
Isak Larsen: The Grandson of Thor and The Son of Neptune

A son of Neptune born into a Norse heritage, so what happens when you put him in Camp Half-blood, only tragedy can happen especially when Mr D keeps getting splitting headaches ever since he appeared Haunted by the death of his Mother, now always ready for the next battle and now only a single reason to die What chaos will ensue? (This is a Percy Jackson Fan Fiction and this is the first of multiple Isak Larsen tales) (I will try and keep an upload rate at at least once a week, this book may eventually include lgbtq and if you feel uncomfortable with that is it okay if you do not spread hate towards those communities.)

Pain_Person33 · Book&Literature
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9 Chs

The Wolf Way of Training

Isak looked at his face in the water's reflection, it had only been about half an hour since he woke up, he was told by the Wolf that food would be ready in roughly fifteen more minutes, Isak just stared at his reflection.

His dark green eyes shined in the water thanks to the summer sun shimmering down upon it, his blonde, slightly greasy, hair reached down to his shoulders, his ears hiding in the long blonde hair together with his new scar climbed down his face from the left side of his left bushy blonde eyebrow and fell to the left side of his thin dry lips, his small straight nose made his face complete as well as slightly baby fat cheeks. If he knew one thing that was that he definitely looked older than most 10 year olds.

He was already four foot and eight inches tall, he wore a grey t-shirt with a symbol of Teiwaz (Norse symbol for The Warrior) on it but the t-shirt was ripped to shreds on the back as well as burned all over. He went over to the wolves and took of his shirt.

"Do you have any other shirts I could wear?" Isak asked to the many wolves gathered near him then he said "Like I know you guys are wolves and stuff but there must have been overs like me, right?"

One wolf grunted and walked off, that same wolf came back with a shirt in it's mouth, it brought it over to Isak and dropped it right in front of him, it was a purple shirt having "Camp Jupiter" written on it.

"Right..." Isak said as he tried on the shirt, it fit him almost perfectly with still a bit more room to grow "thanks."

Minutes past as Isak just sat there, he swore the wolves were glaring daggers at him but he couldn't prove it, then, food arrived although ut was just pure meat that looked like it had recently been killed, all the wolves pounced onto the meat as Isak just looked at the carnage that insured, wolves started to fight over the bigger pieces while Isak was fine with just the small amount he was given.

The wolf Goddess howled as all the wolves stopped fighting over the meat and acted restrained, she walked over to the meat, each step put fear in all that were around, the wolves were now outside of the building and Isak felt like he should've left with them but he continued to eat.

"Today, child of Neptune, you shall learn how to control your powers, you shall learn how to hunt, how it feels to be hunted and you will learn how to never stay down in a fight." The large Goddess states just before she starts to eat the large piece of meat and the other wolves returned, actually behaving themselves while they ate.

After food the training began, he was forced to fight five wolves at once while only allowed to fight with his powers.

"You know, this seems a little unfair," Isak said as he walked into an open part of the woods with the wolves "I'm new to even fighting and my powers properly drain my energy."

"You are strong, one of the strongest I've seen if you didn't fall unconscious every time you use the gifts of your family," The wolf trainer of Romans says "even then, life isn't fair.... begin."

In the time that Lupa spoke the five wolves had surrounded Isak, he knew if he didn't use his power the Goddess of Rome (Lupa) wouldn't let him eat and he would likely have to train for longer, he could sort of just tell from what he had seen from her so far.

As the word "begin" left the silver eyed, chocolate red furred wolf's mouth the five wolves charged at Isak not giving him another second to think, two were coming from behind him, one in front but still a bit of to the left of him and the other two were to the right of him.

The larger of the two behind him leaped through the air onto his back, it's mouth already open and about to bite into him, so he did what any normal Demigod would do, used his largest and strongest attack at the very start of the fight, lightning riled up inside his entire body, his body became a literal conduct for electricity striking, people say lightning doesn't strike twice were right, it struck nine times each time the lightning had a higher voltage.

Fair to say Lupa had to restart the wolves heart and even then he would likely be unconscious for months which Lupa seemed to heavily dislike, Isak also fell unconscious, once again, it seemed like he had never trained a day in his life, that was slightly untrue considering he had trained with his mum, training how to use his lightning and how to fight but it seems like he forgot everything about that, every hour he had trained seemed to have just disappeared.

His lightning had become more powerful after the death of his Mother but it costed him more energy for even small amounts of it, his spear fighting was than it once was and even Isak, himself, couldn't stand it. This along with his new found frequent nightmares made him angry, he lost his Mother because he was to weak to fight, why couldn't he just be better, become more skilled, stronger. He had thoughts about how life wasn't worth it, he lost his Mother and even though it had just been a couple days since he started training he felt like he should be improving faster.

He needed to prove himself otherwise what was the hassle of being alive worth.

That was when the nightmare began, he realised he must have fallen unconscious while using his attack. In his nightmare he looked around he saw a huge golden lion, larger than a monster truck , it was surrounded by dead horses with wings on top and teenager's in armour. Behind the giant golden lion stood seven or eight large dog sort of creatures the size of grizzly bears.

The lion looked at his direction and growled then the vision changed to his Mother's body still there, slightly rotten, bloody and still holes in the body, tears swelled up in Isak's eyes as he saw this, her spear layed next to her as it started to glow, a large man with a beard stood next to her body, he had a large and long beard, he wore robes that covered his genitals and part of his arm also he carried a trident.

"I am sorry Nora," the large trident carrying man said "I will send a gift to our son, a combination of your spear and my trident, you were one of the only ones to not fear me and truly loved me and for that I am forever grateful."

After that vision, Isak gained consciousness, he saw he laid in the nearby pond, his arms were holding onto a weapon, a three speared trident, he could see the same markings on it that were also on his Mother's spear that being Asgard, Mjonir, Urus, Rerth and Teiwaz. Nora had taught Isak the signs that her Father's followers used and what they meant.

Isak got out of the pond and looked at the sky, it must have been about 4pm and the time of him falling unconscious was likely around 8am. He walked to the broken building which he nicknamed the Wolf House. He saw the wolf pack leader, the wolf Goddess there.

"How-how long was I out?" Isak asked looking at the ground not daring to look in her eyes knowing he failed and still having slight tears in his eyes.

"Luckily, only 8 hours this time," her words felt like spears, not that they were particularly rough just the way she said it made him feel pain "you will die out there unless you learn how to control it."

Isak gulped but deep down in his mind told him that he would be happier to die but the logical part of him turned it down, his mum sacrificed her life for him, he couldn't waste the opportunity he now had.

"I noticed you got a gift from your heavenly parent." The silver eyed wolf said, Isak stared at it, he understood that it was sent to him but was worth it.

"Ye-yeah, I had a vision about it." He said, his tone wasn't confident but he knew it was the truth so why wasn't he confident about it.

"Good, you start training in half an hour get ready." Lupa said while starting down Isak.

Isak left the building, he still felt useless and knew that this part of his life may be the best and that worried him.

Maybe his Mum shouldn't have saved him but he had to prove himself worthy of her sacrifice and he would, if that's the last thing he did.