridge. Siegfried was obviously dead, Leonardo already retreated from the fight so he wasn't there.

The flower petals returned to Kiba's blade and it was complete again. Kiba looked at Xenovia and they fist bumped each other with a smirk on their faces.

Azazel came by and patted their backs proudly.

"Good job you two. You're definitely the Ultimate Class material. Now we just need to somehow make them surrender to us.....

To be continued.....

(Do you think Kiba and Xenovia have the potential to become Ultimate Class Devils?)