
The explicit tape

"Stop it, stop it now!" Luna screamed at the guy in charge of playing the video

"You! You did this, didn't you?" She screams pointing at me.You did it right,referring to me

"What I don't understand?,Wha what are you talking about?" I asked confused by the accusation

"You made this video to ruin my reputation " she said matching up to me

I stared at her in the dimly lit party room adorned with flickering candles, the air was thick with tension. Lucas stood in the middle, caught between me and his fuming aunt Luna. The guests who had gathered for the celebration sensed the brewing storm and watched in silence whiles others whispered among themselves.

Aunt Luna, with her sharp eyes and clenched jaw, pointed an accusatory finger at me. "You think you can just waltz into this family and ruin everything, don't you?" she seethed.

I stood there confused at what was going on, I met Luna's gaze with a mix of surprise and confusion. "What are you talking about, Aunt Luna? I have no idea what you mean."

"Why would I do such a thing when I just met you?" I asked trying to make sense of everything .I don't even know you,I said.

Luna scoffed, her voice dripping with contempt. "Oh, spare me the innocence act. I know all about your little investigative talents. Your so-called journalism is nothing more than prying into other people's lives. You created the video didn't you?"

Lucas interjected, trying to mediate. "Aunt Luna, Chloe would never do something like that. Let's talk calmly and sort this out. She just met you and please stop creating a scene"

But Luna wasn't having it. "Calmly? You think I can stay calm when she created this nonsense to embarrass me in front of our guest and have some juicy gossip to write about and make the front page of those silly magazines."

The guests exchanged uneasy glances as Luna continued her tirade. "I would never have an affair, much so with the driver and now thanks to your precious wife, the entire world would think I am doing so, I won't stand for this humiliation,no I can't take it"

I maintained my composure and responded, "Aunt Luna, I had no knowledge of any of this. I'm a journalist, yes, but I have my professional ethics. I would never stoop so low."

Luna's eyes narrowed, the fire within intensifying. "Oh, spare me the righteous act. You journalists dig into people's lives, creating and forging up lies for a living. Why should I believe you now? You married into this family, and suddenly, this comes out. This was your plan along wasn't it, using Lucas to get into our lives.

Lucas, frustrated by the escalating situation, insisted, "Aunt Luna, accusing Chloe without any proof is unfair. We should discuss this privately and find a solution."

But Luna wasn't ready to back down. "No, Lucas. I won't let this slide. Chloe needs to pay for what she did. I'm calling the police, and I'll make sure she faces the consequences of trying to ruin my reputation. You will be divorcing her immediately."She said

The room buzzed with tension as Luna stormed out, leaving the guests in awkward silence. I looked at Lucas with a mix of sadness and disbelief. "I can't believe she thinks I would do something like that. What do we do now?"

Lucas, torn between loyalty to his new wife and family ties, took a deep breath. "We need to talk to her, reason with her. This isn't how I planned this.I didn't expect things to turn out this way."

Then we followed Luna to her study, where she was hastily gathering her belongings. "Aunt Luna, please, let's talk about this," Lucas pleaded.

Luna turned to face them, her eyes ablaze with anger. "Talk? There's nothing left to say. You planned to humiliate me to the world, knowing how influential our family is, and now I'll make sure you pay for it."

Lucas, desperate for a resolution, implored, "Aunt Luna, I love you, but accusing Chloe without evidence is unfair. We're family, we should trust each other."

Luna's expression softened for a moment, but the anger quickly returned. "Trust? How can I trust someone who invades people's privacy for a living? You chose to marry a journalist, Lucas. You should've known the consequences. And how could you be talking about family when you are supporting her instead of me,your aunt. I have known you all your life, even took care of you when your mom left"

I tried fighting back tears because I couldn't understand what was going on, "I love Lucas, and I would never Involve in this." I said this trying to convince Aunt Luna.

Luna hesitated, torn between her anger and the possibility that she might be wrong. The room hung in suspense as she finally spoke, "Fine. If you're innocent, prove it. Find out who exposed my affair, and if it wasn't you, then maybe we might accept this sorry excuse of a relationship."

Lucas, relieved to find a glimmer of reason, nodded. "We'll investigate this, Aunt Luna. But let's keep it within the family for now. Going to the police isn't going to help but make things worse."

Luna reluctantly agreed, and then we left the study, leaving the guests in the dark, trying to salvage what was left of the night.

All the guest went home but they still gossiped about the video,trying to get more information but I was just glad the night was over, we bid everyone goodbye and headed for the car

"Tonight was surprising.

"Tell me about it, I can't believe someone would create such a video about an aunt Luna.

"Suprising indeed".Lucas said

"Do you think the video is real?" I asked

"No, why would you say that?

"It's just that it looked real,not fake but you know her more than me so let's just keep the thought aside."

"The main thing now is to fish out who did it and clear your name" I nodded

"Yeah, so about that interview? How soon can we make It happen?

"Who did that to my car!" He yelled running towards the car.

"Who? Why would they do this" he said, pulling out the brick wedged in the car glass.

"Look there's a piece of paper attached to it" I said pulling it out and opening it.I gave it to Lucas and he read the details loud enough for me to hear.

"She didn't leave you, they killed her, watch your back you're next"