
The paparazzi

Waking up in a luxurious hotel for the past week has the been the best,I could barely believe it when I was offered this opportunity, it felt like a dream but it's sad its coming to an end so I decided to spend the day out since I was done with all my work .

Walking out the reception towards my car, I heard a little commotion and turned around to watch a guy sprint through the luxurious resort's manicured gardens, glancing over his shoulder at the relentless swarm of paparazzi closing in. With a desperate urgency, he looked towards me getting into my sleek convertible. Without a second thought, he approached me, his eyes pleading.

"Drive, now!" .His voice cut through the tension, I was bewildered, hesitated for a moment before unlocking the car. He slid into the passenger seat, his tailored suit wrinkled, and his eyes scanning the approaching chaos.

I revved the engine as the paparazzi descended upon them like a swarm of locusts. "What's going on?" I demanded, hands gripping the steering wheel.

"I'll explain later. Just go!". He snapped, and I accelerated, leaving the pandemonium behind.

As we sped through the tropical paradise, his breaths were heavy with relief, but the paparazzi were relentless. I expertly maneuvered through winding coastal streets, my heart hustlin with the engine's thunder. I looked at him, recognizing the assurance in his eyes.

"They won't give up easily," he muttered, the gravity of the situation sinking in. "Take the next left; it's a shortcut through the forest."

I obeyed, the car weaving through the dense foliage. The paparazzi, undeterred, followed closely. The atmosphere grew tense as the pursuit intensified, the lush greenery a blur around them. His charm was replaced by a stern focus as he guided me through the labyrinthine paths.

A sudden rain shower added to the chaos,making the contract streets smooth. The tires shrieked as I skillfully explored the elusive landscape. He held the entryway handle, his knuckles turning white. "Faster!They need to lose us"he said

I pushed the accelerator to its limits, the car darting through the rain-soaked curves. The paparazzi, however, were relentless, closing the gap with every turn. The tension inside the car mirrored the intensity outside, raindrops pelting against the windshield like a relentless drumbeat.

In a daring move, I executed a risky maneuver, narrowly avoiding a collision with an oncoming vehicle. His heart seemed to pound as the paparazzi, momentarily deterred, regrouped for another pursuit. The adrenaline-fueled chase continued, the tropical storm intensifying around them.

His composure unraveling, shouted directions, guiding me through narrow passages and hidden shortcuts. The car's headlights cut through the rain, uncovering the short lived impressions of the sea past the trees. The chase came to its climax as we drew nearer to a cliffside ignoring the tremendous field of the turquoise ocean.

I delayed, my foot drifting over the brake.

He realized the gravity of the situation, and urged me to continue. "Don't stop! We can't let them catch us now."

With assurance on my face ,I continued .The chase came to its apex as they rushed towards the cliff's edge, the paparazzi closing in. At the final conceivable minute, I swerved, barely dodging fiasco, clearing out the seeking after swarm stranded at the slope.

Breathing intensely, I sped absent from the edge of peril, the sound of the rain and the far off paparazzi blurring into the tropical night.

The adrenaline-fueled escape left us both silent, the only sound the rhythmic hum of the engine against the backdrop of the island's serene landscape.

As the rain subsided, I finally spoke up.

"What was that? It was crazy" I asked still in shock.

"It's just the paparazzi being themselves,

"You must be really someone important for them to chase you like that.

"Not really but anyway thanks for the help, your driving skills were great".

"It was nothing but if you really want to thank me, how about having a personal interview with me, I could use it to up my credit and maybe get a promotion, I am a journalist " .

"Nah not looking for any of that, I am a very private person." He answered getting out the car.

"Ok but you never told me your name, mines Chloe Davis".

"Lucas Winston" he said winking at me before walking off".

Week back to work was bizarre. I thought after the assigned project, I would finally get some respect in the office but everyone still sees me as a novice even though I have worked here for two years.They're behaving this way just because I am younger than them but soon enough I will prove myself to all of them.

Luckily enough today is Saturday which means no work today, I plan on having a stress free day but I keep getting texts from an unknown number for the past two days asking to meet up but it could be a killer so I didn't bother answering back and it has gotten worse to the point of calling me even in the middle of the night but because I had had enough,I answered the call this time

"What? What is it, why do you keep disturbing me, I can get you arrested you for harassment" I yelled at the person but he just chuckled instead

"Hello to you too Chloe"

"Who are you and how do you know my name?

"Oh have you forgotten me so soon, why haven't you answered my texts? I have been trying to reach out for so long."

"Sorry I don't respond to unknown numbers , you haven't answered my question

"Why don't we meet up so you can find out, I will send an address let's meet there

"It's crazy you think I am going to meet up with a stranger" I respond annoyed

"Well we will just see if you are going to come or not" he says ending the call but I could sense the smirk on his face which annoyed me because I knew I was going to go there as the curious person I am and couldn't resist.

Waiting at the address he sent for the past thirty minutes but he was a no know show, I came to the conclusion that I was being pranked and decided to leave.

"Leaving so soon?" A voice said behind me

"You!!, you're the one sending the messages all this time, why didn't you just say so instead of all this mystery?"

"Well what will be the fun in that" he says with a smirk on his face

"Ok corky much, so why did you need to meet up?"

"Well I have something very important to ask, why don't you sit so we can talk" I nodded sitting back down.

"Go ahead, " I said, anticipating his question.

" I want you to marry me."