
Isak Larsen: The Grandson of Thor and The Son of Neptune

A son of Neptune born into a Norse heritage, so what happens when you put him in Camp Half-blood, only tragedy can happen especially when Mr D keeps getting splitting headaches ever since he appeared Haunted by the death of his Mother, now always ready for the next battle and now only a single reason to die What chaos will ensue? (This is a Percy Jackson Fan Fiction and this is the first of multiple Isak Larsen tales) (I will try and keep an upload rate at at least once a week, this book may eventually include lgbtq and if you feel uncomfortable with that is it okay if you do not spread hate towards those communities.)

Pain_Person33 · Book&Literature
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9 Chs

The Wolf Goddess

Isak stood up, he walked out the building following the unusually large wolf that he did not know the name of. Of course he knew this was probably a foolish idea, disregarding some of his mother's important rules of survival. But what else was he going to do, he had lost his previous life when his mother died considering he was homeschooled and would move around frequently leaving him with no genuine friends.

He thought about his previous life as he followed the wolf, he remembered the stories his Mum told his former self, how he was descended from two mythologies. Of course he thought it was a joke but played with the idea as an inside joke with his mother. Oh how wrong he was... Days before the Harpies attacked, his mum told him how her Father was Thor, son of Odin and how his Dad was Neptune, son of Saturn and brother of Jupiter, making him the child and grandson of two of the most powerful gods in mythology.

When he was told that, something in him told him to believe his Mum, as though this was truly important, only days later Harpies came at him and his Mother.

"Daughter of Thor, death will reign on you." One Harpy said in a raspy voice, it sounded like it had got little to no water. The group of Harpies where thin, little muscle, little fat, mainly skin and bones but their eyes glared, the soulless eyes showed pure disgust for Isak and Nora.

"Daughter of Thor make son of Neptune is unexceptable." Cried out another Harpy, their speach was all wrong as though they were new to the English language but Nora knew they were dangerous, they all seemed fast and the wings on their back rose as if they were about to swoop down from the tree tops. Normally Nora could handle them but not if she had her child to protect as well.

"Kill, kill, kill, death to the Demigods!!!" All 13 Harpies cried out as they swooped down. Nora pulled out her Bone Steel spear and got ready to fight, clinging her spear with both hands and her eyes focused on the Harpies. She had taught Isak how to fight with it but she only had this one spear, she was cornered, protecting her son, her lightning would take up to much energy and her son wasn't protected... if she wanted her son to live she would likely die fighting.

She dodged as the first few Harpies came flying down. Nora let her body be a shield for Isak, simultaneously plunging her spear through the chest of one of the Harpies. As it disintegrated, another flew at her so she summoned a small bit of lightning and shot it through the Harpy, damaging it. Nora then back flipped over her son, stabbing two Harpies that were about to attack him, through the stomach at once.

But that was her first... and last mistake. Nora left her backside vulnerable, and the Harpies attacked with supernatural speed. She got slashed on her back by the Harpy she struck with Lightning and as she turned, another Harpy clawed at her right eye. Followibg that, a Harpy slashed at her son, Nora had enough and willed the rest of her little energy to summon more lightning. The bolt of white energy struck down the one that attacked her son. Nora collapsed onto her knees, having used too much energy in the attack giving enough time for a Harpy to stab her right through the heart. In her very final moment of her life, her prayer was heard, Thor would look over her son if Isak proved himself worthy.


Isak didn't know of the prayer, all the emotions flowing through him seeing his Mum bloodied and beaten let a storm rage inside of him.

"Haaaaaaaa!!!" Isak screamed, a whirlwind of emotions swirled around him: Pain, loss, sadness and rage formed as a storm cloud, raising above him and struck, killing every single Harpy in the nearby area. The trees all around him burnt from the lightning that went off course striking them. The area around him was burnt grass, ashes of the Harpies spread out, fallen trees, the beaten dead body of his Mum and lastly... himself.


He collapsed, and eventually got to where he is now, following a large wolf and thinking of the recent events.

The injury on his face was still slightly bloody having not been healed, his eyes still puffy from the crying he had done and he knew it be a long time till he forgave himself for being weak.

"Use the rage that you have inside of you, it will help you train." The wolf Goddess spoke to him in a harsh tone. She spoke to him as if she expected him to get over it, to wake up to reality, that his pain and loss happened every day and he couldn't let himself stay down.

Even more rage built inside of him, he knew this happened everyday but to expect him to instantly use his sadness made him furious, how dare that wolf, what did she know? Probably nothing. Deep down though he knew she was right, his Mum lost her own Mum at a young age.

He knew he was weak, he wanted to vow never to let another person die but he knew he couldn't. He stayed silent, he stayed in his own thoughts, just following the wolf, if the wolf was speaking to him, he wasn't listening.

"Your training shall begin today." She said in a voice that would make others fearful, this voice broke Isak out of his trance and all he could reply with was a nod.

"You shall first start with learning how to sense that you are being hunted, for this two of my wolves will be chasing you and you will need to be ready for a fight within 5 seconds before they reveal themselves," The Wolf stated with a slight glare sending slight shivers down Isak's back "If you fail, you will get no food tonight."

It began, Isak had to run into the woods with two wolves chasing after him, he would need to be able to tell when and where they were going to jump out of, he was given a spear, just like the one his mother had, to defend himself with. It felt right in his hands and he smiled upon receiving it. He sprinted through the woods, making slight turns every now and again to confuse the wolves chasing him. Suddenly a slight impulse went through the back of his spine.

He pulled on the spear tied to his back, he spun round, he held the spear with two hands with the spear end pointing towards the ground as if using it for defence, the wolves pounced onto him, he clenched his teeth and spun round, the spear tried to attack the wolf closest to his left but he failed horribly, giving the wolf closest to his right enough time to jump at him. Again Isak spun the spear round having it head pointed at the leaping wolf and slashed it, leaving a large gash in the wolf's hind leg.

The left wolf, now the only wolf left standing, charged at him, Isak tried to move his spear but the creature he had slashed held onto it, Isak pulled his hands off the spear and pulled his right hand back, he went in for a right hook slamming the wolf into a nearby tree. It howled in pain. Isak felt tremendous guilt. Was this training or just fighting?

As he was feeling guilty a large wolf pounced from behind him slamming him into the ground, the force was enough to break a couple of his ribs, he fell and grunted in pain as a couple tears fell down his face, the deep cut in his face was being pushed to the ground leaving him in even more severe pain, he couldn't take it, pain rushed though his entire body.

Rain began to slowly patter onto the ground as the larger wolf started to slash at his back, Isak screamed as rain began to fall heavier and heavier, every drop of water started to swirl as it all flew directly at the wolf pushing him off Isak, he turned his head to the foul creature as Isak started to try and get up, he managed to get up on one knee, his hands shaking as he did so.

"Damn you." Isak muttered under his breathe as lightning swirled up in the clouds above, striking the wolf. Isak fell, unable to stand the pain as well as the energy cost on his body.


It took days for him to finally wake up and he did so in a pool of water. Lupa, the wolf Goddess who he didn't know the name of, glared at him like he had committed a war crime. Isak couldn't remember what he did to deserve that.

"You are a son of Neptune, aren't you?" The Roman wolf Goddess claimed. "You almost killed three of my wolves, you wouldn't heal from ambrosia and you soon healed after being swept into the water only leaving scars on your body." The Goddess muttered, growling as she did so.

"I-I a-am," Isak said faking a confident voice and failing horribly "Did I really kill your wolves?"

"Like I said you almost did it," The Goddess said with irritation in her eyes, she sounded as if she wanted to make the Demigod clear up all the mess he made but she wasn't going to tell him that after he just woke up "we will need to teach you how to not fall unconscious in battle and maybe learn why ambrosia won't heal you." She continued, studying the son of Neptune curiously. "You have caused my pack a lot of annoyance, son of Neptune... let us see if you are worthy of our suffering..."

Isak didn't know why but felt as if he could eventually be either the end of the world or maybe be it's saviour...