
Issei's Redemption

Issei wakes up one day and finds a floating blue screen staring at him. What will he do now? Watch as he finds his way in this new supernatural world he's accidentally stumbled upon and makes a name in it.

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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166 Chs


"Your brother is a really interesting person, Rias." Issei told her as he and Rias were walking hand in hand. Asia was walking silently while holding his left hand.

"How so?" Rias asked him as they turned a corner.

"He wonders what would happen if I used Transfer on your boobs. You wanna try it?" Issei asked her. Rias blushed and looked away. Asia was surprised to hear that coming out from Sirzechs' mouth. She would never have expected him to be so perverted like Issei.

"Please don't listen to him. And don't you dare try it." Rias muttered while glaring at him. Issei nodded.

" I won't, Rias. I promise."



"Alright guys! It's our job to clean the pool today! So let's scrub it like we mean it! " Rias declared while holding a mop. Today's the Occult Research Club' pool day. They get exclusive access to the pool since they agreed to clean it.

'Oh shit! Rias, Akeno, Koneko, Asia and Xenovia in bikinis and swimsuits!!! I'm bouta cum just by thinking about it!!' Issei thought while quickly wiping the blood flowing out of his nostrils.

"Well, since we're cleaning the pool. I can't wear clothes now." Issei said out loud and put down the broom he was holding on the ground. He took off his clothes, leaving only his swimming trunks that reached his knees on him.

The girls blushed at the sight of his perfect body. Koneko coughed awkwardly and looked away. "Clean the damn pool, damn exhibitionist." Koneko grumbled, making Issei depressed.

"I thought girls liked muscles." Issei whined. Akeno giggled hearing his whining.

"When the muscles come from you I despise it." Koneko argued back and stuck out her tongue at him.

"C'mon. I'm not that bad of a perv am I? At least I'm not as bad as I was 4 months ago. " Issei asked her. Koneko crossed her arms.

"A perv is still a perv. " Koneko replied bluntly. Issei sighed in defeat and picked up his broom again.

He jumped into the empty pool and looked around. He gripped the broom tightly and looked at Kiba.

"If I wanna see them in their swimwear. I need to use my full power!!!" Issei suddenly had a dark red aura around him. His eyes turned green.


Issei started dashing around the pool, cleaning every single spot. He then dropped the broom and grabbed the hose and started spraying the pool.

After a bit of spraying, Issei turned off the running water and started cleaning up the pool with the broom again. Everyone was watching all of this happening with awe in their eyes.

"Issei-san...." Asia muttered worriedly. To her, this was supposed to be a team effort. Everyone needed to take part. Issei taking all of the work for himself saddens her.

"The guy's probably thinking about pervy thoughts. He's doing all of this so that he can see us in our swimwear sooner." Koneko huffed. Asia looked at her.

"Don't you think there's more to that than just seeing us in our swimwear, Koneko-san? Issei-san may be a little perverted, but he isn't that simple minded either." Asia whispered as Issei was cleaning the pool singlehandedly. Koneko sighed.

'Not only do I get to see the girls in their swimwear sooner! Everyone won't be tired from the cleaning since they're just watching! This is pure genius!' Issei declared in his mind as he finished cleaning the pool and jumped up and landed gracefully in front of them.

"Done! I just need to fill the pool with water." Issei reported but was stopped by Asia who grabbed his arm.

"Please, let me do it." Asia whispered. Issei looked at her, feeling confused.

"Even though it's supposed to be a team effort, you took all of the work for yourself and completed it singlehandedly. I feel useless standing here and relaxing while you tire yourself out there. " Asia whispered sadly. Issei grinned.

" Don't worry, Asia! Doing all of this work doesn't tire me out at all!" Issei replied.

"Yeah, because you're fueled by unlimited perverted thoughts." Koneko snickered at his deadpan.

" Now now, don't be like that, Koneko-chan. We're here to relax. Let's go change." Rias interrupted before things went too far. She grabbed Koneko's and Asia's hand. Then she dragged them off somewhere.

Issei sighed as soon as they went off to change. "I understand your worries very well, Asia. But I literally cannot get tired from mundane stuff like this anymore. I hope you can understand my point of view someday." He whispered and looked at the pool slowly filling up with water. After it was up to the water level it was before, Issei stopped filling it. He sighed in satisfaction.

"Oh Issei~"

Issei turned around and immediately widened his eyes and smiled at what he was seeing. Rias who was wearing a very revealing bikini, pushed her chest up and smiled warmly at him.

"Well Issei? How do you like my bikini?" Rias asked and pushed back a string of her crimson hair behind her ear.

"Issei-kun. What about mine?" Akeno asked seductively while moving her hips a little at him.

"Both of you look amazing! They look perfect on you!" Issei complimented them. Akeno blushed a little and smiled at him.

" Thank you, Issei." Akeno whispered shyly. Rias blushed and didn't say anything.

" Issei-san, I've got a bathing suit too."

Issei looked at Asia who was wearing a bathing suit that had her name written on it. Issei smiled and gave her a thumbs up.

"You look cute, Asia! I approve!" Issei replied. Asis giggled and swayed shyly.

"I'm glad you think so, Issei-san!" Asia replied. Issei looked at Koneko who was wearing the same thing as Asia but she had her own name written on it.

" And you look lovely as ever, Koneko-chan!", Issei complimented. Koneko blushed a little and looked away.

"Whatever, idiot." Koneko grumbled. Issei chuckled at her stubbornness. Rias approached him.

"Right. Sorry to trouble you some more, Issei. But Koneko here doesn't know how to swim. Maybe you could teach her how to." Rias suggested while patting an embarrassed Koneko on the back. Issei smiled and nodded.

"She'll be a pro in no time!"



Koneko gasped as she popped out of the water. For the past few minutes Issei has been teaching her how to dive down under water and swim in it.

Koneko grabbed him and leaned into him. She was breathing heavily for holding her breath for a long time.

"Are you okay?" Issei asked her worriedly.

"I'm fine. Sorry for grabbing you like that, senpai." Koneko apologized between heavy breaths. Issei shook his head.

" Don't worry about it. Helping you girls out with swimming practice was a blast. It's all good, Koneko-chan. " Issei replied to her apology with a smile on his face. Koneko blushed and looked away.

" You're kinder than I thought, Issei senpai. Even though you're a big fat perv." Koneko muttered. Issei laughed and started patting her head.

"Wow. Your hair feels nice, Koneko-chan." Issei whispered as he started scratching her head gently.

"Purrrr~" Koneko purred and leaned into him even more. Issei smiled gently at her relaxed position.

Koneko didn't know it, but her cat ears and tail popped out unknowingly.

"Woah. Real cat ears." Issei whispered and started petting and scratching it tenderly, prompting Koneko to meow at him.

"Meow~" Koneko meowed and smiled. She looked at him and realized the position they were in. Then she looked at her waving white tail and her cat ears twitched cutely.

She blushed deeply. "This is embarrassing." Koneko whispered. Issei chuckled.

"It's not, Koneko-chan. You look very cute with your cat ears and tail out. You should let them out while you're with us more. " Issei encouraged.

" Are you sure? " The Nekoshou asked. Issei nodded.

" They'll definitely love it. Especially Rias, she is obsessed with cute things. " Issei replied. That didn't make Koneko happy though, it made her scared.

'She's never going to stop petting me. ' Koneko thought. Issei then noticed something. It was Rias swimming.

'Damn!!!!' Issei thought and sunk into the water. He saw Rias' ass and boobs jiggling wildly as she swam and swam.


Issei grunted a little and emerged from underwater. He rubbed the top of his head and looked at Koneko who was the one who hit him.

"Hehe...." Issei giggled sheepishly to which Koneko sighed in defeat.

"There is one more who needs help in swimming." Koneko looked at Asia who was checking over her rack and mumbling something about it not being 'big enough'.

Issei grabbed Asia's hands, prompting the blonde to look at him. Issei smiled.

"C'mon Asia, let's get you swimming in the pool...

To be continued....