
The contract marriage


"I want us to get married"

"I heard you clearly the first time, are you crazy?" I said

"I am talking of a contract marriage not a real one" he said then I busted into laughter thinking he was playing a prank on me, he looked at me, and he wasn't laughing with me

"Don't tell me you are serious" I asked horrified

"Yes I am, it can benefit the two of us" I looked at him like he had grown a second head. "Here I thought my life was already a mess and had enough drama."

"Why do you want to marry me?

"Well apparently since the paparazzi couldn't catch up with us, they came up with rumors that you are one of my many lovers, which is causing a lot of problems in my life right now

"Ok but I don't see how I come into all of this?"

"The thing is I come from a traditional Orthodox family where such is frowned upon, so when they asked I told them you were my wife" he said whispering the last part but I heard it.

"What? " I screamed

"Shhhh! No need to shout, so I really need your help here"

"I already made a horrible decision helping you with the paparazzi which lead to this nonsense, so that not happening

"What come on, if I don't introduce you to them quickly my inheritance will be taken away and I have worked too hard for that to happen

"So you want me to pretend to your family about being your wife for a dinner, since you have money you could have hired any other girl to do

"Firstly I chose you because we can both benefit from this and no not just pretend, we will be really getting married"

"Nope not doing this, not interested.

"Wait I will give you the interview you want" he says holding on to my arm

"Nah no longer interested" I said ,pulling my arm away.

" I will get you an interview with Cara Anderson" he says causing me to freeze in my step

"How? She's the most difficult celebrity to get an interview with" I ask excited causing him to smile

"Well I am a very influential person so doing that will be easy but that will be after the wedding" he said, which got me thinking, if I could do an interviewing with Cara, i would receive all the respect i deserve and possibly a promotion.

"If we are to go ahead with this, what else could I benefit

"You will receive a hundred thousand dollars every month for the duration of the marriage"

"Ok for how long does this marriage have to last?"

"A year then we can come up with something to end it" I nodded in response

"Alright that's a yes which is great, let's get going

"Go where?

"Get married duh"

"Today!!!?" I ask "Yes" he responds.

"But don't we need time to arrange the wedding and everything?"

"Don't worry I have all that settled, let's go"

"You knew, I would agree, didn't you?" I ask but he just shrugs his shoulders with a smug in his face.

The courthouse stood stoically in the heart of the city, its grand architecture contrasting with the urgency that propelled Lucas and I through its doors. We were on a mission, driven by circumstances that demanded haste. The scent of bureaucracy lingered in the air as we approached the marriage license counter, fingers tightly intertwined.

"Lily this is my friend Mark and Mark Chloe" he says

"Nice to meet you" I say shaking his hand

"Do you have the papers? " Yeah here you go"

"Here read and go over it properly before signing them" he hands over the papers to me

"Alright everything seems okay, hand me a pen please " he gives it to me, I signs the papers and he also signs it.

"Ok the contract is settled let's move quickly please" he stated gesturing towards the courthouse.

My dress, a simple yet elegant choice, whispered against the polished floor as we joined the queue. He dressed in a hastily chosen suit, I stole glances at Lucas, a mixture of excitement and nervousness playing in his eyes.

As we reached the counter, a middle-aged clerk greeted us with a practiced smile. "How can I help you today?" she asked, pen poised over a stack of forms.

"We're here to get married, I called earlier,Lucas Winston" he replied, his voice steady despite the racing of my heart. "Quickly."

The clerk nodded, unfazed by the urgency in his tone. "Alright, let's get started. Fill out these forms, and make sure everything is accurate. Once you're done, we'll move on to the next steps."

Seated at a nearby table, Lucas and I huddled together, our pens moving swiftly across the forms. The questions were routine, names, addresses, occupations, but the weight of their answers held the gravity of the situation. Our eyes met occasionally, a silent reassurance that we were in this together, no matter how hurried the circumstances.

Once the forms were completed, we returned to the counter, handing them over to the clerk. She reviewed the information, typing diligently into the computer. "Everything seems to be in order. Now, we will proceed to the ceremony. The clerk provided them with details about the ceremony, guiding us through the process with a detached efficiency that seemed at odds with the significance of the occasion.

As the afternoon sun bathed the courthouse in warm hues, Lucas and I stood before the small gathering of his friend. The officiant, a courthouse employee with a warm smile, led us through the vows. Each word carried the weight of our journey, a journey that had brought us to this moment of commitment.?

"I now declare you husband and wife," the officiant announced, sealing their union with a simple yet profound statement. We exchanged rings, the metal cool against our skin, a tangible symbol of the choices we had made in the face of adversity.

As we exited the courthouse, hand in hand, like the perfect couple we claim to be.

I glance at him, a smile playing on my lips. "Well, that was something, huh?"

He chuckled, squeezing my hand. "Something indeed.

"Now the next stop of today

"And where will that be?

"We are going to my parents house for you to meet my family.