
Issei's Redemption

Issei wakes up one day and finds a floating blue screen staring at him. What will he do now? Watch as he finds his way in this new supernatural world he's accidentally stumbled upon and makes a name in it.

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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166 Chs

A Nun

"That was fun, right Sona?" Issei asked Sona as they were standing in front of a two story house. It was Sona's house. Sona smiled and nodded.

"Yes, it was. Especially in the arcade." Sona replied. Issei grinned.

" At the end of the date, the girl usually gives the guy a kiss." Issei told her. Sona rolled her eyes.

" Come here. " Sona whispered and grabbed his shirt. She pulled him in and kissed him lovingly.


They enjoyed the kiss together. After a while, they released the kiss. Sona blushed and hugged him. "See you tomorrow, Issei." Sona whispered.

" Yeah, good night, Sona." They hugged each other for a while before releasing it. Issei grinned at her and disappeared using Soru.

He arrived in front of his home. He took off his shoes and entered his house. "I'm home." Issei muttered. He was surprised to see Raynare and Kalawarna standing in front of him.

They were glaring angrily at him. Issei gulped.

"Where have you been huh?! Dinner is cold!" Raynare demanded an answer. Issei scratched his head.

"I'm sorry, Raynare. But I got caught up with something." Issei apologized. Kalawarna crossed her arms and huffed.

"Next time tell us if you have something important to deal with! You wasted our time!" Kalawarna grumbled. Issei chuckled and grabbed their hands.

"I'm very sorry, you two. As an apology, I'll be the one cooking tonight."



Some time has passed, Issei was sleeping soundly when the door to his bedroom opened. He opened his eyes and looked at the person who came in.

It was Raynare and Kalawarna. They were only wearing baggy hoodies. They weren't even wearing underwear.

Issei sat up. "What's wrong?" Issei asked them in concern. Instead of answering, they closed the door and got onto his bed.

Raynare lied on his left while Kalawarna lied on his right. They pulled him down and snuggled up to him.

"Shut up and sleep." Raynare grumbled while cuddling him. Issei chuckled and pulled the girls closer to him with his arms.

" You guys are cute. Sweet dreams you two. "

" Whatever, idiot."




The next day, Issei was wearing casual clothes while walking around the town aimlessly.

He arrived in a park and continued on his aimless walk. Suddenly, he bumped into someone.

"Ah!" The girl squealed and landed on the ground on her butt.

"Ow." The girl muttered as she rubbed her butt with her right hand. She looked up at the person she bumped into.

Issei was kneeling in front of her while smiling gently at her. "I'm very sorry for knocking you down, miss. Are you okay?" Issei asked her while staring into the girls' eyes.

She was a pretty young girl with long blonde hair and green eyes. Her body measurements are [B83→85-W55-H81→83 cm]; height is 155 cm(5 feet 1 inch) and body weight is 44kg(97lbs). Her hair flows all the way down to her back, with split bangs over her forehead and a single strand sticking out from the top and sloping backward.

Her attire consisted of a dark teal nun outfit with light blue accents, a white veil over her head with light blue accents, a brown satchel slung on her right hip (where she holds her Bible), and brown boots with black straps in an X-shaped pattern. She also wore a silver cross necklace around her neck.

Her name is Asia Argento. She is a girl with a very gentle heart who possesses a rare Sacred Gear, Twilight Healing, in her body that is capable of healing the wounds of Humans, Angels, Fallen Angels, and Devils alike.

Asia blushed at his smile and gaze. She shook her head. 'No Asia! Do not give into temptation! Remember the Lord's teachings!' Asia reminded herself. She looked at Issei and smiled at him. Issei felt so warm from the smile.

'So cute!!!! I must protect her and that smile!!' Issei screamed in his mind.

"I'm okay, mister." Asia replied. Issei looked at her luggage full of clothes that had fallen out when she fell.

"I'll help you with this." Issei declared. Asia widened her eyes.

"No please! It's my luggage, so I should be the one taking care of it— Mmh!" Asia's lip was shut by Issei's index finger. Issei smiled at her.

"I insist. After all, I was the one who knocked you down so I will be held responsible for whatever damages I've done." Issei interrupted. Asia had no choice. Under his intense gaze, she knew she cannot argue with him.

Issei quickly gathered her luggage and tidied it swiftly. Even Asia was surprised at his speed at gathering and folding her clothes.

Issei handed her suitcase to her with a smile on his face.

He got up and held out his hand. Asia grabbed it and she was pulled up by Issei. "What's your name, beautiful?" Issei asked her. Asia blushed at his compliment.

"My name is Asia Argento. I'm a nun." Asia introduced herself with a stutter.

" Asia. A beautiful name fitting for a beautiful girl like you. " Issei whispered. Asia could only blush harder.

"Sorry for the large amount of compliments. It's just I can't resist complimenting a beautiful girl like you, Asia. " Issei apologized. Asia shook her head.

" No no! It's fine! Thank you for your kind words. " Asia thanked him with a warm smile.

'Fuccck!!!! I swear that smile could purify the evilest of beings!!!' Issei thought to himself while blushing a little. He cleared his throat.

"Where are you heading, Asia? You don't seem familiar with this town. Maybe I can guide you to the place you're heading." Issei offered. Asia widened her eyes again. This person is too kind.

"No! Thank you for your offer, kind sir! But I can't waste your time with my silly problems!" Asia replied. Issei chuckled.

" I have plenty of time to help someone out, Asia. A couple of minutes wasted helping someone won't kill me. " Issei argued with a smile on his face. Asia stuttered.


" Asia. Be honest with yourself, do you want my help? " Issei interrupted her. Asia looked down.

" I.... I..... Yes, please help me, kind sir. " Asia stuttered. Issei smiled.

" See? It wasn't that hard. Now, tell me your destination, Asia. I know plenty of shortcuts we can take." Issei told her. He was surprised about her answer.

"The church, please." Asia replied, prompting Issei to widened his eyes.

'Why the fuck would she want to go there?! That place is abandoned!' Issei thought to himself.

'Partner. You already have come this far, you can't quit now. ' Ddraig advised. Issei sighed.

'I know. I'll bring her there. ' Issei them cut the mental connection between them. Je smiled at Asia.

"Let's go then, Asia....

To be continued...