

What do mean I'm meeting your family?

"What do you mean by that? That's the main purpose of all this .

"And you couldn't have told me this earlier" I argued.

"I did, I just didn't say how soon so focus on how we are going to act like the perfect couple in love and just a heads up, my family can be really mean and suck up so prepare yourself."

"Oh My God"

"Look just calm down, if you keep acting like that we are going to get busted.

"Don't tell me to calm down I am a journalist not an actress" I yelled at him

Driving to the mansion nestled within the heart of a thriving Michigan, the air in the car was thick with anticipation as he prepared to introduce his newly hired wife, Me, Chloe Davis, to his traditional Orthodox family. The Winston residence exuded wealth and sophistication, with its grand , marble floors, and priceless artwork adorning the walls. He knocked on the door waiting for us to be let into the main house.

"Oh Lucas you are here, that's great come in I want you to meet Eleanor" His Aunt squealed with excitement

"Aunt Luna wait I want you to meet my wife Chloe" he announced waiting for her reaction

"So you're the girl he was running around with" she says with disgust in her tone.

"Nice to meet you Ma'am" I put out my hand for her but she ignores me

"What's taking so long Luna?" A man said it seems to be his father because of the striking resemblance.

"Well your son said he's married and shows up with this washed up gold digger "

"Calm down, I am sure he has a perfectly good explanation for this, right son? Why don't you guys come in.

As I and Lucas entered the ornate dining room, the rich aroma of a home-cooked meal wafted through the air. The long mahogany table was impeccably set, and the family members were gathered, dressed in elegant attire that reflected both tradition and affluence. His Aunt, Luna, sat at the head of the table, exuding an air of authority befitting the matriarch of the Winston dynasty.

" So Father, everyone , I can explain ," Lucas announced, his voice resonating with confidence as I gestured towards me.

"You better start talking" she demanded

"Ok, remember when I traveled to Vegas a year ago, well I met Chloe over there and we clicked. We dated for sometime and decided to get married recently.

"That was a year ago and you had all these while to tell us.

"Yes aunt, I am sorry" he admitted apologetically.

"But what were you doing at the Stanford hotel in the first place?

"We were celebrating our honeymoon " he explained

Luna Winston, a woman of grace and poise, studied me with a discerning gaze. Her silver hair cascaded in perfectly coiffed waves, framing a face that bore the wisdom of years spent managing the intricacies of familial and societal expectations.

"Welcome, Chloe," Luna said with a warm yet fake smile. "We are delighted to have you join us. Please, take a seat."

I wore a tasteful and modest attire that reflected my respect for the occasion, gracefully taking her place at the table. The family's eyes were upon me, each member curious about the woman who had captured Alexander's attention.

As the meal commenced, conversation flowed around the table. Lucas's father, a distinguished gentleman with salt-and-pepper hair, proceeded to start a conversation.

"So Chloe, may I ask what you do for a living?" His father asks to know about my background as I expected

"Well sir I am a journalist

"A journalist! Lucas Winston, you couldn't find someone better to fall in love with than a News rat with no future."

"Aunt, how can you be so disrespectful to my wife?" He asked shocked at her behavior, putting my hands on me apologizing for the insults

"What? All I said is the truth, no one knows her neither do we know her music

"Luna that's enough" his father shuts the conversation down before things could escalate

The atmosphere in the dining room shifted as Lucas's older cousin, James, a shrewd businessman in his own right, delved into the specifics of my role within Lucas's company.

"So Chloe, why did you marry my cousin?" He asks , his voice dripping with disgust .

"Because I love him." I responded

"Oh really or you married him because of money " he asks causing me to freeze before responding to him.

"No I didn't marry him for money, like I said I love him plus I didn't know who he was until we were married but that doesn't change anything" I answered with no hint of nervousness.

The rest of James' questions, while probing, were met with articulate responses, showcasing my competence and expertise.

Throughout the evening, I tried to navigate the delicate balance of fitting into his family dynamics. I gracefully adapted to the formalities of their Orthodox traditions, displaying a keen understanding and respect for their customs. From the exchange of pleasantries to the intricate rituals associated with family gatherings,

As dessert arrived, served on exquisite china plates, Luna addressed me directly. "Chloe, we appreciate the opportunity to get to know you better tonight. Lucas holds a special place in our family, and we trust that you will complement the values we hold dear."

I met Luna's gaze with sincerity. "Thank you for welcoming me into your home"I replied. I have great respect for the Harrington family, and I am committed to supporting Lucas in both his personal and professional endeavors." Hoping I am finally being accepted".

"Alright since we weren't able to attend the wedding why don't we throw you guys a party to celebrate the wedding and introduce chloe properly to the rest of the family " his father announced.

"Don't worry dad, all that's not needed.

"That's a great idea, and it's been a long time we had a party, we can have it next week Saturday " mom says agreeing with my father.

"Alright it settled then next Saturday it is" he agrees knowing there's nothing he can do to change they mind then tapping on my hand assuring me everything is going to be fine.

The evening concluded with a sense of approval lingering in the air. The Winstons, known for their discerning judgment, seemed genuinely impressed by my poise, intelligence, and respect for their traditions.

As I and Lucas bid farewell to his family, making our way through the grand foyer of the mansion, Lucas whispered, "You handled that admirably, Chloe. My family can be quite traditional, but they appreciate authenticity. You haven't won them over yet but you will eventually."

"So this gala? What should I expect?" I asked

"Knowing my aunt except for anything.

The grand ballroom was adorned with sparkling lights and draped in lavish decorations, a testament to the opulence of the party my mom had organized to celebrate Lucas and I's engagement. I was dressed in an evening gown.

The lavish grand ballroom, adorned with shimmering lights and extravagant decorations, showcased the opulent celebration my mother had organized for Lucas and my engagement. I was dressed in a stunning evening gown as we mingled through the crowd. Aunt Luna's disapproving gaze across the room did not go unnoticed as we approached the center where a magnificent chandelier illuminated the guests.

Luna, a poised woman, greeted us with a tight smile, her subtle condescension evident as she complimented my appearance. I thanked her while trying to keep my composure. The party continued, but I found myself in an uncomfortable conversation with Eleanor, a stylish friend of the Winston family, whom Luna clearly saw as a potential match for Lucas.

"So, Chloe, how did you and Lucas meet?" Eleanor asked, her tone sweet but with an undertone of curiosity that felt intrusive.

I glanced at Lucas, who sensed the tension and subtly squeezed her hand in reassurance. "We met at a charity event in vegas. Lucas was there, and we just clicked," I replied, attempting to keep the conversation light.

Luna, however, seized the opportunity to interject. "Eleanor, darling, you must share your story with Chloe. Lucas is quite the catch, and it's always good to know one's competition, isn't it?"

Eleanor chuckled politely, playing along with Luna's thinly veiled attempt to unsettle me. "Oh, Luna, you always have a way with words. Well, Chloe, Lucas and I have known each other for years. Our families go way back, and it just seems natural for us to be together."

I felt a knot forming in my stomach, but I smiled gracefully, not wanting to give Luna the satisfaction of seeing my discomfort. The night continued, with Luna orchestrating moments to bring Lucas and Eleanor together, all while casting subtle glances of disapproval at me.

During a dance, Luna approached Lucas with a sly smile. "Why don't you ask Eleanor for a dance, Lucas? I'm sure she would love that."

Lucas glanced at me, sensing the tension but unsure of how to navigate the situation. "Actually, aunt, I'd like to dance with Chloe my wife first."

Luna's smile faltered for a moment, but she quickly recovered. "Oh, of course, dear. Dance with Chloe. There'll be plenty of time for other dances later."

As we glided across the dance floor, I could feel the weight of Luna's disapproval. The tension reached its peak when Luna, seemingly innocently, suggested a dance between Lucas and Eleanor immediately after I and Lucas finished ours.

I excused myself to the restroom, needing a moment to collect my thoughts. As I returned, I overheard Luna whispering to Lucas about the importance of family alliances and the legacy they carried.

As the evening drew to a close, they decided to end the party with slide shows of Lucas's pictures. We all focused our attention on the screen as it began to play but we soon realized it wasn't Lucas in the video but his Aunt kissing someone who isn't her husband.

"Shit" I heard someone say as the video continues to play leading into more explicit content leaving everyone in shock.