
Issei's Redemption

Issei wakes up one day and finds a floating blue screen staring at him. What will he do now? Watch as he finds his way in this new supernatural world he's accidentally stumbled upon and makes a name in it.

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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166 Chs

Another One Bites The Dust

"Tch." Loki snorted and the shadow under his foot expanded, and from there five dragons with long skinny bodies appeared. Their sizes were reduced a lot, but Issei had no doubt about who they were.

"So you even mass produced Midgardsormr." Issei muttered with a disgusted expression. The dragons started to breathe out fire all at once. But their fire was wiped out with Tannin's fire.

"Everyone, let Issei and Vali deal with Loki! We'll deal with the duplicate Midgardsormrs!!" Rias ordered everyone. Akeno nodded and sent down her Holy Lightning towards one of them.

It stunned the large skinny dragon for a moment. It bought enough time for Gasper to freeze it with Forbidden Balor View. The skinny dragon froze.

Koneko appeared in front of it and started punching it all around the place. She then jumped back and arrived beside Gasper who unfroze the snake.


The giant snake screamed in agony and slumped down on the ground, dead. Koneko and Gasper fist bumped each other.

Sona created water from thin air and started battling one of the dragons one on one. Shs dodged its attempt to swallow her.

Sona sent water whips at it. The whips wrapped around the duplicate. Sona used enhancement magic to enhance the power of the whips to hold it in place.

Sona gritted her teeth as she was losing the physical front of the struggle. Suddenly, the tied up dragon was engulfed by a bright sea of flames sent by Tannin.

The dragon screamed and shook in pain while being burned up by the orange flames. It then slowly turned into ashes. Sona looked at Tannin and they nodded at each other.

Akeno widened her eyes as she turned around and saw another dragon in front of her. The dragon shot down, intending to eat her.

But suddenly, someone jumped in and goy bitten by it. It was Baraqiel and he was gritting his teeth while having some blood flow out of his mouth.

"Why?" Akeno asked with shock in her voice.

"I can't afford to lose you as well." Baraqiel answered. Akeno had an expression where she can't telk what's going on right now.

"Black Flash!!!!!"


The skinny dragon screamed in agony before dissolving into ashes. Baraqiel grunted as he dropped onto the ground. Asia quickly knelt down beside him and started healing him with Twilight Healing.

"Thank you....." Baraqiel whispered as his large wounds started closing. He stopped bleeding but he would have a hard time coming back to the fight immediately.

He should've lost the same amount of stamina as how much blood he just lost.

"I.... I....."

"Get ahold of yourself, Akeno. The battle hasn't ended yet." Baraqiel said. The duplicates of Midgardsormr were all dead. Loki summoned some more from his shadow.

Then suddenly, a color black appeared in front of Issei. A black fire like things appeared from the ground, it twisted and covered up Loki and the mass produced Midgardsormr.

Tannin smirked. "The Prison Dragon, Vritra has finally arrived! " Tannin declared, surprising all. Saji currently looked like a black fire shaped into a dragon.

Issei widened his eyes a little as Shemhazai started explaining what's going on through the earpiece he was wearing.

Apparently, Saji now has every single Vritra type Sacred Gear on him, which were four of them. He now has Absorption Line, Black Blaze Flare, Delete Field and Shadow Prison. All of the Sacred Gears are now one. Vritra's consciousness was revived. But he's going beserk a little. Thankfully he still recognizes between friend and foe.

The black flames were sealing Loki's and the mass produced Midgardsormr's movements. These flames have a mind of its own, and it looks like there's a snake wrapping around them.

"Nani!! My powers are being taken away gradually!! Is this the power of the black dragon?!" Loki growled angrily.

" Saji won't be able to maintain it for long, Issei-san! Defeat Loki while he's being sealed!!" Shemhazai explained through the earpiece.

"Guys! Get the held out of here!! I'm going to finish this with one final attack!!!" Issei shouted out his warning loudly. Rias and Sona nodded and quickly ordered everyone to fly away as far as they could.

Loki smirked as he broke through Saji's barrier of fire. "You think you can grasp me with this?! I'm a God! Nothing can hold me down!!" Loki shouted crazily and tried to fly away.


Suddenly, a crimson lightning bolt engulfed him and sent him crashing back down to the ground.

Issei saw Akeno holding Baraqiel's and Rias' hand while having crimson lightning crackling dangerously around them.


He smirked and twitched his hand, summoning black fiery chains that wrapped up Loki and the mass produced Midgardsormrs.

Saji looked at Issei and jumped away, landing beside Sona and her peerage. Sona looked at him and smiled proudly. "You've gotten stronger, Saji. Good job. I'm proud of you." Sona smiled proudly at him. Saji bowed his head at her silently.

Loki gritted his teeth as he shouted painfully. He was being burned mercilessly by the flames on the chains.

He saw Issei leaping up to the air and never to be seen again.


After Ddraig's announcement, Loki anticipated a large scale attack but nothing came. The battlefield was dead silent.

Rossweisse prepared barriers upon barriers of defenses.

She had seen the videos posted to DevilTube and after lots of analyzing later, she had calculated how powerful her defense barriers she personally created for herself needed to be to protect herself from even his weakest finishers.

The ones who had large magical reserves like Baraqiel fueled the barrier, making it even more powerful than it was before.

Issei still hasn't arrived back at the battlefield. "7..... 8....9..." Rias counted to herself.

"ROAD ROLLER DA!!!!!!!!"


Loki's teeth were shattered into pieces as Issei slammed a giant road roller he found in one of the mines around the battlefield. Issei roared dominantly as he stood on the road roller.



Issei roared as he kept punching the road roller with Black Flash after Black Flash. Loki was already unconscious from the heavy amount of damage he was receiving.

"WRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Issei roared dominantly again as he leaped up into the air. His hands were then engulfed in black fire. It was made by combining the Power Of Destruction with his Dragon's Fire.


Issei dove down to his enemies while there was a trail of black behind him. He pulled back his Fist and gritted his teeth. He was 100 meters in the air when he punched the air.

" GALAXY..... IMPAAAAAACCCCT!!!!!!!!!!!"


From Issei's punch, he delivered a massive black shockwave that engulfed the battlefield completely.

The shockwave destroyed the mountains nearby and obliterated everything on the ground.

From afar, you could see a massive black dome engulfing the night sky and the bright moon. But the humans don't see a thing due to the powerful invisibility barrier Rossweisse put up just before the battle started.

There was only a pure white light covering the battlefield for a while, until it slowly died down. Everyone who witnessed the destruction was on the ground coughing and trying not to faint from the pressure that the single punch created.

Loki and the mass produced Midgardsormrs were turned to nothingness. Issei had made sure to destroy everything, even their souls with his Galaxy Impact he created on the spot.

[Galaxy Impact: Lvl 1

Destroy everything with your fists.]

Issei was floating in the sky majestically. He just killed a god and felt like one now. Vali grunted as she stood up and looked at Issei.

"He just killed a God effortlessly. It's safe to say that he's one of them now. Tch, as expected of my eternal Rival. Don't worry about feeling lonely up there, I'll catch up to you soon enough...

To be continued...