
Is this the end?

When someone told me "Is this the end?", then let me fix that to be better. only the OC is mine

bluejoven · Others
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85 Chs

What happened to you...?

Nine days before the departure of Queen Henrietta to the frontline. Agnes was preparing her squad for last-minute practices. When Louise heard of this, she said that being in the frontline with the queen is what she's going to do. This leads to the argument with her sister Eleonore and being detained in one of the jails in the academy.

Raizen did not argue with Eleonore because he is now being preoccupied with Cattleya after her talk with Saeko. It took a week inside the chamber before Cattleya got out because she was learning the basics of everything that was in the house. It seems like the two bonded together even though their personalities were opposite of each other or there is something that he didn't know about.

The night of the hostage-taking came but Raizen had already planned. The barrier that he uses in the RWBY world is much better now that only a titled doulou can scratch it. Heat and cold will be negated and the wearer will not feel that they have it on. All the people in the school except Mr. Colbert have the protective barrier for the drama later. He won't die because Raizen already made a promise to him that he will teach him some "science", mostly chemistry and engineering, after this drama.

Just like in the anime, hostages were been taken but Louise was also included because she returned to her room before nightfall. Only the musketeers, Tabitha, Kirche, Mr. Colbert, and Raizen were the ones not included in the hostage that was gathered.

Agnes and her musketeers tried their plan but the people that attack the academy were more skilled so they fail.

Mr. Colbert's plan was next but Kirche and Tabitha tried to fight the enemy instead of saving the hostage.

Mr. Colbert fights off against Menvil but Agnes keep getting in between the fight and Mr. Colbert have to save her multiple time the leads to his accumulated wounds. Menvil was now was laughing that he defeated his predecessor in a fight.

R: "There is nothing funny defeating your enemy while he keeps protecting other people. But you know... *walking towards Menvil slowly* ...I'm glad that you are still standing because I can test the new and improver Derflinger!"

Raizen brandishes Derf with his new look. The body is a double edge sword. Having a blue platinum edge color and a black colored fuller with little to no sword hilt. If one will look closely, the body is littered with a lot of runes with different effects like sharper edge, regeneration, frying, return magic sense, magic absorption, and many more. The material used were the original metals, tungsten, and heart chilling iron from doulou dalu. With the use of magic, the sword can not cut anything material and immaterial with one swing.

Menvil attacks Raizen but the magic in the fire was cut in half that it disappears instantly. He tried again but was stopped every time. Raizen was now a meter away from Menvil but he put the sword to the side. Menvil then conjures his strongest attack but Raizen didn't let him finish and he throws the sword-like how daggers were thrown. After Menvil was killed, he recall the sword to his hand and swing it once to get the blood off. He also took the magic power of the other hostage-takers and was taken down by the musketeers.

Raizen looks at the dying Colbert and Agnes trying to hold back her anger for Colbert.

R: "Just stab him already."



R: "They need to do this to stop fighting anymore. You guys would not understand revenge until you experience it. So just do it. Kill the person that took away your family and the same person who made a mistake and saved you so that you can have your "chance" for revenge."

Agnes then stabs Mr. Colbert in his chest while telling her that she should stop fighting. She cries for a long time not knowing what to do next. On the side, Raizen and another is looking at all of this with a complicated expression.

Louise and Kirche got angry with Raizen for what he did. Kirche is now always getting away from Raizen whenever she sees him. Louise stops her training. Principal Osmond, who knows the truth, did not condemn the action of Agnes and deem the death of Mr. Colbert as punishment for his actions in the past. This decision made others become confused but the principal just shrugged it off. Cattleya wants to tell her sister the truth but she also wants Louise to have this experience now rather than later.

Louise is now in front of Queen Henrietta after she was called by her.

QHen: "Where is Raizen, Louise?"

Louise: "He said that he will be doing something so he wasn't able to come with me." *lying about not wanting to see Raizen*

The other people in the room know of what had happened in the magic academy and they also know of the truth of the matter and were told to not tell the others.

Meanwhile, Cattleya is sitting with Raizen eating a salad that he made using the ingredients from his time chamber.

Cat: "Do you think that it is a good idea to hide the truth from them?"

R: "No. But they need to know what is at stake in wars. It's not about being noble and responsible but lives. If they still keep their current stance about getting glory or responsibility without thinking about their and other people's lives then their actions will be meant as nothing.

Louise is probably being asked now to use her strength as a void mage to help win the war. Even without me, she can cast her explosion spells two times before she passed out."

Cat: "She is being sent to do a dangerous job but you don't want to support her by being here. I thought that you would help her grow?"

R: "First, my range of sensing can cover this world a few tens of times so I know what is happening to her. Second, even if I am not physically there, I'm protecting her. I send three robots to always keep her in harm's way as much as possible without affecting her own decisions. A thousand robots will be enough to take down Albion with fewer casualties if it comes down to it."

Cat: "If your robots can finish the fight faster, then why not do it. Why let others suffer further by this war?"

R: "Because a victory that is not earned by hard work is a hollow one. They might appreciate the war ended faster but the next few generations will think that other nations were weak. What if the ruler of Tristain at that time thinks that way? He/She will try to invade others and the country will lose because it has no experience in really winning a war.

This war might make the country create new better tactics against each other or might find a way to protect itself. A test for rulers on how to run a country in times of crisis and how to improve itself for the future. In the end, I don't want to impose my own will if I can help it. How would others learn if answers were always given to them?"

Cat: "Saeko did tell me how you do things but it pains me to see Louise in that state."

R: "There are more far more cruel worlds out there, yours were relatively safer if compared to them. I know what I did is cruel to them to see the reality this early that is why your father is adamant about not including you three in the war. But like I said, it's better to learn it now than regretting later."

Back in Albion...

The forces of Tristain and Germania manage to take another town from Albion after Louise's little skirmish. Two days after that, the magistrate of Albion tried to put a potion in the waterways of the town to use the soldiers of Tristain and Germania against their own but was stopped by the robots stationed there. They even catch a general while the magistrate escape. The things that happened and could have been, if the plan of Albion works, were reported to Queen Henrietta.

The report and the analysis of the potion were also sent to Germania and stated that the forces should continue advancing every three days. Queen Henrietta didn't argue this time and accept the proposal because she was angry that a potion to mind control her soldier was used by the Albion officials.

Two weeks later, Albion forces fall and the remaining aristocrats surrender. The magistrate escapes before Tristain and Germania come to the main city.

With the help of the golem, the aristocrats who were still willing to fight were taken down easily and stripped of their magic and will never use it again. Some nobles from Germany tried to protest but Tristain show a document and a couple of evidence that tell how some nobles of the Germanian country will try to take more of the land of Albion by undermining Tristain.

The king of Germania didn't say a word to the demands of Tristain taking over two-thirds of Albion and leaving the rest to them especially when a secret force of Tristain can take away someone's magic. For nobles, it was worse than being assassinated or directly killed.

As for the nobles of Albion, they were being screened for their intent with the war. If they join the war because of unethical reasons like a way of beating up plebeians without too much consequence or because they like killing then they will not be only be stripped of their magic but will work as a plebeian forever.

Those others that join because of reasons like "doing it for the country" or "don't have any other choice but to go", will be sentenced to a one year labor in agriculture and hard labor not only in the country of Albion but also in Tristain and Germania. If their right as a person is violated individually then the contract will be null.

Henrietta did not change the name of the country after winning in the memory of her beloved. The war with Albion did not last for eight months as it did in the anime and the kingdom of Galia did not interfere because the chaos was happening there with the reveal of some nobles doing unspeakable things.

While this is all happening. Raizen and Cattleya were now in the house of Tiffania. Raizen explains to Tiffania that the one teaching her about the outside world is his clone. The clone disappears then is replaced by smoke and the smoke merges with Raizen's body. Tiffany was surprised at first but she know that Raizen is the same person that help her understand the current world.

Tiffania: "What do I do now?"

R: "You can stay here to live the rest of your life in peace"

Cat: "Or you can live to see the wonders and downs of the world to give your life a meaning"

Tiffa: "My mother would want me to live my life. ... I've decided... I want to see the world."

R: "Great but first, let's meet the princess of Tristain because some information is needed before you start your journey."

Tiffa: "Information?"

At the same time as Louise is being called by the queen. Louise was finally able to see Raizen again after a long time but he was not talking to her and even brought another girl.

The queen who is sensing the awkward atmosphere started the conversation.

QHen: "Ehem! With the recent war not lasting far longer than estimated. Casualties are minimum for both sides. Proper judgment was passed on to the instigators of war and the kingdom managed to secure a large portion of the land of Albion. The country will be turned into a place of resources for both the Tristain and Germania. The people who are managing Albion now will do trade for the two countries tax-free for five years and be can be taxed for only 10% after the five-year duration.

Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière, you are here to receive your title as one of the Chevalier of this country for the contributions you made in the war."

Henrietta then passes Louise her cape and medal of honor that makes her a chevalier. The queen once want Louise to take the mantle when they caught Fouquet but some noble, the rotten ones, said that the achievement was too little to be granted the title. But now, Louise more than deserves to be a chevalier.

QHen: "As for Raizen, you denied before the title of chevalier but with your help with the war. The country suffered fewer casualties than estimated and even uproot the schemes of the nobles from Germania. I asked you again, would accept the title of chevalier?"

R: "No. But change my reward to a favor."

QHen: "What is the favor then?"

R: "I already gave you the reports about Tiffania and you know that she is your cousin. I just want you to recognize her publicly. If people were still afraid of elves then educate them and I will bring a representative from the elves to talk to the people."

QHen: "I'm curious, what did you do when you said to your report that you will meet the elves."

R: "..."


Raizen made another clone of himself and send it to Nephthys, the home of the elves, to gain their approval of Tiffania. Though she is not with this clone. The elves know that one of their people became a bride to a human in Albion.

The elves were currently in assembly because of the threat of war and being ready just in case the war of the humans escalate up to their territory.

When they were busy arguing, a human suddenly appeared in their hall with the garbs saying "I heart world", an elf then started barking orders for the guards to capture or kill the human.

Elf1: "Seize the human!"


These words keep repeating in the hall. When the elves were in position, they tried to use their magic but nothing happened. This gain confusion for all the elves in the room because they cannot use their magic. Some brave elves used swords and knives but weren't able to move from their spot.

??: "You people think yourself high and mighty above others and would assault anyone who is not one of you. As punishment for your kind's arrogance, anything that you rely on will be stripped from you. Your magic and the water in the river will be taken from you. You do not want help from the humans so will get none. The elves will not be able to leave this desert until all of its people learn the error of their ways."

Elf1: "Why are you doing this?!"

??: "Circumstances forced me to act this way. An elf will be living in the human world and has a high status if she accepts it. This will make a conflict to other nations in the future so I'm doing necessary measures now to prevent that."

Elf3: "We do not care about your human war and the life of that elf. We already know who she is and her traitor mother. If she is killed out there then good riddance."

??: "So be it, you will have this punishment for as long as no one of the elves outside the kingdom is dead." *flies away*

Elf1: "WAIT A MOMENT... Wait... His word does not represent the whole elf race. Why condemn the others for the mistake of the few?"

??: "Isn't that what you are doing to the human race? Your people talk about them as if every single one of them is evil. What about your race? One of you is out there right now helping on a plan to genocide a large population of humans. I he succeeds, I will the whole elven race accountable for the death of those people."

Elf2: "Tell us who is that elf and we will personally stop that person."

??: "But even if you stop him, it will not solve the main issue. That being your race's prejudice against the humans. Did you know that humans fear your kind because of the texts written after your ancestor's war on humans? So the problem is not on the side of the human but yours. I know that you have spies outside your territory to always look out for what is currently happening with the humans but you feed misinformation to your people because of your hate for them.

I can even guess that your kind has some people that want to interact with humans but the majority of you undermine those ideas. You people were no better than the humans."

Elf1: "What would you have us do? You wouldn't be here if you're just giving us punishment."

??: "You are right. I do have an agenda. I want you to make amends with the humans. I will give you time to decide while also re-educating your people. If your people still decide that you still hate humans then I will take drastic measures."

Back to the palace...

R: "So in a few days. Some representative of the elves will come here to talk to you. I said that your country will be the starting point for the new peace between the elves and humans. It will also stop them from persecuting Tiffania."

QHen: "Thank you Raizen for giving this chance for the country of Tristain. I will not fail the upcoming meeting."

Raizen nodded to the princess and walks away from the room leaving Tiffania in the care of the queen but was stopped by Louise.

Louise: *grabbed the hand of Raizen* "Why are you not talking to me or even being with me when the war is going. You're my familiar but you abandoned your master."

Louise knows that Raizen was looking at her even though there is a mask covering his face.

R: "Continue your training. We will talk later."

Raizen then disappears leaving Louise standing on her spot.