
Isbor Of Kurajir

"It was the voice wasn't it? It spoke to you again. I hear it some times,I feel it all the time I believe it is a guide to a path we do not know, or maybe a path we fear to take or have taken and it failed us. You are silent, what I speak does it not make sense to you? You sit there feeling pitiful as I speak of the silent stories, The truth hidden in the crevice of the words coming from my mouth. It was the voice wasn't it!? Speak to me I plead so this tsunamic curiosity for which the voice truly is may die down". -------- After the town Kurajir gets wiped from existence on the grounds of practicing alchemy, it only survivor Isbor gets a gift. A gift he calls Abaramcheë, The Voice. He sets out to understand what this voice truly was but little did he know he was on an adventure that would change the purpose of him breathing.

Praise_Nyuell · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter Nine


I looked Norii straight up and wished he could return the stare. "What happened on the day of Kurajir's extinction?"

"Vire told you the decree that was passed down by the Table of Four."

"Yes, she did"

"She didn't tell you the full story, the Table of Four passed down the decree to rid the world of akatsikuna. That's why Kurajirians didn't fight back".

"That was a massacre, innocent lives were taken."

"You do not know the full length of the curse you bear as well as I do not approve of the Table of Four's judgement."

"Why?" I was broken at heart knowing all those men, women and children died for a curse that wasn't even lifted.

"You were not just lucky," Norii said. "Akatsikuna protected its host."

My eyes almost popped out of its socket, I was in a dystopian state. What was this?

" No one survived that day, not even the Uza warriors".

This new revelation was a shock to my very existence, and I will say I was indeed shocked "What are you saying?"

"The Table of Four concealed this part of the story, knowing that akatsikuna was never exterminated."

"The assassins on the road to Sicj, the Dankuma. They were sent by the Table of Four?"

"There is no saying if it was them or not," Ïsale said sitting up.

"And don't think you're the only one that has been hunted" Vire told from across us pouring herself a drink. "I've had people trying to sniff me out also."

"How long have you guys been awake?" I asked bothered, I don't know why.

"Long enough" Vire answered.

Turning to Norii I began but cut myself short "Have you-?" Realising. "That's why you turned towards me; you sensed them while I was engrossed in this revelation."

"Akatsikuna" Vire teased. "it's better than Isbor don't you think."

She was indeed infuriating "Isbor Amakinja, I like that one. It's more alive" Ïsale says looking me directly in the eye.

"What do you mean by akatsikuna protected its host?" I turned back to Norii still in hunger for more.

"At the arrival of the Uza warriors, your people were massacred, the fear I think brought the akatsikuna to life, all I know is no one survived the purge" Norii answered silently.

"Then why reach out? Why did you send Mounduku?"

"I was fetched" his answer was simple but faint in explanation.

"I don't understand," I said. He tilted his head slightly, his chin leaning on his cane.

"I felt a calling, an eager one. It drew to me, and I responded by pulling" Vire moved to where I sat and handled me something liquid, she had brewed. " As I said I didn't like the judgement of the Table of Four"

With this, he drew a finality to the conversation we had even before dawn had awoken.


Vire moves towards where I sat and holds out some fruit, "apple?"

"Thank you" I got the apple from her and as I rolled it in my palms, I looked her in the face. What a beauty she was despite being the most annoying person I had ever met.

"Are you going to eat the apple or you're going to keep staring at my face?"

"You just had to spoil the moment," I said.

I munched the apple in silence, the gradual grinding of the fruit in my mouth was the only sound made so far.

"How are you holding up?" She asked, worried I suppose.

I sighed before answering "I don't know. Honestly"

"Yeah, I can relate. Takes me back to the old days when I learnt the truth, I was just a flicker of light among the stars".

"Flicker of light?"

"Yeah, I was young then. Young, naïve and knowing you'll be hunted the rest of your life, I'll say that's one way to tell a young girl how her life would be."

"I wish I could say I relate, but I don't. But being hunted and left alone mostly would pretty much make two of us".

Vire looked me in the eye and smiled a little, then her eyes drifted as her eyes began to get misty. "You should finish up your apple, we've a long journey ahead of us all."

"Wait what?"

Vire didn't wait to explain, and yet again I was left with a deep hunger for clarity.