
Issei's Redemption

Issei wakes up one day and finds a floating blue screen staring at him. What will he do now? Watch as he finds his way in this new supernatural world he's accidentally stumbled upon and makes a name in it.

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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166 Chs

Bug Bite

"W.... We're leaving!" Riser declared nervously. Rias smirked, it seems that Issei had scared him a lot.

"Tch. Stupid human! You'll regret crossing me!" Riser glared at Issei as he and his peerage sank into their family crest.

Issei laughed as Riser disappeared. "Phenex... more like fried chicken. Am I right guys?" Issei joked, making Rias and her peerage chuckle a little.

Issei looked at Grayfia. He then had an amazing idea. He walked over to her. "Grayfia. I know we haven't started off on good terms. But I need you to do me a favor." Issei looked at her seriously. Although she didn't show it, Grayfia was interested in what he had to say.

"Can you maybe bend the rules a little? Like say, let me join the Rating Game on Rias' team? " Issei smiled at her. Rias gasped.

'With Issei on my team, Riser is as good as dead! ' Rias thought excitedly. She looked at Grayfia with stars in her eyes.

"I.... um...." Grayfia looked at Rias nervously. She couldn't say no when Rias was having those puppy eyes on her.

"Please Grayfia!! Pleeease!!!" Rias pouted cutely while flashing her puppy eyes at her. Grayfia gulped.

"M-maybe I could ask Sirzechs for permission. I can't guarantee it's going to happen though. I'll return tomorrow morning, see you tomorrow, Rias." Grayfia bowed a little before sinking into the Gremory Family magic circle.

Rias looked at Issei. She squealed and jumped towards him. She hugged him tightly.

" Does that mean you'll be joining my peerage now?!" Rias grinned at him. Issei laughed and shook his head.

"Sorry to burst your bubble but no. I'll only be fighting by your side. " Issei replied, Rias pouted. She laid her head on his chest.

" I don't understand, why couldn't you just join? It's not like people will laugh at you or something." Rias grumbled.

"It is the fact that I'm too strong to be reincarnated into a Devil by your pieces that makes me unable to join." Issei explained. Rias pouted even more.

"Hey, don't worry. I'm sure you'll find someone else that's gonna join your peerage." Issei whispered. He looked at her peerage.

"Well, what are we waiting for? We better start training."



Later that day.....

Asia was sitting on a stool, scrubbing her head with shampoo and was humming a cheerful tune. She was in the bathroom, Issei's bathroom to be exact. She had snuck in here unbeknownst to him.

" Issei-san's bathroom is the best! It smells like flowers and there's a big bathtub to dip in too!" Asia muttered to herself as she poured water all over herself to wash the shampoo off.

Suddenly, someone entered the bathroom unbeknownst to Asia. It was Issei and he was as naked as her.

"So she did sneak in. It's just a normal sized bathroom, why does she like it so much? " Issei asked himself while feeling very confused. But he shrugged, he can ask Asia about that later. Issei smiled.

"Oh Asia~?" Issei called out in a sing song voice. Asia jolted up and slowly turned around to see Issei smiling at her warmly.

"So here you are. Look at you, you made a big mess all over the floor. There's shampoo all over the place." Issei revealed. Asia blushed feeling super embarrassed being caught red handed.

" I-I'm sorry, Issei-san. It's just you have a very big bathroom and I wanted to see what it was like showering in one. " Asia stuttered. Issei chuckled.

" I'm not mad at all, Asia. I just wished you would've told me beforehand just so I could prepare the bathtub for you. " Issei replied. He grabbed another stool on the ground.

He sat behind Asia who got super flustered at how close he was to her. She had not seen a naked man before once in her life.

"I-issei-san. You're naked." Asia squeaked out. Issei laughed.

"It's the bathroom, Asia. It's a private place so it's okay to be naked here." Issei replied with a smile. He squeezed out some shampoo from Asia's shampoo bottle she was using.

He started rubbing her back, shocking Asia who squealed. "Kya! Issei-san! What are you doing!?" Asia asked feeling her face heating up in embarrassment.

"I'm helping you wash your back, Asia. It's alright, I'll be gentle." Issei whispered in her ear, making her shiver and blush even more. Issei chuckled and started rubbing her back with the shampoo. He was also massaging her back too. Asia was enjoying this, even though she didn't want to admit it.

"Here comes the water." Issei whispered and poured some water on Asia's shampoo filled back and washed it away.

"There. Now it's squeaky clean. Chu~!" Issei kissed Asia's back, shocking her.

"Issei-san! Please stop teasing me!" Asia covered her face which was bright red. Issei chuckled and kept kissing her back, ignoring her request. Issei loves Asia's reactions. He found it extremely cute.

"Kya!" Asia squealed as Issei started kissing and nibbling on her neck.

"Issei-san!" Asia moaned as Issei bit her neck gently and sucked on it. Issei stopped his actions and grinned at her.

"How do you like it? Asia?" Issei asked. Asia was looking at him with a red flustered face.

"Issei-san is a stupid bully!" Asia whined. Issei laughed and kissed her nose.

"If you keep being this adorable, Asia. I might 'bully' you even more. " Issei teased.

" Issei-san, you think I'm adorable? " Asia looked away shyly. Issei nodded.

" I think Asia is the most adorable girl in the whole world! You're smile is the smile of an angel! You even walk and talk like one! I bet you could even tame the evilest of dragons! " Issei declared. Asia smiled happiness at his barrage of compliments.

"C'mon, Asia. Let's get in the bathtub together! You wanted to try it out right? So now's the chance to try it with me!"




"Ara Ara~, Asia. Where did you get that hickey from hmm?" Akeno giggled as she asked Asia her question. Asia blushed heavily and instantly started stuttering nervously.

It's not what you think, Akeno-san! A b-bug bit me! " Asia gave out her lame excuse. Akeno laughed angelically. She looked at Issei who just came in the clubhouse.

"Ah, it seems the 'bug' has arrived." Akeno smiled sadistically, scaring Asia. Akeno grabbed Issei's hand and dragged a confused Issei to Asia.

"Asia-san! I brought you the 'bug' that bit you!" Akeno's sadistic smile widened as Asia started stuttering out excuse after excuse.

" Ah. I see what's going on. So what if I bit her? When I bite her, my power increases because I ate her angelic flesh." Issei grinned broadly, showing his extremely sharp canines.

"You two are so mean!" Asia covered her face, hiding her big blush. Issei smiled and ran his fingers through her hair.

"Only because you're adorable, Asia.....

To be continued...