
Issei's Azur Lane

What happens when Issei disappears from his world and goes to Azur Lane. will he be able to save his friends on his old world when he returns? and will he be able to save not just Azur Lane and his Earth, but the other worlds that the Sirens have invaded.

heath_nielsen · Others
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17 Chs

Meeting With Lord Origin

Back with little Issei as he slept with his mother in a blanket, inside his soul a being began to wake up. It was the feared Red Dragon Emperor, or at least she was supposed to be male. She knew that she was a male host, as she could see the gender maxi in his DNA. So she thought she should be male as with her other host before. But she was a she and as she pondered this question, she heard a voice; "Welcome Ddraig or should I say Scarlet." it said with a booming voice.

Turning around, she sees the man sitting cross-legged on a blanket sipping tea. Transforming into her human form, which was well endowed in all areas of her figure with a red dress that was full length. On the dress was a golden western dragon with the tail starting at the bottom side of the dress and its head laying right underneath her right breast.

Bowing to the man, she sat down like a noble lady and picked up a cup of tea; taking a sip, she asked "So what do I, a lowly dragon turned Sacred Gear, get such a visit from the person who created this whole universe. Lord Origin?" The older-looking man smiled as he placed his cup down on the plate. He said, "Is it not alright to see one of the two beings that I thought of as daughters to me to see how she is doing?" Sounding kind of hurt at what Scarlet said.

Scarlet narrowed her eyes as she spoke, "If you thought of us as daughters, you would have not put us into this mess in the first place or have sent one of us to another world where we would have been better off." She finished as she had a small amount of hatred for the man who created the two Heavenly dragons. Things were fine until Albion got a stick up his ass and started to fight Ddraig, causing them to fight in the battlefield where the three factions were and getting sealed into the Divine dividing and Boosted Gears. Lord Origin sighed as he said, "It was the best opinion that would not have killed the two of you and still keep you on the planet that I need you on, expectantly now." he said with sadness. Scarlet looked puzzled as she asked, "Why?"

Scarlet knew he was powerful, hell he is the being that created the known Universe and was the reason why she was even alive. To hear censored in his voice was puzzling, to say the least. Why would he need both Albion and herself on this planet whatever he needed to be done, he could do himself. As if he could read her mind, which he could if he really wanted to, he dropped the spell that concealed his power and aura. Scarlet was shocked, as someone who would be visited by him every time he was on earth; she knew his power very well. She almost had to take a double look to see that the man in front of her was the lord origin himself. While he was still very powerful, He was nowhere near his prime and the once brilliant white Aura is now duller and a little less luminating.

Seeing a tear drop down from her eye, Lord Origin smiled as he said, "Hey, I am not over the hill yet as the humans would say. I still have a lot of power left in me." as he flexed his muscles, which did not appease her one bit. Scarlet asked, "Did fighting Trihexa really hurt you, Father?" Knowing she would know he was lying, he nodded, "Yes, It did. I am ashamed of myself that I have still not fully recovered from that fight. Not only that, But we were only able to seal the damned beast instead of killing it."

"I see, so that is why GOB and those devil kings are nowhere here." Scarlet sated. Lord Origin nodded, adding "Yes, while it was my hope that just the four devil kings dying would be enough to get it to die, GOB also knew it would not work. And he sacrificed himself in order to seal it. What's worse is that we could not seal it away from this planet. For some reason, it was able to anchor itself to this planet. The only thing we could have done was seal it away in a pocket dimension in this world. I have been keeping the barrier active, which is part of the reason why my power is not what it once was." He said.

"So, are you looking for a replacement? And you're hoping that by this boy uniting the factions of this world together, you would find a successor to your reign?" Scarlet asked. Shaking his head, Lord Origin, "No. I would never do that to the boy. It is my mess and I will clean it up. But in order to do that, I must have help with any other problem. In a world just like this earth, I had given a Computer programmer and an engineer, let's say some helping hands, in creating a functioning A.I. humanoid Creature that the two would later call Siren. Yes, I know the name is kind of lame but it is what it is. But the program was way too smart and figured out that with the capabilities of that world's humans that they should not exist. Shore enough, I was visiting that planet once and the original group of Sirens cornered me, with the Leader asking, "Are you our real creator?" I Should have kept my mouth shut at the time, But I answered "Yes." She then asked "What is our purpose? Why are we here?" I said, "to help Humanity better themselves." The leader seemed to like that answer, but a few of the others did not and felt hostel.

It was then that I talked with one of the researchers, Doctor Aoste if I remember correctly. He said that they were trying to keep the girls in line as they were the testers of not just a new power source, but also a new kind of weapon. These girls were also being used to see if these new technologies would affect people in any negative way. They called the leader Empress; then there was Observer Zero, Purifier, Tester, Compiler, and Omitier. He said that once the testing was over, the girls would be free to do what they wanted; so long as they had no negative effects affecting them. Then he left for another meeting. That was the last I saw of the man.

I had to take care of a few places that had begun to cause me some concern as the stability of their worlds was put into question. So I was not able to keep an eye on that other earth. By the time I was finished, that earth had become a battleground as the Sirens minus Empress and Purifier rebelled against the humans. Not only did they almost destroy the humans on that planet, but had made many, many conquests of other worlds and were using those populations as soldiers. I did what I could to try and stop them, but they had created a dimension that only they could use, and let's say that my abilities are not what they once were. So, I went back in time and gave those humans something like this." Holding out his hand, a blue cube, the size of a Rubix cube had a tremendous amount of power inside of it. As Scarlet looked at the cube, He continued, "I told the Researcher Anzeel, whom I knew from Aoste, to use the old ships of WWI and WWII of their world as a blueprint to create a group of people who could stop the Sirens. This plan is working, to a degree but the Sirens have been evolving and are trying to reach something." He said with some regret in the final words he said. "what are they trying to reach?" Asked Scarlet, He answered, "Me."

Scarlet was shocked, she knew that there were plenty of beings that wanted to achieve the power of the Origin themself, but were never able to because they would either destroy themselves or get killed by those who knew that level of power was wrong. To hear that there was a group of beings trying to become like him, and were causing him to worry was news to her. She asked," How come I have not noticed these beings?"

"Because I have created a barrier and created it in such a way that they must fight through that planet Earth to get through the barrier." As he finished, he pulled out a map and it showed her not just her world; but also all the other worlds and the dimensional Gap. She could see that in between the world that had red covering them and the world that had blue was the multicolored "So you've been using the Dimensional gap as a blocker, Right?' "Yes, it is also the reason why Ophis and Great Red have been getting along this whole time. As you know, the only thing that they hate more than sharing that space is having uninvited guests show up." "So, you are hoping that this boy is the key to at least winning that war? But what about these girls here? Or you're going to ruin their lives because a lot of those girls already love that boy and ripping him away would destroy them." "I am not heartless, Issei will only be gone for a space of ten years. I just don't know when he will leave this world and go to the other earth, Which is why I want so many people to be with him now so he will be able to fight. This is why I am here, I need you to help Issei in his training. There is a reason why I chose him and I think you will like what you will find. So will you help?"

Scarlet thought for a moment, she knew that trusting this boy for something this big was a very long shot as well as dangerous. But with the way Lord Origin was saying, If these identities are able to break through, They might very well reach their goal of challenging Lord Origin, and if he losses, his barrier protecting the whole universe from Trihexa going lost and there would be not a whole lot they would be able to do to stop it without great loss of life. Scarlet looked at the man, saying "While I don't like it, I will help. Are you sure the boy can do this?" "Yes, for he is the last of his kind." He smiled as Scarlet could feel something familiar. Her eyes widened when she thought of the last time she saw this power. She then felt the heat in her lower parts, with her instincts started to show through. Her breath became ragged as she started to sweat and hold her breast and mound slightly. Hearing this, Origin chuckled as he said, "So, when will I have grandchildren? I want to spoil them reten….." Before he could finish, origin got splashed by some tea as Scarlet tossed her cup at him. Putting his hands up in defeat, he said, "I was only joking. Although, I think you now understand why I need you both. Since you both are the closest dragons to him, he will need to learn a lot more than what the others would be able to teach him. I also know that every one of the girls that become his wife will have at least one child. What do you think?"

After a few seconds of thinking, Scarlet said, "I will see to it that the boy learns about his heritage." she finished while looking at the small child. She smiled as she taught about the man that he would become as he would make his ancestors proud.

Nodding to her acceptance of his request, Origin got ready to leave. Picking up his walking stick, he turned as he said, "Then I will leave it to you then. Oh, do tell Azazel Micheal and Sirzechs that I said hello and to behave themselves. If they don't, then….." Scarlet chuckled at his words as she understood what he meant. She nodded, telling him to be careful.

Soon she was left by herself in the mindscape. But she knew that when Issei awakened the latent power within him, he would be with her.

This chapter is a beginning of an original character who explains to Ddrig or in this story Scarlet what will happen in the future.

I am going to be working on this story so expect another chapter soon.

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